Yesterday, we activated the SAF, The People's Association and other agencies to start preparing masks in special packs for Singaporeans. We want to ensure that every Singaporean who is unwell and needs a mask will have one.
I understand your concerns and frustrations about not being able to get masks at retail stores, given the recent rush all over Singapore to buy them. 5 million masks have been released to retailers in the past 9 days but demand has been higher than anticipated.
The Ministry of Health, Singapore has advised that we only need to wear a mask if we are sick. There is no need to wear a mask if we are well.
There will be a one-time mask distribution at Residents’ Committees and Community Centres. Residents will need to bring their NRICs to verify their addresses in order to collect one pack of four surgical masks per household. PA volunteers will help distribute masks to residents who are not able to go to the RCs and CCs themselves. We will post more details of the arrangements on RC notice boards and government social media channels.
Do heed the MOH advisories on when you should use a mask and how to properly handle one. Ensuring good personal hygiene and being socially responsible are our best protection against the virus. – LHL
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過94萬的網紅JSK-koubou,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Recently I have released only videos of woodworking, speakers and leather craft. I think that some people do not know, but ..., Originally I registere...
rc distribution 在 Dota Hero Facebook 的最讚貼文
Team Liquid [1] vs. Team Secret [0] BO3 Game 2 (Unofficial English Cast)
Sponsored By
Co-Partner : Viewnet Computer System Sdn Bhd
Premium Sponsor : NVIDIA GeForce Malaysia
Gold Sponsor : SteelSeries, TTRacing, Nobel It Distribution Sdn Bhd
Silver Sponsor : Raxor's Art, Plaza Low Yat, AOC Monitor
Casted by: Leon Wy & Wai Yip
Item Trading :
We giving out speaker!
How to Win:
Dota Hero Giveaway! Tonight we will be giving away Imperion Raytheon R1 speaker as well as Imperion The Elf S100 gaming mouse! If you would like to join the giveaway please take note of the unofficial English stream~
Participating rules:
> Like Dota Hero page
> Like Nobel It Distribution Sdn Bhd page
> Share the live stream (set it as public)
> Comment during the livestream: [I love DotA! I love Imperion! I want to win!]
> We will be picking FOUR (4) lucky winners in a total of 4 matches
First round winners:
Jia Quan :
Kai Jie Ang :
rc distribution 在 TCar 葉明德 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【試車報告】 Lexus LS 500h 旗艦版 高性能油電
【4K UHD |】
用速度,召喚光與熱,和LS 500h在Fuji Speedway約會!
【造型 跑車化】
時隔多年,上一代LS歷經數次小改,也推出Hybrid旗艦版LS 600h,然而面對歐系旗艦房車不斷推陳出新,原廠於是傾全力,矢志打造次世代旗艦,好提升LS車系的競爭力!
New LS車系共分為LS 350、LS 500及LS 500h,我們這次試駕的版本為Hybrid的500h,這款車可說是集結多項Lexus新科技,除了有類Coupe的帥氣造型,內裝配置也以跑車化改造,在舒適與豪華之外,還保留些許動感!
原廠除了鎖定後座買家外,也希望獲得自駕型買家青睞,於是以Omotenashi賓至如歸的設計概念規劃,並以Seat in Control的模式將所有按鍵集中在駕駛座,出風口造型並採用琴弦式的設計,車內並配置新式HMI及12.3吋的數位儀錶,上方還有HUD抬頭顯示裝置,除了科技感外,讓內裝充滿舒適與豪華的設計氛圍!前座椅擁有28向電調+按摩功能,後座椅除了有Ottoman的功能外,還有22向調整功能,搭配前座椅背前傾功能,可以讓人享受彷若商務艙般的休憩功能。
【寂靜 新動力】
LS 500h的動力配置與LC 500h完全相同,搭載一具3.5升V6 NA引擎,最大動力為299hp/35.7kgm,搭配電動馬達後,綜效馬力可達359hp,為了讓Hybrid動能發揮更好的傳輸效率,其變速箱配置採用具六速模擬功能的ECVT結合一具四速自排,總共有十速變速的功能,可以藉由綿密的齒比配置,讓引擎加速表現更線性、更敏捷,因此原廠宣稱0~100km/h加速可於5.4秒達成,性能表現已足具水準。
這次試車總代理特別安排在日本靜岡縣的富士賽道舉行,這個興建於’60年代的日本第一條F1賽道,總長4.56km,光大直線就有1.475km,我之前曾駕著McLaren 650S以280km/h的高速呼嘯而過…然而,650S是超跑,而LS 500h是豪華房車,在這條高速賽道的實際表現如何?說真的,我也很好奇!
