Taiwan’s example offers some ideas.
Though it may yet end up imposing stricter measures if a big second wave of Covid-19 infections materializes, thus far Taiwan has managed to keep most of its economy running.
雖然如果第二波感染出現(materialize 成形),可能變成需要施加(impose)更嚴格的措施,但目前為止台灣尚可大抵維持經濟運轉
It has done this, moreover, while keeping its count of total cases at only 373 and total deaths to five. This despite its proximity to the belly of the Covid-19 beast, China.
不僅維持整體經濟,還將病例數維持在 373 例,死亡數 5。前提是台灣鄰近(proximity)感染核心國中國
Taiwan has done this with aggressive testing and tracing—along with quarantines for those arriving from outside and enforced isolation for potential carriers. The economy doesn’t go on quite as normal, but it does go on.
積極檢驗與追蹤(aggresive testing and tracing),檢疫隔離(quarantines)海外歸來以及潛在帶原者(potential carriers,不是職涯 career)
“The anxiety is what is the most oppressive here,” Mr. Cuomo said. “Not knowing. Not knowing I’m positive, if my friend is positive, if my loved one is positive. Not knowing when this is going to end. The anxiety of dealing with the isolation day after day after day. It’s like a bad ‘Groundhog [Day]’ movie.”
「焦慮讓人最壓抑的就是不知道。不知道自己是不是中了,朋友、親人是不是中了,不知道這一切何時結束,日復一日隔離,就像是悲慘版的 Groundhog Day 電影*。」
positive 平常是指正向,這裡是指檢測呈陽性,就是中了
*Groundhog Day 電影是經典的《今天暫時停止》,主角重複過著相同的一天,這段是說大家像是被困在時空困境當中,日復一日
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News of the Week (19/7/2015)
Social Issues
Kim Jong-un puts food under the microscope
While North Korea has long been a mysterious place to many people, Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, is notorious for its oppressive style of governance.
North Korea, which borders South Korea and the north-east of China, is one of the very few Asian countries that have a closed economy. Without mouth-watering exotic foods and breathtaking tourist attractions, tourism is never a booming business in North Korea because of the strictly limited entry into the country. However, ironically, it is such a veil of secrecy that makes people more interested in this place, despite the lack of attractions in many other countries.
Recent news about Kim Jong-un revealed that he is a callous leader intolerant of mistakes and of people against him. Two months ago, a high-ranking official was executed in public with an anti-aircraft gun just because he dozed off in a meeting and talked back to Kim Jong-un. An anti-aircraft gun – as its name implies – is an extremely cold-blooded means of execution because it can rip human bodies apart.
Although Kim Jong-un can bump off whoever he wants to, he is living in fear of his life every day. Putting what he has to eat under the microscope is deplorable, especially when he has absolute control over whom to live and whom to die. If given freedom to choose, do you want a life free of fear or a life of authority yet also fear
microscope是「顯微鏡」,理科同學一定不會感到陌生,而put something under the microscope則取其「顯微鏡」的意思,整個phrase解作「認真地檢查…」。上文指金正恩真的用顯微鏡檢查食物,以防其他人下毒,因此標題put food under the microscope除了指金正恩檢查食物外,還指出他真的是透過顯微鏡來檢查。一個標題,雙重解釋。
1. microscope [n.] 顯微鏡
2. notorious [adj.] 惡名昭彰的
3. oppressive [adj.] 暴虐的; 殘酷的
4. governance [n.] 統治; 管治
5. border [v.] 與…接壤
6. mouth-watering [adj.] 令人垂涎的
7. exotic [adj.] 異國風情的
8. breathtaking [adj.] 壯麗的; 令人嘆為觀止的
9. booming [adj.] 蓬勃的; 發展迅速的
10. ironically [adv.] 諷刺地
11. a veil of secrecy [ph.] 神秘的面紗
12. callous [adj.] 無情的
13. intolerant [adj.] 不能容忍的; 不容異己的
14. execute [v.] 把…處死
15. doze off [ph.] 打瞌睡
16. talk back [ph.] 頂咀
17. anti-aircraft gun [ph.] 高射炮
18. cold-blooded [adj.] 冷血的
19. rip apart [ph.] 撕碎
20. bump off [ph.] 殺; 幹掉
21. deplorable [adj.] 可悲的
22. authority [n.] 權力