#生醫碎碎念 #神經幹細胞 #NSC #stemcell #iNBSC #感謝genetex
一直以來,科學家們使用的神經幹細胞(neural stem cell, NSC)可以直接從幾個來源獲得:
1. 利用胚胎幹細胞(ESC)、或是誘導多能幹細胞(iPSC)做神經分化得來:缺點是分化過程較長,而且無法獲得很均勻(homogenous)的分化效率,導致一堆細胞中可能含有一些未分化的胚胎幹細胞,容易造成癌化,因此不太適合拿來做臨床治療。
2. 利用從胚胎中直接取得神經幹細胞:缺點是必須要有足夠的胚胎做細胞的來源,以人類的話,在大量取得細胞上有困難,並有道德上的考量。
今年一月有篇發表在 Cell Stem Cell 期刊上面的文章(PMID: 30581079),這篇文章主要的重點在於找到了可以將人類的體細胞 (已經是末端分化的細胞) 直接轉換為神經幹細胞的方法,規避了從胚胎幹細胞做神經分化過程中可能造成的問題,同時免除道德上的顧慮。
他們用的方法是:在體細胞中表現四個神經幹細胞的轉錄因子(BRN2, KLF4, SOX2, ZIC3)、配合一些促進神經發育的小分子化合物。在經過細胞培養及繼代挑選後,果然成功的得到了一群可以自我更新(self-renew)並且表現早期神經標記物(包含神經幹細胞標記物:SOX2, NESTIN,以及早期神經標記物:PAX6, SOX1) 的細胞們,由於這群細胞除了幹細胞及早期神經的標記物之外,又表現了神經板邊界的細胞標記物 (CD133, CXCR4, MSX1, ZIC1, PAX3), 因此被稱為"誘導神經板邊界幹細胞" (induced neural plate border stem cells, iNBSC)。
作者他們使用了三種體細胞,都成功地誘導成為神經板邊界幹細胞(NBSC),分別是:周邊血液單核細胞(peripheral blood mononuclear cells, PBMC)、成人真皮纖維母細胞(adult dermal fibroblasts, ADF)以及胚胎胰臟纖維母細胞 (fetal pancreas fibroblasts, FPF),證明這個方法可應用於不同來源的體細胞。
這群 iNBSC 細胞除了表現幹細胞的標記物之外,也具有幹細胞的特性,他們可以分化為中樞神經系統的細胞 (例如神經及膠質細胞),同時也具有分化為神經嵴細胞 (neural crest cell) 的能力,神經嵴細胞可以進一步分化為多種細胞,包含:黑色素細胞、平滑肌、周邊神經元和膠質細胞等。
同時,作者也想研究,神經板邊界細胞是否可以從胚胎中直接分離出來?(以確定這群細胞是天生就存在在胚胎發育過程的細胞,而非只能在實驗室中發現) 他們成功地從老鼠胚胎第8.5天的神經摺 (neural fold) 中分離出一群具有類似能力 (可分化為中樞神經及神經嵴細胞) 的細胞,並將他們稱為"原代神經板邊界幹細胞" (primary neural plate border stem cells, pNBSC)。利用大數據轉錄體學 (transcriptome analysis) 分析進一步發現,初代及誘導的NBSC均具有相似的基因表現,類似於發育時期前腦後部的區域。
「peripheral blood mononuclear cell」的推薦目錄:
peripheral blood mononuclear cell 在 Corey The Man Yoga Facebook 的最佳解答
Yoga Changes the Gene Expression (English Below)
首先,瑜珈練習並不會改變你的基因,也就是下犬式做久了你不會變成一條狗,但瑜珈練習會影響你的基因表達(genetic expression)。何謂基因表達? DNA像是一部電影的膠卷,RNA像是電影的投射機,那麼製造出來的蛋白質變像是一部聲色俱佳的電影,這部電影就是基因的表達。換句話說,基因會像燈一樣被打開和關閉。
奧斯陸大學的研究了十名測試者,前兩天他們參與了兩小時的瑜珈練習,練習前後的抽血報告顯示,有111種的基因表達因此而改變 (Peripheral blood mononuclear cell 外週血單核細胞)。幾天後,他們讓這些測試者連續兩天在森林散步二小時,聽音樂放鬆,測試前後的抽血報告發現只有38樣基因表達被改變*。此項研究顯示瑜 珈是有效及快速地在基因層面提供對健康有益的因子。研究者說: 比起一般傳統的放鬆方式,瑜珈的練習在分子結構上影響較為廣泛。
Researchers first reported five years ago that practices such as yoga which elicit the “relaxation response” may have a long-term effect on gene expression. That’s the scientific term for whether a specific gene is “turned on,” meaning its protein or RNA product is being made. This latest study confirms those findings, links them to the body’s immune system, and suggests this effect may be instantaneous.
First of all, yoga doesn’t change your Gene (you won’t turn into a dog doing downward facing dog) but it will affect your gene expression. What is Gene expression ? DNA is like a film of a movie, RNA is like the movie projector and the protein it created is like a movie. The movie is the expression of the gene. In other words, the gene can be turned on and off like a light switch.
The University of Oslo experiment featured 10 participants who attended a week-long yoga retreat in Germany. For the first two days, participants spent two hours practicing a comprehensive yoga program including yogic postures (asanas), yogic breathing exercises (in particular Sudarshan Kriya), and meditation. For the next two days, they spent that same time period going on an hour-long nature walk and then listening to either jazz or classical music.
Immediately before and after each of the four sessions, the researchers drew blood from each participant. They then isolated and analyzed peripheral blood mononuclear cells, which play a key role in the body’s immune system. The researchers found that the nature walk and music-driven relaxation changed the expression of 38 genes in these circulating immune cells. In comparison, the yoga produced changes in 111. *
The two regimens, to some degree, affect similar biological processes,” the researchers write. That said, they note that yoga's impact was far more widespread, which indicates the practice “may have additional effects over exercise plus simple relaxation in inducing health benefits through differential changes at the molecular level.”
* http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0061910
peripheral blood mononuclear cell 在 Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells: A Brief Review 的相關結果
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) are a diverse mixture of highly specialized immune cells that play key roles in keeping our bodies healthy. ... <看更多>
peripheral blood mononuclear cell 在 Whole blood vs PBMC: compartmental differences in gene ... 的相關結果
While PBMCs (lymphocytes and monocytes) play a significant role in the immune system, they remain a subset of all immune cells and do not ... ... <看更多>
peripheral blood mononuclear cell 在 外周血單個核細胞- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 的相關結果
PBMC 常用於免疫學領域的科研活動(包括自體免疫性疾病), 傳染病, 惡性血液病, 疫苗 開發, 移植免疫學, 而高通量篩選是PBMC的頻繁使用者。 在很多情況下,PBMC來源於血庫. ... <看更多>