由於每個人只有三圈的試煉時間,為了避免危險,原廠除了安排RC F作為前導車外,副手座還有位教練協助。一出PIT Lane,RC F慢慢加速,通過幾個彎之後,我也開始拉近與RC F的距離,前導車的駕駛大概知道我的意圖,開始全油門衝刺…
競速,對我來說是很刺激的事情,除了可以激發腎上腺素,也可激發試駕車款的潛能,雖然試車時我必須邊講解感受,邊控制車速及過彎路線,但光是第一圈我就發現,LS 500h的操控真的很棒,GA-L底盤沿自LC車系,儘管軸距拉長了255mm,但剛性依然出色,且這輛Hybrid房車,同樣保有52%:48%的車體配重,全油門加速時,重心略微移轉,感覺更均衡,入彎前重踩煞車、連續降檔、入彎,除了覺得轉向精準外,路感傳遞亦相當精細。
當然,畢竟這是一輛重達兩公噸的大型房車,雖已搭配20吋胎圈,讓抓地表現大幅提升,但要跟GT跑車RC F PK,說真的,連我都不相信…而且縱使Hybrid的動力輸出飽滿,但出彎再加速還是不若配置V8 NA引擎的RC F快,通過小夾角彎道時,儘管我用Trail Break的技巧,帶煞車入彎,仍還是感受得到高荷重的影響,提早出彎補油時,前輪除了哀鳴以外,也讓再加速顯得有點拖住。
說真的,開著LS 500h在富士賽道奔馳是很好玩的事,享受這輛大型房車的極限!對於後座買家而,Hybrid設定的500h才能享受商務艙等級的後座尊榮,且LS 350也無法藉由選配與其媲美,否則我大概會想推薦入門的車款,此外,LS 500h的乘坐舒適性真的很棒,甚至還擁有Mark Levinson的頂級音響配置。
不過,雖然這輛油電房車在賽道的表現不錯,但對於自駕買家而言,我想,動力表現更強的LS 500,應該更能凸顯這副底盤的優異。
【Lexus LS 500h 旗艦版】
引擎型式: 3456c.c. V6 DOHC 24V
引擎最大馬力: 299PS/6600rpm
引擎最大扭力: 35.7kgm/5100rpm
電動馬達最大馬力: 179PS
電動馬達最大扭力: 30.6kgm
車輛最大綜效馬力: 359PS
長寬高: 5235x1900x1450mm
軸距: 3125mm
車重: 2295kg
驅動模式: FR
煞車結構: 四輪碟煞
懸吊結構: 前後多連桿
輪胎規格: 前後245/45 RF20
國內售價: 497萬元起
電動調整收納車外後視鏡 (附 R 檔自動向下調整、電熱除霧、自動防眩功能)
AVS可變阻尼避震系統 (Adaptive Variable Suspension)
EPS 電子動力方向盤 ( Electric Power Steering )
12.3 吋雙顯示螢幕
LEXUS 原廠中文衛星導航系統 (附 3D 顯示功能)
HUD 多功能抬頭顯示幕
智能多重駕馭模式(EV / ECO / Comfort / Normal / SPORT S / SPORT S+ / Custom)
室內環景 LED 燈光組
Alcantara® 車室頂篷
Semi-aniline 頂級真皮24向調整雙前座椅(附通風、電熱功能、電動四向腰背調整)
尊爵 OTTOMAN電動22向調整右後座椅、電動調整18向左後座椅(附舒壓按摩、通風、電熱功能)
四區獨立S-FLOW 智慧型恆溫空調系統(附智慧型空調管家、花粉過濾、nanoe™ 空氣清淨系統、紅外線熱感應溫控系統)
23揚聲器Mark Levinson® Reference Surround音響系統(ASL 自動音頻補償功能 ( Automatic Sound Levelizer ))
後座專屬娛樂 、DVD 播放系統(附 11.6 吋前座後方雙椅背式螢幕)
Lexus Safety System+ 主動式安全防護系統
PCS 預警式防護系統 ( Pre-Crash Safety System )
DRCC 雷達感應式車距維持定速系統 ( Dynamic Radar Cruise Control System )
AHS 智慧型遠光燈自動遮蔽系統 ( Adaptive High-beam system )
LDA 車道偏離警示系統 ( Lane Departure Alert )
DSC 檔位誤入動力限制系統 ( Drive -start Control )
VDIM 車輛動態整合管理系統 ( Vehicle Dynamics Integrated Management )
ECB 電子式煞車控制系統 ( Electronically Controlled Brake )
VSC 車輛穩定控制系統 ( Vehicle Stability Control )
TRC 循跡防滑控制系統 ( Traction Control )
BAS 煞車力道輔助系統 ( Brake Assist System )
EBD 電子煞車力道分配系統 ( Electronic Brake Force Distribution )
