加拿大溫哥華 第三屆國際傳統醫學大會暨中醫大會 – 日程更新
语言: 中英双语同声翻译
时间: 2019年8月24日(周六)-25日(周日)上午9点到晚上9点
地点: Hilton Vancouver Metrotown, 6083 McKay Ave, Burnaby, BC V5H 2W7, Canada
举办单位: Canadian Institute of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research
电话: 1-604-6201908
邮箱: [email protected]
网站: https://www.ictmhw.com
微信: qingcheng545445
2019年8月24日(星期六)活动详细议程 Agenda on Day 1 August 24th 2019
第一会场 (A&B Ball Rooms)
09:00-11:00 1. 頭針治療腦出血,腦血栓,眩暈,耳鳴,老年癡呆等症 Systematic application of scalp acupuncture in clinical treatment 焦顺发教授 Prof. Shunfa JIAO
11:00- 11:02 开幕式 Opening Ceremony 严庆蘋医生 Dr.Peggy Yu
11:03- 11:08 致开幕词
Opening & Welcome Remarks 王福麟教授 Prof. Fuling Wang
11:09- 11:30 嘉賓致辭 VIP Speech 宣读贺信 Greeting Letters 严庆蘋医生 Dr. Peggy Yu
11:30- 12:30 1. 頭針治療腦出血,腦血栓,眩暈,耳鳴,老年癡呆等症 Systematic application of scalp acupuncture in clinical treatment 焦顺发教授 Prof. Shunfa JIAO
12:30- 13:00 午餐及请教专家和看论文摘要展示 Lunch/Expert consultation/Post Presentation
13:00- 16:00 2. 針灸在美容減肥等方面的特殊方法與技法,針灸除雙下巴,皺紋,眼袋,面部緊 緻,減肥,瘦臀等 Special acupuncture methods and techniques for beauty and weight loss, etc. 崔兰英医生 Dr. Lanying CUI
16:00- 17:30 3. 中醫舌診在臨床診斷治療不孕不育等疑難 雜症 New principles and methods in application of TCM tongue diagnosis in clinical practice 熊旻利医生 Dr. Minli XIONG
17:30- 18:00 晚餐及请教专家和看论文摘要展示 Dinner/Expert consultation/Poster Presentation
18:00- 21:00 4. 飛經走氣針法及針氣療法治療子宮肌瘤, 內膜增生,乳腺增生等 Miracle effect of Feijingzouqi and Zhenqi acupuncture techniques for intractable diseases 吴泓德医生 Dr. Hung- Te Wu
2019 年 8 月 25 日(星期日)活动详细议程 Agenda on Day 2 August 25th 2019
第一会场 (A&B Ball Rooms)
09:00-12:00 1. 骨盆與健康(全身關節錯位引起的急慢性內外病痛治療) Pelvis and Health (treatment of acute and chronic external and internal diseases caused by joint disorder) 徐星凱醫生 Dr. Xingkai Xu
12:00-13:30 2. 中醫舌診在臨床診斷治療不孕不育等疑難 雜症 New principles and methods in application of TCM tongue diagnosis in clinical practice 熊旻利医生 Dr. Minli XIONG
13:30-14:00 午餐及请教专家和看论文摘要展示 Lunch/Expert consultation/Post Presentation
14:00-17:00 3.中醫經方治疗重症、急症及特殊复杂疾病的临床病例討論 Clinical case discussions of classic Chinese medicine applications on severe and urgent health conditions 李宗恩医生 Dr. Andy Lee
17:00-17:30 闭幕式 Closing Ceremony 严庆蘋医生 Dr. Peggy Yu
16:45 – 17 :30 闭幕感谢词 Closing & Thank you Remarks 程霞院长 Dr Xia Cheng
17:30-18:00 晚餐及请教午餐及请教专家和看论文摘要展 示 Dinner/Expert consultation/Post Presentation
18:00-21:00 4.針靈技法及針灸治療各種有形包塊,糖尿 病,高血壓,皮膚病等 Dao of TCM — Zhenling of Needle conscious technique and Pingmai of Pulse normalization demonstration 潘晓川教授 Dr. Xiaochung Pan
第二会场( Ball Room C)
09:00-11:00 1. 針灸美容,瘦臉,減肥,祛黃褐斑等 Treatment of facial defect with acupuncture 刘宁教授 Prof. Ning Liu
11:00-12:00 2. 中醫治療抑鬱,狂躁,躁鬱症,焦慮症 Clinical effects of TCM in treating emotional and mental disorder 杨常青医生 Dr. Changqing Yang
12:00-13:00 3. 迷你刃針治療偏頭痛,血管性頭痛,足底足跟痛 The potential and value of Microblade acupuncture in clinical treatment 黄国健博士 Dr. Guojian Huang
