之前小歐在脫口秀社團po了外國佛心大神脫口秀演員Gary Gulman,在twitter上連載的366個脫口秀小訣竅。
Tip No. 41: You know those quirky little things you do and think? Collect them in a file or on paper. Even if you’re a storyteller, you can use these as details to add depth and distinction to your jokes.
你了解自己做或想的古怪小事嗎? 把他們記錄在紙上或檔案夾裡。即使你是講故事的人,也可以將這些內容作為細節,以增加笑話的深度和特色。
Tip No. 45: Don’t Hoard Jokes
Don’t worry about “burning” material on a special or album. Hoarding jokes may signal to your brain that you’re out of ideas. “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” — Maya Angelou.
不要囤積笑話。不要怕在演出或專場用光自己累積的材料。囤積笑話會對你的大腦發出信號,暗示你已經沒有想法。如同Maya Angelou所說:”你無法耗盡創意。 你使用的越多,你擁有的就越多。”
Gary’s thoughts on Tip No. 45: This attitude has been crucial to an unprecedented streak of creativity over the last two years. I’ve written four hours of material, which is almost as much as I wrote in my first 23 years of comedy. Most important has been my health, this idea may be second.
Gary對此建議的想法: 在過去兩年中,這種態度對我的前所未有的創造力,有著至關重要的影響。我已經寫了四個小時的素材,這幾乎與我前23年的喜劇寫作一樣多。最重要的是我的健康,這個想法則排名第二位。
Tip No. 62: Look for inspiration everywhere. Paintings, music, poetry, rap, novels, nonfiction, short stories, theater, philosophy, etc. can all provide a spark for creativity. Cross-pollinate your work with broad influences and watch your creativity grow.
在各處尋找靈感。繪畫、音樂、詩歌、饒舌、小說、非小說、短篇故事、戲劇、哲學..等,都可以為創造力提供火花。以廣泛的影響力對你的工作進行異花授粉(原文:cross pollination,藉由風或昆蟲從別的花獲得繁衍的花粉),並觀察你的創造力增長。
Tip No. 63: Write it all down while the coffee is still telling you you’re mighty. Reread after you’ve turned back into Dr. Banner (yes he’s a genius, but not as self-confident in that condition). That buzz is so valuable but needs editing.
在咖啡發揮效果告訴你”你超棒”的時期,把所有想法寫下來。當你回復成原本的自我 (原文: Dr. Banner,也就是尚未變身成綠巨人浩克的班納博士,是個缺乏自信的天才)時,重讀一次剛才的寫作。思緒激昂(原文:buzz,也有微醺、很鏘的意思)很珍貴,但需要編輯。
Tip No. 90: After a Good Set, Brainstorm
You just had a great set. Instead of celebrating, use that hour or so after when the synapses are still firing and your confidence is soaring to voice record or write down the ideas that pop up during that especially fertile creative time.
Gary’s thoughts on Tip No. 90: Huge help in making jokes that work longer and coming up with tangents and inspired ideas.
Gary對此建議的想法: 這建議在創作笑話的過程中提供巨大幫助,並提供變化和啟發性的想法。
Tip No. 92: Notice where you do your best thinking. The shower? Running? Listening to music? Not listening to music? Driving? Walking? Make sure to put yourself in the places where you’re doing your best thinking as frequently as possible.
Tip No. 132: I think you can limit frustration and discouragement by writing just a page on a new premise before trying it out onstage. See if there’s anything there before you spend a day on a new joke. But if you’re truly excited by the new idea, keep going!
Tip No. 143: Listen to strangers’ conversations. (I tell myself it’s not impolite if they’re being super-loud.) I got “How Dottie is that?” when a supercilious woman named Jodi bragged “How Jodi is that?” “So Jodi,” her friend replied.
