prima facie case中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文

#1. 初步證明的案件,prima facie case,元照英美法詞典
詞條. prima facie case. 中文. 初步證明的案件. 解釋. 有兩種含義:1原告提出的證據足以支持其訴訟請求,從而可以將案件交付陪審團裁斷;2原告已提出足以支持其訴訟 ...
For millions of Americans witnessing the event, it was a prima facie case of police brutality. 對於目睹了這宗事件的數百萬美國人來說,乍看這是一宗員警施暴 ...
#3. prima facie case - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"prima facie case" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
初步證明(拉丁語:Prima facie),又稱表面證供,是拉丁語法學詞彙。法院在受理民案或刑案之前,必先初步審視由案件其中一方(視乎舉證責任誰屬)呈上的文件。
#5. prima facie case 中文 - 查查在線詞典
prima facie case中文 :初步證據…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋prima facie case的中文翻譯,prima facie case的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#6. prima facie case-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: a prima facie case, to establish a prima facie case, prima facie case of retaliation,在英语-中文情境中翻译"prima facie case"
#7. 楊官教英文--- 楊官教室
Prima facie 的意思是初步認定的,那未是百分百證實;法庭裡說的表面證供,也是這個意思。例句: There is strong prima facie evidence against this man. (關於這個人, ...
#8. 初步证明的案件,prima facie case,元照英美法詞典,来胜法考
词条. prima facie case. 中文. 初步证明的案件. 解释. 有两种含义:1原告提出的证据足以支持其诉讼请求,从而可以将案件交付陪审团裁断;2原告已提出足以支持其诉讼 ...
#9. 初步证明Prima Facie | Wex Legal Dictionary / Encyclopedia
初步证明Prima Facie 该词是拉丁文初步印象的意思。这个词有可能用来表达这样的意思:“足够建立该事实或者可以提出此假设除非有相反的事实”比如说初步证据。
#10. WTO爭端解決中的「初步證據案件」與證明標準- 月旦知識庫
Prima Facie Case and Standard of Proof in WTO Dispute Settlement. 作者, 崔起凡. 中文摘要. 「初步證據案件」屬於證明標準範疇。WTO嫥家組和上訴機構報告經常 ...
#11. prima facie case在線翻譯- 用法_例句 - 海词词典
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供prima facie case的在線翻譯,prima facie case是什麼意思,prima facie case的真人發音,權威用法和精選例句等。
#12. 英语-汉语prima facie case翻译
'prima facie case'在免费英语-汉语词典的翻译,查看更多汉语的翻译。
#13. prima-facie - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
你是不是要查. prima facie ... 牛津中文字典. prima facie evidence. 美式. ph. 初步的證據. Dr.eye 譯典通片語. prima facie case.
#14. prima facie翻譯及用法 - 漢語網
prima facie中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:adj. (拉)初步印象;乍看的。英漢詞典提供【prima facie】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等. ... "a prima facie case of murder" ...
#15. Prima facie case 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Prima facie case 释义: a case in which the evidence produced is sufficient to enable a decision or verdict to be... | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#16. prima facie case - Websaru線上字典
prima facie case中文 意思: prima facie case [] n.[律]表面上證據確鑿的案件..., 學習prima facie case發音, prima facie case例句盡在WebSaru字典。
#17. case to answer (prima facie case) (被告)須答辯(表面證據 ...
中英雙語時事詞彙/; All Terms 全部詞彙 /; case to answer (prima facie case) (被告)須答辯(表面證據成立) ...
PRIMA FACIE CASE OF RETALIATION”的语境翻译在英语-中文。以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“PRIMA FACIE CASE OF RETALIATION” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。
#19. Prima Facie Case - 中文百科全書
Prima Facie Case1. The establishment of a legally required rebuttable presumption. 2. A party's production of enough evidence to allow the fact-trier to ...
#20. 如何判斷審查員是否成功建立Prima Facie Case of ...
當申請人提出專利申請後,USPTO 有責任提出Prima Facie Case of Unpatentability;否則應准予專利。若審查員成功建立表面上不具專利性的論點,則申請人 ...
#21. There is a prima facie case: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词
查看«There is a prima facie case»的翻译、定义、含义、转录和例句, ... There is a prima facie case: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音、例句、转录、定义、 ...
#22. 在线翻译prima-facie-case是什么意思,包括英文解释 ... - 英汉词典
词组、短语、俚语及习惯用语• case back flaw 表壳后盖裂缝。 • case band 箱箍。 • case bay 楼地板梁空档。梁间距。 • case binding 活封面(封面与书本并不固定在 ...
#23. prima facie case竟然译法种种-元照英美法律词典又一违背“译名 ...
继上次发现元照英美法词典违背“译名同一律”后,在查阅prima facie case词条时再次发现同一术语在元照里面竟然有几种不同译法。 prima facie case一 ...
#24. prima facie case的中文意思 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选prima facie case是什么意思、英语单词推荐、prima facie case的用法、prima facie case的中文意思、翻译prima facie case是什么意思.
#25. Prima Facie Case / Congressional Approval / Guardian - KKBOX
August Fantova的歌曲「Prima Facie Case / Congressional Approval / Guardian」在這裡,快打開KKBOX 盡情收聽。
#26. 翻译'prima facie case' – 字典中文-英文
If prima facie case found, EO refers case in writing to DOS for investigation; complainant notified. 如果发现属于表面证据确凿的案件,道德操守办公室以书面形式向 ...
