#TravaltoAmerica --- Visit Albuquerque, New Mexico
建議您去一次“迷人之地”(Land of Enchantment),遊覽一下新墨西哥州的阿布奎基(Albuquerque)吧。阿布奎基位於美國西南,那裡的活動豐富多彩。我們建議大家前往:
1)普布羅原住民文化中心(Indian Pueblo Cultural Center)以及自然歷史博物館。兩者都位於老城區,可以幫你了解該地區獨特的文化和歷史。
3)桑迪亞山頂纜車(Sandia Peak Tram)—觀賞新墨西哥州360度全景。纜車將游人帶到10378英尺的高度,觀賞令人窒息的美景。
4)帳篷岩(Tent Rocks)—驅車向北不遠,就到達卡莎-卡圖威帳篷岩國家紀念公園(Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument),一片美麗的岩層。
另外附上小提醒,如果服務員問你“紅的還是綠的?”,這是在問你要哪種辣椒,這種問法在當地很普遍。綠辣椒是剛從藤上摘下來的新鮮的,在藤上再多長一段時間它們就變成紅的了。紅辣椒是曬乾用來做醬的。兩種各有獨特風味,而且一樣辣。你想嘗哪種辣椒?更多詳情英文請見:http://www.visitalbuquerque.org/ 或中文:https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/阿布奎基_(新墨西哥州)
Make a trip to the Land of Enchantment and visit Albuquerque, New Mexico. Located in the Southwestern part of the United States, Albuquerque is brimming with activities. We encourage you to check out the 1.) Indian Pueblo Cultural Center and the Natural History Museum – both are located in the Old Town district and can provide insight into the unique culture and history of the region; 2.) Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta – the largest balloon fiesta in the world, with over 800 hot air balloons in flight; 3.) Sandia Peak Tram - Take a 360 degree panoramic view of New Mexico, the tram takes visitors to 10,378 feet, where the most breath taking views are offered 3.) Tent Rocks – just a short drive North, visit the Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument, a beautiful collection rock formation. And a word of advice for when you waiter asks Red or Green? This is a common way to ask which type of chili peppers you prefer. Green chili is fresh from the vine, and the same chili turns red after it sits on the vine. Red chili is dried and blended into a sauce. Both offer a unique flavor and each are equally spicy. Which kind of chili will you try? For more information, see (eng): http://www.visitalbuquerque.org/ or (ch): https://goo.gl/yx8qum