吉生 Q&A 來了 !
Q1 . 吉生的早餐要吃什麼?
Tomorrow I will have fruit, granola, bread, Mexican beans and tortilla!
Q2. After losing a tough match, how long does it take for u to get over it ? And how do u motivate yourself again ?
Some losses have taken me weeks to get over and some just one day. I don’t always get it right, but I remind myself of my goals and where I want to get to. That usually motivates me again. I’ve had a good support team as well, my coach, friends and family have gotten me through some tough moments.
Q3. 請問外地比賽的飲食是需要自己準備還是有專業團隊準備呢?
I think depends on the player. But it’s also difficult to eat the same foods when you travel to a different city every week. You need to adapt to the foods of that country. Most of the tennis players will eat rice, pasta, some vegetables, and a protein. And the tournaments usually provides those meals.
Q4. Who teach you Taiwanese in the US?
My parents taught me how to speak Taiwanese!
Q5. When you were a middle/high school kids, what was your motivation to keep playing tennis, when you lost a match (this question is for my daughter)? Do you have a favorite song(s) that you listen before your matches?
My motivation to keep playing tennis was that I had fun playing. I grew up playing with many different people and all age groups. It was fun for me to play with different game styles b/c it gave me a chance to problem solve. Losing was always tough, but when I was in middle/high school I didn’t think about losing too much, there was a tournament almost every week so I would just keep going.
I don’t have a favorite song before matches. I like to listen to US hip hop!
Q6. 現役選手,最希望對戰的選手?
I’d really like to play against Roger Federer. I’ve seen him at tournaments, but would be an honor to play against him.
Q7. 請問吉生是幾歲開始打網球的,要如何鼓勵小朋友喜歡打網球呢?
I started playing tennis at four years old. But I wasn’t serious about tennis until eight years old. At a young age I think it’s best to give kids more opportunities to play tennis. It can be with parents, with a tennis coach, or even at the park where there are many other people playing tennis. Also, it’s nice to go watch tennis tournaments.
Q8. 疫情下的訓練出賽甘苦談
It hasn’t been easy training and traveling this past year during COVID 19. Last year when all the tournaments were canceled for 5 months , some days were tough to find the motivation. As tennis players we didn’t have tournaments to measure our training and we didn’t have the competition to push us to be better. I think traveling has been the most difficult. Every country has different protocols and it’s tough to know that some countries may not let you in if you don’t have the correct documents. Some players have gone through that. But even through these tough times, overall as tennis players we have done a good job to come back and continue to compete.
Q9. What do you like to do in your free time?
During a training week or at a tournament we are always physically exerting energy so during my free time I like to just relax and do nothing haha. Watch TV shows and movies on Netflix. Any recommendations for good shows?
Q10. 吉生最難忘的一場比賽是哪一場?
2017 年的世大運冠軍賽是我記憶中最深刻的一場比賽。
在炎熱的氣溫及一週高強度的比賽下我感到非常疲憊,但靠著球迷們的加油及鼓勵,我最終成功拿到金牌!我永遠不會忘記 :)
University games 2017 in Taipei. I have never played in an atmosphere like that before. The energy was really amazing. There were times during the match where i would feel tired but the fans kept me going and pushed me. I will remember that week forever.
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同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅Smart Travel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#日本網吧收費 #窮遊北海道 #北海道札幌2020 Hello大家好, 我叫阿Tsar, Hello, everyone. 今日同大家介紹是日本窮遊的其中一個方法 Today I will talk about 1 way of budget travel 就是網吧啦, 300 yen入會費,...
relax time國家 在 張寶誠 P.C.Chang Facebook 的最佳解答
New York is 3 hours ahead of California,
but it does not make California slow.
Someone graduated at the age of 22,
but waited 5 years before securing a good job!
Someone became a CEO at 25,
and died at 50.
While another became a CEO at 50,
and lived to 90 years.
Someone is still single,
while someone else got married.
Obama retires at 55,
but Trump starts at 70.
Absolutely everyone in this world works based on their Time Zone.
People around you might seem to go ahead of you,
some might seem to be behind you.
But everyone is running their own RACE, in their own TIME.
Don’t envy them or mock them.
They are in their TIME ZONE, and you are in yours!
Life is about waiting for the right moment to act.
You’re not LATE.
You’re not EARLY.
You are very much ON TIME, and in your TIME ZONE Destiny set up for you.
relax time國家 在 James Huang (黃政堯) Facebook 的最佳解答
旅行 對我現階段來說是一種追逐夢想與挑戰自我興趣極限的過程
旅行 同時是一種我最喜愛的生活形態
Now time, traveling is a process of chasing dreams and challenging my ultimate.
Traveling also is one of my favorite life style. It can let me find myself and feel confidence.
In the process of professional tournament, it wasn、t only the game to increase my level in squash.
I acquire something in each move. I learned to enjoy my loneliness; learned to schedule every contest, and then to feel the process of the game.
Couples years ago, I had written a short essay on my blog, which is called "Traveler". In the essay, it mentioned that "Even the traveler felt lonely, but he is rich inside, because he knows that he is quite insignificant in the world."
As I said that even though I felt lonely, but I am still plentiful. Just because I bring everyone’s wish and anticipate myself on every shot. Although I am negligible, but there is a strong giant that lives in my heart to maintain my inner.