偷聽陌生人的對談(我都告訴自己偷聽並不是沒禮貌的行徑,是他們講話太大聲了)。我有一次聽到一個名叫Jodi的膚淺女人吹噓"How Jodi is that?",她朋友回覆:"So Jodi",我因此想出了我的 “How Dottie is that?” 笑話。
Tip No. 157: Need new joke ideas? Be sensitive. If you’re uncomfortable with that word, use “irritable” (or grow up). A lot of good comedy comes from reaction to injustice or discomfort large and small, which requires being hypersensitive to those feelings.
需要新的笑話創意嗎?保持敏感。如果你對這個詞不滿意,請使用“煩躁”(或成長)。 許多優秀喜劇源自於對不平等或不適的大大小小的反應,產生這些感覺都需要保持敏感。
Tip No. 217: “All art is autobiographical. The pearl is the oyster’s autobiography.” — Federico Fellini. Purposefully mine your personal history for your act. Your life is a wellspring. Dig deep.
Federico Fellini說過:“所有藝術都是自傳。珍珠是牡蠣的自傳。”有目的得挖掘你的個人經歷,以作為你的演出。你的生活是靈感之源。請深入挖掘。
Tip No. 241: Many of your favorite writers include the same themes/subjects/objects/interests repeatedly in their work. Don’t be afraid to return again and again to your passions and obsessions to explore and expound.
Tip No. 285: Explore unusual angles in a joke. Example: Examine things from the POV of a child or an Expert. My man Jimmy P and I still laugh over his “Martian response to high school football practice: Why are the hard-heads (players) taking orders from the small soft-heads (coach)?”
在笑話中探索不尋常的觀點。例如:從孩子或專家的視角觀看事物。我和我的兄弟Jimmy P仍會為他的笑話大笑:“火星人對高中足球訓練的反應:為什麼硬頭(球員)會從小型軟頭(教練)那裡得到命令?”
Tip No. 297: One of the miracles of comedy is that you can get redemption for suffering, small and large, by making something funny with it. When you are ready, try to write something funny about your mistakes, setbacks, or even tragedies.
喜劇的奇蹟之一是,藉由使事情變得有趣,你可以從大大小小的苦難中得到救贖。 當你準備就緒時,請嘗試寫一些有關你的錯誤、挫折甚至悲劇的有趣訊息。
Tip No. 298: Skim your life for the unusual events and activities that you can’t believe you were a part of or that people can’t believe you were a part of. Then write about it! Back row No. 93 MULLET:
No. 93後衛MULLET: “瀏覽你一生經歷過的、你或別人不敢相信你參與其中的奇特事件和活動。然後把它寫下來吧!“
Tip No. 310: When it comes to solving the puzzles that are our jokes, draw on every area of knowledge, expertise, and talent. It’s so gratifying to use a fact, a lesson, or a memory from elementary school, high school, or elsewhere to fill in the joke.
Tip No. 311: Some of your best ideas will come to you in the shower. There’s science behind why it happens. Get a shower notepad if you have trouble remembering your ideas. Don’t listen to music. Listen to your thoughts. Ruminate on tonight’s set or a new joke.
Tip No. 313: Try teaching or informing the audience about something through some of your jokes. We love to learn while being entertained and vice versa. You have knowledge? Put it in your act! Just make sure it’s funny.
Tip No. 327: Going home for Thanksgiving? Take copious notes! Your family is unique. Being reminded of the dynamics and adding new memories will be great resources for your act. “Family isn’t a word. It’s a sentence.”
逢年過節你會回家和家人團聚嗎?做大量筆記!你的家人是獨一無二的。記住動態場景並添加新的記憶,這會是你表演的寶貴資源。“家庭不是一個詞。 而是一個句子。”
Tip No. 331: There are great stories from our lives that we’re not able to translate into stand-up. Don’t throw them out. Collect those stories in a file for radio and TV and other interview situations.
Tip No. 340: Volunteer! Especially if you don’t have a day job. There are so many opportunities to help. You will do good and have something new to write about. In NYC we have New York Cares. One year we decorated an elementary school for Halloween.
Tip No. 358: I have recently started audio recording all notes sessions (for projects), and next time I pitch jokes with a friend I will record that too. It’s very helpful. You will be surprised at what you forgot when you listen back. Ask permission first.
