Main lumpur ni bagus tau.
Antara kebaikan anak-anak yang kerap bermain dengan lumpur, selut, pasir atau tanah ialah:
Dapat mengembalikan mood mereka menjadi lebih periang dan mengurangkan tekanan (stress).
Kajian saintis telah mendapati bahawa "kotoran" dari lumpur tersebut mengandungi bakteria mikrospik, yang dipanggil 'Mycobacterium vaccae' yang dapat meningkatkan tahap 'serotonin' di dalam otak dan membantu kanak-kanak berasa lebih rileks dan tenang.
Memupuk rasa cinta terhadap alam semulajadi.
Tentunya lumpur, selut atau pasir berada di luar rumah. Jdinya nanti secara tak langsung anak-anak akan bermain dan meneroka alam semulajadi. Sambil main tanah sambil kutip daun, ranting dan batu untuk hasilkan sesuatu dari imaginasi mereka.
Percaya atau tidak, masih ada kanak-kanak yang tak tau nak bezakan rumput betul atau rumput tiruan. Sebab tu la pentingnya pendedahan dengan alam semulajadi ni.
Meningkatkan sistem imun badan.
Kajian juga mendapati kanak-kanak yang bermain dengan tanah lumpur atau selut bagus untuk sistem imun mereka. Ini sebab kandungan bakteria mikrospik dan unsur lain yang menyebabkan badan mengeluarkan antibodi.
Bebas berkreasi.
Tak perlu susah-susah nak uli tepung nak buat play doh, anak-anak pun boleh buat doh diaorang sendiri tau. Bagi je tanah ngan air menjadi la nanti macam-macam hasil seni kreatif anak-anak.
Masa ni kita tak payah ajar dah berapa sukatan air dengan tanah atau pasir, nanti anak belajar sendiri dan mereka tak terikat dengan sukatan untuk hasilkan ciptaan mereka.
Bermain sambil belajar
Kalau perasan masa anak menyukat tanah dengan air tu, mereka sebenarnya dah belajar sains, matematik, seni, geografi dan kemahiran lain. Walaupun anak hanya menyapu lumpur kat muka pun dia belajar seni menconteng atau kalau anak tengah berlakon dan anggap lumpur tu masker muka anak sebenarnya tengah merangsang otaknya untuk berimaginasi.
Lebih bijak
Kenapa kajian mengatakan bermain dalam lumpur boleh membuat anak anda lebih bijak? Ini kerana pembebasan serotonin yang berlaku apabila kanak-kanak bermain di dalam lumpur yang mengandungi 'Mycobacterium vaccae' itu juga telah menunjukkan peningkatan fungsi kognitif.
Jadi, kepada ibu bapa, tunailah keinginan anak-anak untuk bermain lumpur, selut, pasir dan tanah. Awasi dan perhatikan mereka agar tidak keterlaluan dalam aktiviti itu. Yang penting jangan biarkan mereka lakukan perbuatan berbahaya.
“So let your child be a child. Dirt is good. If your child isn’t coming in dirty every day, they’re not doing their job. They’re not building their immunological army. So it’s terribly important.”
- Mary Ruebush (author of Why Dirt Is Good)
Nur Hafizah Hanafi
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It's good to play mud.
Among the goodness of children who often play with mud, selut, sand or ground is:
Can restore their mood to be happier and reduce stress (stress).
Scientists study has found that the ′′ dirt ′′ from the mud contains microspic bacteria, called ' Mycobacterium vaccae ' which can improve the level of ' serotonin ' in the brain and help children feel more relaxed and calm.
Fultivate the love of nature.
Surely mud, selut or sand is outside the house. So later the kids will play and explore the nature. While playing ground while collecting leaves, twigs and stones to produce something from their imagination.
Believe it or not, there are still children who don't know how to differentiate the real grass or artificial grass. That's why the importance of exposure to nature.
Improve body immune system.
Study also finds children playing with mud or veil good for their immune system. This is the reason for microspic bacteria content and other elements that cause the body to remove antibody.
Free of creation.
Don't need to go back to the flour to play, kids can do it themselves too. Just let the land and water become all sorts of creative art work for children.
At this time we don't have to teach how much the water is with the land or sand, the child will learn on his own and they are not bound to measure to produce their creation
Playing while learning
If you notice when your child measures the land with the water, they have actually learned science, math, art, geography and other skills. Even though the child just sweeps the mud on the face he learns the art of dulling or if the child is acting and consider the mud the mask the child's face is actually stimulating his brain to imagine.
Why do studies say playing in mud can make your child smarter? This is due to the serotonin release that happens when children play in the mud containing the 'Mycobacterium vaccae' has also shown an increase in cognitive function.
So, to parents, tunes the children's desire to play mud, Texas, sand and ground. Watch and watch them not to be outrageous in the activity. The important thing is don't let them do dangerous deeds.
“So let your child be a child. Dirt is good. If your child isn’t coming in dirty every day, they’re not doing their job. They’re not building their immunological army. So it’s terribly important.”
- Mary Ruebush (author of Why Dirt Is Good)
Nur Hafizah Hanafi
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