Calling all wine lovers and home chefs! In celebration of #RieslingWeeksHK, we’re giving away vouchers of up to $2000 to be used at Riesling Weeks participating restaurants in Hong Kong. Here’s what you need to do:
1. Cook up a fabulous #asparagus dish using one of these 4 recipes http://rieslingweeks.hk/asparagus-recipes.html or create your very own dish.
2. Post a pic of your creation in the comments of this post.
3. Tell us or show us which German wine you would pair with your dish.
4. Make sure to follow Foodie and Riesling Weeks HK on Facebook.
Prizes: $2000, $1000 and $500 in vouchers respectively for use at these restaurants : http://www.rieslingweeks.hk/participating-outlets.html
For more info on asparagus and wine pairings visit: https://www.germanwines.de/knowledge/wine-food/asparagus-wine/
This competition will end on 1 June midnight. Winners will be chosen based on our favourite pictures and wine match and contacted by 5 June. This competition is in no way affiliated with or sponsored by Facebook.
riesling food match 在 為食花太郎 Fafafoodblog Facebook 的最佳貼文
Sweetwine紅and白酒 glass 58 蚊
浸泡著新鮮 水果入口香甜 sweet紅酒wine用左spain既funf sangria酒加上什果做成 funf 本身 已有好香sangria 時味 唔洗自己溝 再加以新鮮什果 有好香既果甜香同sangria 味 而 白sweet wine用左relax時riesling呢隻白酒做成 riesling味道偏啖 有少少清新提子香味 再配以甜時新鮮什果 比較清甜 十分唔錯
#foodblogger #foodlover #food #foodie #foodporn #hkfoodie#hkfood #lovefood #foodstagram#foodiehk#foodsnap#foodlover#igfood#hkfoodblog#hkfoodlover#foodblog#foodaholic#instafood#instaeat#foodjourney#相機食先#美食#全日食 #為食花太郎 #吃貨#尖沙咀美食 #sangria #wine #chefstagedeeddychu #法國菜
一間喺tst區既西餐廳 廚師喺好多西餐廳做過廚師 再加上自己創意同技術 除左法菜 仲會有fusion菜 食店菜式美味 環境位於高層 可以飽覧靚景色 坐位寛敞舒服
Sweetwine紅and白酒 glass 58 蚊
浸泡著新鮮 水果入口香甜 sweet紅酒wine用左spain既funf sangria酒加上什果做成 funf 本身 已有好香sangria 時味 唔洗自己溝 再加以新鮮什果 有好香既果甜香同sangria 味 而 白sweet wine用左relax時riesling呢隻白酒做成 riesling味道偏啖 有少少清新提子香味 再配以甜時新鮮什果 比較清甜 十分唔錯
乳酪鮮蝦芒果什菜沙律 158蚊
用好新鮮時什菜整成時沙律 醬汁用乳酪醬 十分香濃甜味適中 而芒果碎既芒果肉十分新鮮 好香甜 再加上幾隻新鮮甜既大蝦 食落好有蝦味 同埋甜爆珠做點綴 同甜香既乳酪醬十分match
焗法國連殼式田螺 128 蚊
有六粒法式田螺 田螺香滑彈牙 上面鋪滿住香草醬 味道夠濃 再加上用麵粉 整成時脆脆扮田螺殼包住 味道又夠脆又充滿技術 麵粉夠脆但味道偏啖 同濃味時香草醬配合得宜
松露煮日本年糕 98 蚊
用松露醬整成時年糕 年糕係類似韓式年糕 十分煙靭彈牙 松露醬好似湯甘 有d似白汁 十分香濃 而且有好香黑松露味食落有少少黏調 同彈牙既年糕好襯
紅咖哩蟹肉配熱脆麵包 148 蚊
用紅咖哩煮成東南亞圓茄子 新鮮蟹肉 同蟹子 再用自製時麵包點埋一齊食 麵包脆得黎夠乾身 入面帶有少少軟熟 點以紅咖哩汁 咖哩味道偏淡 唔會蓋過新鮮蟹肉時鮮味 再配以茄子同魚子增加口感 好特別好好味時fusion菜
黑松露磨菇湯 68 蚊
湯底好香濃既法式湯 黑松露味香飲落亦好夠味 , 以檻㰖油做裝飾 飲落去有好香磨菇口感 因為佢落得多又切得好碎 好味
燒原隻法國春雞 188 蚊
法國春雞 以春雞既大細黎講算大隻 雞肉燒得皮脆肉滑 就算背同胸口感都ok . 點以燒汁 味道好match而側邊時露筍絲同燒蕃茄都十分新鮮 好味
燒牛脷配日本芥辣蜜糖汁 128 蚊
美食越簡單越難整得好食 佢個燒牛脷只係落左少少香草燒 但整得好好味 牛脷厚切出面香脆 入面好軟滑 但又有點筋肉 食落好有口感 再配以側邊時新鮮露筍 同甜紫薯蓉 好味