13:00-13:30 4. 脊柱相關問題的有效診斷和條理方法 黃偉醫生 Dr. Wei Huang
13:30-14:00 午餐及请教专家和看论文摘要展示 Lunch/Expert consultation/Post Presentation
14:00-15:00 5. 針灸與芳療精油治療頭,眼,耳,鼻,口痛 Application of aromatherapy essential oil to acupuncture treatment 梅和詠医生 Dr. Heyon Mei
15:00-16:00 6.針灸與埋線治療肥胖症,胸膜痛,手臂痛 Obesity & embedding techniques Dr. Amir Hooman Kazemi
16:00-17:00 7.燒山火透天涼治療男性不育,鼻敏感,中風 Clinical application of feeling point, Burning Mountain Fire, and Cooling Sky needing techniques in reinforcing and reducing method 陆飚医生 Dr. Biao Lu
17:00-17:15 闭幕式 Closing Ceremony 严庆蘋医生 Dr. Peggy Yu
17:15 – 17 :30 闭幕感谢词 Closing & Thank you Remarks 程霞院长 Dr. Xia Cheng
17:30-18:00 晚餐及请教午餐及请教专家和看论文摘要展示 Dinner/Expert consultation/Post Presentation
18:00-19:00 8. 針藥結合靶向治療乳腺癌,腦腫瘤,膀胱 癌等 Diagnosis of three-level targets and on-target treatment of cancers using Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine 刘金洪教授 Prof. Jinhong Liu
19:00-20:00 9. 夏桂成老師治療不孕症,子宮肌瘤,更年 期綜合症 Typical successful cases of infertility and other gynecological diseases treated with the TCM principles: sharing from my supervisor, Dr. Guichen XIA 谈勇教授 Prof. Yon Tan
20:00-20:30 10. 頭針成功治療兒童自閉症和腦癱疾病的臨床經驗分享 Scalp acupuncture for autism and other developmental disorders in children 史灵芝医生 Dr. Lingzhi Shu
20:30-21:00 11. 近視眼,乾眼症,眼底出血,黃斑水腫,葡萄膜炎等眼疾的中醫治療 Treatment of eye diseases such as myopia with TCM 王育良教授 Prof. Yuliang Wang
Events are subject to changes, will be verified and confirmed as required.
pelvis醫學 在 Yu-Ming Huang Illustration 黃昱銘 Facebook 的精選貼文
Many people usually don't understand the pain of the "ankylosing spondylitis." As a third stage patient( total is four stages), this disease is a genetic lesion caused by a problem with the immune system. When it attacks, multiple eroded joints in my body feel pain, even my jaw joint feel the pain, too. If I don't take medicine, I will feel the pain like I am being stabbed into the pelvis when I am walking. I could only rely on medication and stretching to reduce the pain and slow down the condition aggravated. Recently, medical development has found a way to control the disease better and might find a solution. Hope the new drug could come out soon!
This illustration is a symbolic way to explain my feelings when I am sick. If you have the same disease as me, you might be able to feel this artwork.
#僵直性脊椎炎 #ankylosingspondylitis #medical #personal #illustration #illustrator #art #science #disease
pelvis醫學 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最讚貼文
有人說悶痛,彷佛被卡車輾過(run over);
有人一定待請假(have a day off);
❤️ 蓁姊+俐媽英文教室:
* menstrual cycle/period (n.) 月經週期/生理期(俗稱的M.C)
* menstrual cramp (n.) 月經痙攣;經痛
* menstrual leave (n.) 生理假
* dysmenorrhea (n.) 經痛
* hormonal (a.) 荷爾蒙的
* menstruate (v.) 月經來潮
* uterine (a.)子宮的
* uterine muscle contraction (n.) 子宮肌肉收縮(-tract: pull)
* flow (v.) 流
* bloat (v.) 漲(☺️ 肚子漲漲痛痛的、可以請朋友用手輕摩擦腰後方,尾椎上面那邊,感覺會舒服一點!)
