#thatshowlifegoes #theonlywayisup #learnsthreal #ownstuffcomin
There's good news and not so good news. Which one do you want to hear first? If you're anything like me, I'd want to get that bad news out of the way and end it on a good note. So here goes...
We were deemed not ready for the accelerator program at SVF, which is understandable cuz we're only 2 months old and encumbered with creating a massive database from scratch, unlike others that could just jump right into coding and launching under 2 months.
But hey, the good news is, by preparing for the pitch, we've gradually formed the identity of who we want to be. We got a freakin' lot done in the tiniest time frame. And we're moving forward even faster now that everything is laid down. So thank you, SVF, for the experience. We'll be sure to outgrow this infant image you currently have of us in no time.
That aside, I've noticed there's not much I can learn from other English learning pages. So we'll start a posting schedule of useful materials made by us in two weeks' time. Hopefully, students will find them more practical and learn from them instead of having them shared on walls for decoration. Cuz we're all about sustainable solutions, aren't we? :-)