不知道這叫甚麼式,看到網路上有人做(就我愛的Kino Yoga <3),跟著模仿,看照片才發現,腳要再下來一點,放到背上。名字的話,跟坐姿前彎有關,就給他加變化二字,只是一隻腳放上來這樣。
Yoga and seated forward bend variation??
Don't know the name of the pose. Just imitate my yoga icon Kino's pose. Comparing the photo between Kino and mine, my leg should be more down to the back and more relaxing. About the name, It has something to do with seated forward bend, so just call it a kind of variations. LOL
There are huge knowledge and meaning for forward bend, and I am still learning it.
Forward bend, make us closer to the ground and more humble.
#yogawei #seatedforwradbend #paschimottana #요가