Tip No. 360: Spending holidays with kids? Pay attention to them. Listen to them. Take note and embrace their curiosity and enthusiasm within your writing. (Also avoid the “kids these days” writing. It’s lazy.) Merry Christmas from your second favorite long-haired Jew.
「record my life意思」的推薦目錄:
record my life意思 在 唱針在溝槽 Needle in that Groove Facebook 的最佳貼文
當國外一片叫好對新科技phase歡呼中,DJ Rob Swift提出了不同的思考方向。
猜想他也不是全然反對,因為他也用Rane62跟djm-s9等數位產品。他的說法在於大家太容易隨便就接受了新科技取代人工這件事然後沒有疑問思考。「我沒聽說一個吉他手會抱怨他的琴弦一直壞掉需要換,他只是繼續換掉它然後繼續演奏」然後他舉了影片當例子,DJ Aladdin在比賽中左右交換時唱針多次跳針,通常這樣會搞亂原本既定的段子難以處理而亂掉內容,但Aladdin馬上用經驗跟記憶去判斷唱針大約跳針的位置且很快的用不同風格改變演出的內容,而且最後完成極美好的90秒旅程。
I've been quiet all weekend about phase. Actually, practicing silence has been my method of operation as of late when it comes to the corny DJ shit I be seeing from so many of y'all. But this morning I woke up to a video of a guy lifting a control record off the turntable with that phase gadget still attached to it, making a mockery of scratching to be honest, and I just couldn't fight off the compulsion to speak my peace on the subject.
People are so removed from the truer days of DJing they get easily sucked into technology hype. The DJs I see salivating as they look on while one of their DJ heroes is testing out the product will never be remembered or respected for the new DJ software being pumped into the scene by corporations that honestly care more about getting your money than whether or not you're developing your skills. The only true path to building and cementing your legacy in this art is down a one-way road called Practice Street.
It's to the point now where soon muhfuggas are just gon' be like... "Fuck it, I'm cool wit' letting technology do all the work for me. This way things can sound perfect and we don't have to worry about needles breaking or any of the stuff that DJs naturally deal with."
*I've never in my life heard of a guitar playing bitching about his guitar strings breaking. Dude just replaces it and continues playing.
Here's rare footage of DJ Aladdin's first round set in the 1989 New Music Seminar for World Supremacy. The beauty within the 90 seconds you're about to see/hear lie within this routine's imperfections.
0:13 - Aladdin releases the right turntable and starts his 90 second round.
0:15 - Aladdin begins to obliterate the left turntable with some of the most aggressive scratches I've ever heard him execute in all his battles. *I think the sound he chose to manipulate (the word "Goes" from Orbit's "The Beat Goes") plays a major roll in his cuts sharpness.
0:29 - By now, Aladdin swaps over to the right turntable and starts going back and forth between both decks. Prepping to showcasing his "Juggling" abilities.
0:38 - Aladdin launches the right turntable and it skips on him.
0:41 - Once more Aladdin sets up to launch the right turntable and it skips for a 2nd time. It's obvious by now he's trying to "Juggle" the words "BEAT GOES" on both turntables but something is wrong with the right deck.
0:44 through 0:47 - You see Aladdin feverishly trying to launch the right table from the start point he intends but it refuses to cooperate. (*See 0:43: Aladdin gives the right deck a quick glance. He knows something is wrong).
0:48 - You could tell that as Aladdin is trying to trouble shoot the issue he's having with the right turntable he realizes he's running out of time in the round and needs to act fast before the buzzard signaling the round is over is heard.
0:50 - As Aladdin jumps back into some scratches on the left turntable he decides "...to hell with this" and stops the faulty deck's platter and commences to coax an entirely new rhythm from the left turntable. He rides the left table for 24 seconds!!!
1:14 - Aladdin moves back to the left turntable in one last ditch attempt to get that side of his set up to cooperate but to no avail.
