第四場、也是最後一場「數位對話」公共論壇以 AIT@40閉幕活動昨天在台北盛大展開,本次活動聚焦於「美台人民的關係」,很高興能聽到數位政委唐鳳、台灣美國事務委員會王雪虹秘書長、美國在台協會處長酈英傑與發言人孟雨荷、台灣傅爾布萊特學術交流基金會那原道執行長、文化部文化交流司吳紹開司長和經濟部工業局陳佩利主任秘書等專題討論與會貴賓,談及如何在2020年和更遠的將來持續拓展美台人民的關係。本活動圓滿落幕,謝謝各位的踴躍參與!
The fourth and final Digital Dialogues Public Forum and the AIT@40 closing event took place in Taipei yesterday. The theme of this event was U.S.-Taiwan people-to-people ties, and we enjoyed hearing Digital Minister Audrey Tang, Taiwan Council for US Affairs Secretary-General Constance Wang, AIT Director Brent Christensen, and Spokesperson Amanda Mansour, Executive Director of the Foundation for Scholarly Exchange, Randall L. Nadeau, Director-General of Ministry of Culture Samuel Wu, and Secretary General of the Industrial Development Bureau Chen Pei-Li, gave their perspective on how we can expand U.S.-Taiwan people-to-people ties for 2020 and many years to come. Thanks to everyone who participated in the Digital Dialogues!
people-to-people closing 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文
AIT 誠摯邀請您參加第4次、也是最後一次 「AIT@40 數位對話公共論壇」以及我們 AIT@40的閉幕式。本次論壇重點將關注美台人民之間的關係,並回顧 AIT@40全年慶祝活動,同時一窺 AIT 2020年的計劃展望。
美國和台灣之間的緊密關係有目共睹。美國是台灣人長途旅行目的地的首選,美國現在也高居來台觀光旅遊人數最多國家的第8位。美國更是台灣學生海外求學的第一選擇,在 2018-2019 學年度間,有23,000 多名台灣學生在美國求學。台灣也有成千上萬的人移民到美國;這些移民中不乏諾貝爾獎得主、高科技先驅以及獲獎演員和導演,正是這樣的人民與人民之間的往來,將我們緊密連結在一起。
如果您想更加了解美台人民之間的關係,歡迎您於1月17日來參加第四次「AIT@40數位對話公共論壇」,我們將討論如何讓美台人民之間關係更為緊密。即刻報名!報名網址:https://www.accupass.com/event/1912120147227001275140 #AITat40 #AITat40Celebration #DigitalDialogues #PeopleToPeopleTies
AIT is pleased to invite you to the fourth and final Digital Dialogues Public Forum and our AIT@40 closing event. This event will focus on U.S.-Taiwan people-to-people ties, as well as the accomplishments of our AIT@40 campaign and a preview of AIT’s plans for 2020.
The strong affinity between the United States Taiwan is undeniable. The United States is the #1 long-haul destination for Taiwan travelers, and the United States is now the 8th-highest source of tourists to Taiwan. The United States is the number one overseas destination for Taiwan students, with over 23,000 students in the U.S. during the 2018-2019 academic year. Hundreds of thousands of people from Taiwan have immigrated to the United States. Among these immigrants are Nobel prize winners, high-tech pioneers and award-winning actors and directors. These are the people-to-people ties that bind us together.
If you want to learn more about U.S.-Taiwan People-to People ties, join the Digital Dialogue 4th Public Forum on January 17, when we’ll discuss how the United States and Taiwan could promote even closer ties between our people. Register now! https://www.accupass.com/event/1912120147227001275140