三十一歲了~ 整個世界都是我的伸展台~ 拍照越來越不害臊😎
1898年才建城的大連,曾經是俄羅斯西伯利亞鐵路的最後一站 🚂 也是俄羅斯帝國東岸冬季唯一不會結冰的港口🛳️
1905 年輸給了日本帝國,名稱從 Dalny 變成了 Dairen 🇯🇵 而在第二次世界大戰又把掌管權歸給了中國 🇨🇳 才變成現今的城市🏙️
說真的要不是 York 對這裡的歷史跟建築很感興趣,不然我應該會待在溫暖的旅館耍廢吧🤣 果然有時候還是需要旅伴才有出門的動力😛
#大連 #中國 #俄羅斯建築
跟蹤 IG 看更多即時動態 ➡️ www.instagram.com/travelwithwinny 📷
Dalian built in 1898 became the southern tip of Trans-Serbian railway under Russian rule🚂 As well as the main port for the eastern Russian empire 🛳️
Following the Russian defeat to Japanese, the city was renamed to Dairen in 1905🇯🇵
The Chinese governments then resume control after WWII and the city became what it is today🇨🇳
We spent an afternoon here walking around our hotel and discovered many buildings remained from Russian-colonial times🚶
Some of the architectures were heavily inspired by Paris so they were really grand 🗼
Glad York dragged me out of the hotel to explore this city otherwise I would've stayed in the hotel where it's nice and warm 😛
#dalian #china #russianinspired