本集論壇將呈現2017韓國無障礙舞蹈節作品《關於生之重力的間奏式》片段,這是一篇禮讚肉身日常的樂章,編劇發想中,期待完成一篇只以呈現「間奏(Inter)」而完成的樂章。讓它主要由腦性麻痺、肢障、視障表演者的肉身動態交織而成,企圖提出劇場中融合/跨越障礙別的新挑戰,檢用新的語彙織造劇場敘事。論壇講者包括身體氣象館負責人姚立群、音樂家李婉菁和Indepen-Dance身障藝術組織總監Karen Anderson,探討台灣及蘇格蘭身障劇場的創作實踐與藝術節策展。
📣Taiwan Season Online Symposium 2020📣
✨✨✨ Connecting with Taiwan✨✨✨
Webinar 4. Body Stories: “Intermezzo” and others
🔷 Moderator: Donald Hutera, UK arts journalist
🔷 Key speaker: Lee-Chun Yao, Director, Body Phase Studio & Guling Street Avant-garde Theatre
🔷 Guests: Sandra Tavali, Composer, Karen Anderson, Founder & Artistic Director, Indepen-dance
This session engages with curatorial practice in Taiwan and Scotland while also delineating various creative practices, such as improvisation. The session will also showcase the performance ‘Intermezzo,’ a dream-like hymn for the body in everyday life presented in musical chapters based on the intermezzo. The social meaning its three actors convey is inherent in the history and condition of individual bodies impacted by cerebral palsy, polio, visual impairment and a traffic accident. Their collective stage presence welds together several ‘body stories,’ the structural base of which is a field of computerised music and on-site piano improvisation subtly enhanced by contrasting lighting. The performers were encouraged to use their imaginations to jump out of daily conventions and restraints, inventing new stage aesthetics while coming to terms with old hindrances. The key to rewriting their stories of the body was to re-activate their core movements and reveal, on stage, the truths of their lives.