* stain (n.) 汙漬;(v.) 弄髒
* sanitary pad (n.) 衛生棉
* tampon (n.) 衛生棉條
* menstrual cup (n.) 月亮杯
* panty liner (n.) 衛生護墊
* period panties (n.) 生理褲
🧘🏻♀️ 運動篇:
* exercise (v.)運動(一些查到對經痛有幫助的運動,平常真的要多做運動!上大學體育課不是每學期都有!有上體育課那學期身體狀況特別好,真的有差!)
* squat (v.) 深蹲
* deadlift (n.) 硬舉
* bridge (n.) 橋式(🖼 見圖)
* deadbug (n.) 死蟲(這個還可以瘦腿!)(🖼 見圖)
* plank (n.) 棒式(這個可以順便練腹肌!)(🖼 見圖)
* cat (n.) 貓式(痛的時候伸展很重要!!跪趴地上抬頭就像人面獅身那樣可以緩解經痛!)(🖼 見圖)
* stretch (v.) 伸展
🚿 用具篇:
* hot pack (n.) 熱敷袋
* hot compress (n.) 熱敷
* hand warmer (n.) 暖暖包(暖暖包我推薦一面有黏性的那一種)
* hair dryer (n.) 吹風機(沒暖暖包的時候都會用這個吹暖肚子,要小心使用!而且不能共用插座,很危險!!)
* brown sugar (n.) 黑糖(我覺得黑糖牛奶還可以鎮靜精神,幫助睡眠)
* ginger tea (n.) 薑茶
* chamomile tea (n.) 洋甘菊茶(國外常喝洋甘菊茶緩解)
💕 其他:
* soothe/relieve/ease/alleviate (v.) 舒緩、紓解
* acupuncture (n.) 針灸
* massage (v.)(n.) 按摩
* prescription (n.) 處方箋(-scib-: write)
* capsule (n.) 膠囊
* pill (n.) 藥丸
* tablet (n.) 藥片
* injection (n.) 注射(-ject-: shoot)
* painkiller (n.) 止痛藥(要注意有沒有藥物過敏allergy:我妹妹之前沒注意,眼睛變超腫swollen!)
* stay up late/burn the midnight oil (ph.) 熬夜(越熬=身體越差=生理期越影響讀書=過來人的經驗!!)
🙋🏻♀️ 俐媽提問:你們怎麼別稱生理期?好朋友?大姨媽?
🙋🏻♀️ 俐媽提問:你們經痛的最慘經驗是什麼?
🙋🏻♀️ 俐媽提問:你們還有什麼其他祕方可以舒緩經痛?
🙋🏻♀️ 俐媽提問:有經痛的妳是不是很愛喝冰飲?
🙋🏻♀️ 俐媽提問:在升學壓力下或因為生病/減肥不當,你們有沒有生理期自動停掉過?
🙋🏻♀️ 俐媽提問:男孩子,你們願意為生理痛的女孩做些什麼?
🙏🏼 謝謝學蓁 🙏🏼
#俐媽英文教室 #辣媽英文天后林俐carol #林俐 #俐媽英文教室徵稿中 #生理期 #經痛夭壽痛
pelvis醫學 在 How to Apply a Pelvic Binder - YouTube 的推薦與評價
This post discusses the application of both a commercial pelvic binder as well as a sheet for pelvic ... ... <看更多>
pelvis醫學 在 就是有醫生很喜歡開...Pelvis AP + Hip AP =.='' 有意義嗎? 的推薦與評價
Pelvis AP可以比較對側以及所有的anatomic feature,Hip AP用來測量將要做關節重建手術的pre-op templating的femoral offset準確度直逼CT(有paper佐證)。 10 年 举报. ... <看更多>