EPB 電子駐車煞車系統 ( Electric Parking Brake )
BSM 盲點偵測警示系統 ( Blind Spot Monitor )
RCTA 後方車側交通警示系統 ( Rear Cross Traffic Alert )
360 度環景影像輔助系統 ( Panoramic View Monitor )
WIL 頸椎傷害緩和座椅 ( Whiplash Injury Lessening )
HIP 頭部衝擊緩和結構 ( Head Impact Protection )
雙前座智慧型兩階段式 SRS 氣囊、膝部 SRS 氣囊、座椅側內置式 SRS 氣囊、車側簾式 SRS 氣囊、後座椅側內置式 SRS 氣囊、雙後座防潛滑 SRS 氣囊 | TCar 葉明德 | Fuji International Speedway
#lexus #ls #500h #tcar #fuji #speedway #賽道試駕 #葉明德
rc distribution 在 JSK-koubou Youtube 的最佳貼文
Recently I have released only videos of woodworking, speakers and leather craft.
I think that some people do not know, but ...,
Originally I registered on Youtube for the purpose of publishing my own flapping flight.
Since registrants exceeded 100,000 people, I tried collecting the development of flapping flights by returning to the origin.
Edited by linking photos and videos 6 years ago. So the picture quality is bad.
I am canceled now because development funds have bottomed out ... I also want to start development.
For development of a bird type airplane, your support is necessary.
I will invite you to the special site of the distribution of drawings and development process if you can assist.
【Plan List】
Fruits by JayJen Music
Creative Commons ? Attribution 3.0 Unported ? CC BY 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library
rc distribution 在 Sammy Wang Youtube 的最佳貼文
What's Up Guys?
好東西當然先跟各位Guys們分享囉~~ ENJOY :D
也請大家多多支持伊楓和我們的S.W Studio~
你們的支持,是S.W Studio的最大動力!
S.W Studio FB粉絲團:
S.W Studio的RC粉絲團ID:26199853
S.W Studio的Website
rc distribution 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的精選貼文
Kangaroo animal names
Mammal classification
English name Red Kangaroo
Name of Macropus rufus
Australian inland distribution.
45km per hour while leaping information can run those speeds. Eating grass and leaf bud. The gestation period is about 33 days, the child pouch (agriculture Sissy) in about a year to live.
動物名 アカカンガルー
分 類 ほ乳類
英 名 Red Kangaroo
学 名 Macropus rufus
分 布 オーストラリア内陸部。
動 物
情 報 跳躍しながら時速45kmものスピードで走ることができる。草や木の芽を食べる。妊娠期間は約33日、子は育児嚢(いくじのう)の中で1年ほど生活する。