1:21 - Aladdin jumps right back to the good ol' reliable left turnable, sets himself up, stops the right platter and improvises a clever escape out of a challenging first round.
I've witnessed my share of DJ battles and I can genuinely say this is one of the most exciting rounds of any competition I've seen. Not so much because Aladdin did something out of this planet or anything. It was that we were able to see an expert in his craft spontaneously figure out a way to work around the technical difficulties he experienced in his round. I so miss that rawness man. I've seen battle DJs cave in to that tension and end their round early. But when you're the pedigree of an Aladdin, you stay cool, calm and collected and rise to the occasion and figure out a way create magic anyway!
That coolness, that calmness, the skill you see in this video was cultivated from years of walking down Practice Street. I suggest a lot of y'all take a stroll down that road. You'll find yourselves there.
record my life意思 在 9m88 Facebook 的最讚貼文
收錄在LEO37 + SOSS 新專輯的歌曲" Moment ft. 9m88" 推出了! 看完這個mv覺得很感動,跟他們雖然認識不久,但每次一起合作時都能接收到好多愛。有看過他們演出的朋友應該能深刻感受到他們對音樂的熱情專注吧?這張新專輯"Be Well World"該為我們生灰的CD架上添增一點光彩了!
有時候生活不是很順遂,你需要一群隊友為你加油打氣。這首歌獻給你們。Be Well World.🙏🏼🌏💙💙💙
This song from LEO37+ SOSS latest album -"Moment ft. 9m88" is finally out! I'm so stoked to see this music video. Actually really touched. Those guys play music with love and you feel it since DAY1. When was the last time you purchase a physical copy of a great album? "LEO37+ SOSS-Be Well World"🌏 is the one you should get. I recommend it with my full heart. And I dedicate this song to your bumpy road of life, sometimes you need people to cheer you up. That's why we are here playing music for you. #BeWellWorld💙
Without further ado, introducing our 2nd single off the new record.
Featuring the coolest girl in school 9m88
‘Be Well World’ 明天(9/12)將於以下通路開始販售:
Starting tomorrow (9/12) ‘Be Well World’ will be available for purchase at the following locations across the island:
線上購買 | Buy Album : http://goo.gl/YADpqX
台北 | Taipei
漢中街8號B1 | B1, No. 8, HanZhong St.
02 2375 2325
- LAB select shop
昆明街96巷19號 | No.19, Lane 96, Kunming St.
02 2375 8092
- 金銀帝國 Imperial Taels
敦化南路1段187巷73號 | No.73, Lane 187, Sec. 1, DunHua S. Rd
- homey's cafe
敦化南路一段236巷36號2樓 | 2F, No. 36, Lane 236, Sec. 1, DunHua S. Rd.
02 2711 1519
– 2manyminds Records
羅斯福路四段206巷8號 | No. 8, Lane 206, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd.
- 好意思Café
復興北路500號 | No. 500, FuXing N. Rd.
02 2503 8708
- Home Again Hair Salon
中山北路二段20巷1-1號2樓 | 2F, No. 1-1, Lane 20, Sec. 2, ZhongShan N. Rd.
02 2563 8881
- Starck & Co. 傻塔克音樂
永和 | YongHe
02 8660 2068
宜蘭 | Yilan
賣捌所 UriSabakisho
宜蘭市康樂路38號 | No. 38, KangLe Rd.
台中 | Taichung
元氣音樂舖 / 元氣唱片行
台中市三民路三段120巷8號 | No. 8, Lane 120, Sec. 3, SanMing Rd.
台南 | Tainan
Afire Taiwan
台南市中西區衛民街60號 | No. 60, Weimin St.
嘉義 |Chiayi
Moor Room 荒屋
忠義街197巷1號 | No. 1, Lane 197, ZhongYi St.
高雄 | Kaohsiung
三餘書店 TaKaoBooks
高雄市中正二路214號 | No. 214, ZhongZhen Rd.
And again to everyone who mashed out and copped a record on Friday, thank you for sharing such a special evening with us. Hit us up and let us know what you think!
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