女人嘅身體真係好奇妙,可以為咗孕育一個生命將個肚皮如此般變大再變大!!說真的,呢幾個禮拜真係有啲辛苦,個肚好重,無論坐/瞓/企/行都唔舒服,有時頂住個心口嗰種唔舒服。。唔識形容。啊仔好大力,有時會踢到我好痛,但係佢唔郁嗰陣又會驚佢唔知係咪有咩事,特登叫醒佢等自己比佢踢兩腳🤣🤣好痴線,but I guess that is motherhood!呢9個月嘅懷孕過程就嚟到尾聲,好驚自己因為冇好好記錄低所有嘅點滴而後悔😂😂 哪,連腰圍都同大家分享啦,我幾唔吝嗇! Haha - 因為疫情嘅關係,冇得同其他媽媽friend見面,都唔知自己個肚係咪算好大呀?因為第一次懷孕,其實好多嘢都唔係好知係點,唔係要做比較,只係有時其他有經驗嘅媽媽提供一啲reference分享經歷,可以幫到自己了解多少少,擔心少啲啲 !我個肚好似由一開始已經好大😅應該因為老公大粒,我又特別細粒嘅關係?Anyway, this is definitely a milestone😂好好記住這一刻❤️
#pregnancydiary #bellybump #pregnancybump #momtobe2020 #pregnancy
pregnancybump 在 Cindy Wong 王仙兒 Facebook 的最佳解答
What a journey! Especially during this time of Covid! Am very blessed to have a boss/company that is understanding so I was able to work from home almost throughout this period. It’s a lot of emotional struggles getting worried about everything, but all in all, I feel really really blessed that I haven’t felt sick and that baby has grown from a tiny little sweet pea, supported by all those extra injections I had to take to deceive the body that I’ve conceived ➡️ to now, a watermelon🍉!!! Well done my son, thank you for fighting and growing & being a strong hero we needed u to be. Mommy & daddy can’t wait to meet you ❤️ Btw, now I know, 陀仔個肚真係尖啲㗎!😂
And to all other pregnant ladies out there, it’s a crazy time 2020, as I approach the end of this journey, I just want to say that irrespective of the shape of your bump or how much weight u’ve gained, remember that u r truly beautiful & amazing for all the strain u put your body through to give life! Jia You 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼 wishing a smooth pregnancy/delivery to all of u!!
#pregnancy #pregnancydiary #bellybump #pregnancybump #momtobe2020 #womensbodiesareamazing #pregnancytransformation