I trained and pushed myself hard in Taiwan every day before I joined the match. That is extremely hard and tired, because it would exhaust my body and spirit. When the game starts, I learned to relax myself since I was on the way to another new place. I have to try to face and adjust myself in a different surroundings and ease up on moods to prepare each game.
Though I took a trip to an all brand new place just only for the squash tournaments, I am still able to be strong to confront the difficulties, just because of squash. Furthermore, I could compete with the best players around the world and treasure each others, even sharing everything in open-handed.
Simply, going to distinct nations for professional squash tournaments is the meaning of traveling, especially to me.
Written by 8 Years ago.
relax time國家 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的最佳貼文
#日本網吧收費 #窮遊北海道 #北海道札幌2020
Hello大家好, 我叫阿Tsar, Hello, everyone.
今日同大家介紹是日本窮遊的其中一個方法 Today I will talk about 1 way of budget travel
就是網吧啦, 300 yen入會費, 即是21.5港元 Internet cafe, 300 yen membership fee, which is 21.5 HKD
過夜一晚, 我選擇住了九個小時, 2145 Yen連税, 即是174HKD Overnight, I chose to stay for nine hours, 2145 Yen with tax, which is 174HKD
加起來200HKD有找, 住在札幌狸小路市中心一晚 Stay one night in downtown Sapporo Tanukikoji for less than 200HKD
其實我機場附近是有酒店住的,不過我在狸小路如果行到得太夜返酒店 In fact, I stayed in hotel near the airport, but I traveled quite late at Tanukikoji
在狸小路一帶, 其實最少有五、六間網吧可以給大家選擇 In Tanukikoji, there are actually at least five or six Internet cafes for you to choose from.
我上了三間, 最後選擇了一間在狸小路4丁目入面 I went to 3 internet cafes, and finally chose one at the 4th street of Tanukikoji.
24小時開放的驚安之殿堂隔離, 半夜肚餓還可以留下有幾間便利店 Next to 24-hour open Donki n a few convenience stores downstairs of this internet cafe
網絡咖啡室,簡稱網咖,在90年代興起,在日本已經非常普遍, Internet cafes have emerged in the 1990s and have become very common in Japan.
香港人身嬌肉貴, 好少會到網吧過夜, 不過我覺得這些都是日本生活體驗之一 HK pals are rarely overnight in Internet cafes, but I think these are one of the Japanese life experiences
狸小路酒店收費最平三百多HKD都有 There are hotels charge 300plus in HKD at Tanukikoji
不過網吧收費還要平一半 However, Internet cafe charges are still half price cheaper
而且它有最少三個小時的收費,假如你女人去附近shopping And it has a charge of at least 3 hours, if your woman goes shopping nearby
男士們就可以上來這間網吧休息一下,一邊等 Men can come to this internet cafe and rest while waiting
所以不一定要來這裏過夜的, 但是網吧24小時營業, So not a must to stay overnight, but Internet cafes are open 24 hours,
任何時間想去都可以, 不用做booking, 話上就上 No need to book in advance, u can come here at anytime
我拍片回來給大家看看, 等大家窮遊的時候又多一個選擇 I just want to show u more option for budget travel
這種網吧的形式, 幾乎全日本都是這樣做法 This format of Internet cafe is widely used in almost all in Japan.
我廿幾歲的時候, 曾經上過台灣網吧過夜 I overnight an internet cafe in Taiwan when I was 20 something
亦去過其他國家的網吧, 但是沒有過夜 Also visited Internet cafes in other countries, but did not stay overnight
食落真是非常之好味喎, 入面除了有一塊豚肉之外 Very yummy with the pork inside
還有相當多的醬料, 味道一流 Taste is superb with different sauces inside
這裏上網嘅速度, 亦都好快, 睡不著可以睇片打機都得 The internet speed here is also very fast. If you can't sleep, many things to entertain.
到你check out之後, 亦可以行一行驚安之殿堂 After you check out, you can also go to the Donki next door
我就在驚安買了一對鞋墊, 非常之舒服透氣 I bought these insoles in Donki very comfortable and breathable.
因為我還有好多地方要去, 大家睇完我條片之後 As I had many places to go that day
以後去北海道, 就可以更加精明消費 Going to Hokkaido in the future can make smarter consumption after watching my video
網吧的運作收費模式, 全日本通用 Internet cafe operating formats are similar throughout Japan
昨天我跟一班junior傾計, 有個junior話 Yesterday I talked with my juniors, one said:
援交女part time girlfriend post上網 Part time girlfriend post online
話一是给錢、一是给口罩找數, 一篤一個口罩 Customers can either pay in cash or in surgical(anti virus) mask
我當然不知是什麼意思啦, 不過我平日都有睇新聞 I don't clearly know how they charge. But I've heard from news somehow
我就問番佢, 咁顏射幾多個口罩呀?成班junior笑到死下死下 Then I asked him back for how many masks do they charge bukkake? The juniors LMAO.
非常時期要注意個人衛生, 召妓這麼埋身肉搏的活動 Attention should be paid to personal hygiene during recent times.
大家都時要注意健康啦, 我在這裏講這些,都是開下玩笑輕鬆下啫 Everyone must pay attention to your well-being, I am just joking for saying BS here for relax.
睇咗當去咗, 又可以和朋友同事親戚多個話題 DO u enjoy my video tour? Share with people u know for more topics.
記得按通知制, 睇完影片留個表情符號以示支持 Remember to press the notification bell, leave an emoji to show support before u leave
功德無量, 我們下一條片再見,88 Thx a million n with that said until next time.88!

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