#27. Prima facie case - The Free Dictionary
True, authentic, or adequate at first sight; ostensible: prima facie evidence. [Middle English, manifestly, from Latin prīmā faciē : prīmā, feminine ablative of ...
#28. Prima facie Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Adjective a prima facie case of tax fraud There is strong prima facie evidence that she committed perjury. Recent Examples on the Web: Adjective While most ...
#29. Chattanooga Nursing Home Prima Facie Cases - Massey ...
In the context of a nursing home abuse case, a prima facie case requires that the plaintiff prove that there was either abuse or neglect, some sort of action or ...
#30. 关于prima facie cause of action ? - 知乎
如果原告能提供出证据证明上述三点成立,那么原告就有了一个prima facie case,然后法院才可能受理。 但是证明了prima facie case并不等于胜诉,原因如下:(1)原告提供的 ...
#32. 法周刊solicitor.com.hk - 學法律識英文- prima facie case 表面證供
學法律識英文- prima facie case 表面證供如果喜歡我們的影片立即like and share #學法律識英文#謝連忠律師.
#33. Tag – prima facie case: Duff on Hospitality Law - Foster Garvey
Posts tagged prima facie case. The New Overtime Regulations Are on Hold. By Diana Shukis on 11.23.16 Posted in Employment Law. On Tuesday, November 22nd, ...
#34. 我國「商標法」 有關「仿品進口」邊境管制措施之比較研究
「TRIPs 公約第52 條、NAFTA 第1718 條2 項a 款『表面證據』(prima facie)與. 國內商標法第65 條第2 項前段規定『釋明侵害之事實』之差異部分」作一探討,.
#35. prima facie - Sesli Sözlük
prima facie çevirisi anlamı nedir nasıl telaffuz ediliz. ... There was a prima facie case that a contempt of court had been committed. based on what seems ...
#36. Prima Facie Case Archives | BananaIP Counsels
Decided by Supreme Court of India on 19th January 2022 (Reportable) Facts The Appellant, proprietor and holder of the trademark 'RENAISSANCE', ...
#37. prima facie evidence 中文意思是什麼
At the committal stage of a case on indictment the prosecution must show a prima facie case or the judge will reject it ; and at trial, ...
#38. In Jury Selection for the Trial Over Ahmaud Arbery's Killing ...
“But that doesn't mean,” he continued, “that the court has the authority to reseat, simply, again, because there's this prima facie case.”.
#39. PRIMA FACIE CASE - Translation in Chinese - bab.la
Translation for 'prima facie case' in the free English-Chinese dictionary and many other Chinese translations.
#40. 律政司司長會見傳媒談話內容
至於是否構成一個香港的犯罪,在這裏用的法律驗證,稱為表面證據(prima facie evidence)。表面證據並不是如普通人所講的表面那樣隨便,而是有一個 ...
#41. Prima Facie Recognition of Refugee Status - World | ReliefWeb
A prima facie approach means the recognition by a State or UNHCR of ... in the country of origin or, in the case of stateless asylumseekers, ...
#42. What is a prima facie case? | CriminalDefenseLawyer.com
The party with the burden of proof then has the opportunity to attack the rebuttal evidence. Prima Facie Case and Criminal Law. The prosecution in a criminal ...
#43. 30-14-904 Burden of rebutting prima facie case of discrimination
(2) A seller may rebut the prima facie case by showing that a lower price to a purchaser was made in good faith to meet an equally low price of a competitor.
#44. Litigating Employment Discrimination Cases - Google 圖書結果
(1) Prima Facie Case [§2:11.1] The Supreme Court articulated a three pronged approach to analyzing cases in which a plaintiff (lacking direct evidence of ...
#45. Index-digest - 第 38 頁 - Google 圖書結果
26 , 1981 ) In a contest proceeding to challenge a headquarters site entry , the Governaent has the burden of establishing a prima facie case of ...
#46. The American and English Railroad Cases: A Collection of All ...
A Collection of All the Railroad Cases in the Courts of Last Resort in America ... while attempting a prima facie case of negligence arises to get on moving ...
#47. Elusive Equality: Women's Rights, Public Policy, and the Law
The Ninth Circuit ruled that plaintiffs had made a prima facie case of disparate impact by presenting statistics showing a high percentage of minority ...
#48. Products Liability Law - 第 291 頁 - Google 圖書結果
An affirmative defense does not negate any element of the plaintiff's prima facie case as set forth in the complaint, but instead provides a reason why the ...
#49. Cases Argued and Decided in the Supreme Court of the United ...
... that such proof makes out a prima of a county warrant , which proves itself upon facie case against the county . Such are the mere production . cases of ...
#50. Pennsylvania State Reports Containing Cases Decided by the ...
On appeal to the common pleas , the assessment as made by the board establishes a prima facie case . The proceedings on such appeals are de novo , and the ...
#51. The Parliamentary Debates - 第 621 頁 - Google 圖書結果
The learned Member whether or no there was a prima facie for Reading said the matter would be case for appeal he did not see how he settled by a few words ...
#52. Reports of Cases Determined by the Supreme Court of the ...
Johnston . ed , and the burden of proof rests upon the plaintiff to overcome such prima facie case , and if the plaintiff has failed to do so , the jury ...
#53. Prima facie case Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
Prima facie case definition, a case in which the evidence produced is sufficient to enable a decision or verdict to be made unless the evidence is rebutted.
prima facie case中文 在 法周刊solicitor.com.hk - 學法律識英文- prima facie case 表面證供 的推薦與評價
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