#TexasIceStorm #霸王級寒流英文怎麼說
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The state of Texas is known for its long, hot summers and mild winters. That’s why the 🔖freezing weather that hit Texas last week 🔖took everyone by surprise. Normally, the jet stream keeps 🔖swirling cold air—known as the “polar vortex”—trapped in 🔖the Arctic. But last week, the jet stream 🔖dipped south, bringing 🔖frigid weather all the way south to Texas.
The series of winter storms that swept across Texas brought snow, ice, and some of the coldest temperatures the state has ever experienced. Temperatures in Dallas, Austin and San Antonio were lower than those in Anchorage, Alaska, and snow fell all the way to the Mexican border!
Because storms like these are so rare here, Texans—and the state’s 🔖infrastructure—just weren’t prepared for the effects of 🔖extreme cold weather. 🔖Frozen natural gas pipes and ice on power lines caused outages that left millions without gas or electricity, and icy roads resulted in thousands of accidents.
Left without power to heat their homes, people resorted to extreme measures to stay warm. Some ran their cars in their garages, and others ran generators indoors, resulting in hundreds of cases of carbon monoxide poisoning. By the time temperatures started to rise again, dozens of Texans had died, mostly from road accidents, 🔖carbon monoxide poisoning and 🔖hypothermia.
So are there any special terms for weather events like this? The most common term is ✏“cold snap,” which means a sudden short period of very cold weather. Why is it called a cold snap? When you snap your fingers, the sound is sudden and short—just like a cold snap. Another term with the same meaning is ✏“cold wave.” Although “cold wave” isn’t as common as “cold snap,” the opposite term, “heat wave,” is commonly used. Another related term is ✏“cold spell,” which usually refers to a period of cold weather longer than a cold snap.
有什麼詞可以形容這樣的天氣狀況呢?最常用到的詞是「cold snap(短暫的氣溫驟降,類似中文的「霸王級寒流」)」,指突然來襲的短期極寒天氣。為什麼要用到snap(打響指)這個字?打響指的聲音既突然又短促──就像這突如其來的天氣一樣。可以用的另一個詞則是「cold wave(冷浪)」,這個字雖然沒有cold snap常見,不過它的相反詞 heat wave(熱浪)倒是很常見。最後一個詞則是「cold spell」,通常用來形容比cold snap更長的寒流。
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【西語非專業研究】Más chulo que un ocho
Más chulo que un ocho是西班牙文中用來形容一個人很囂張、自大傲慢;中文裡可以說「他自以為了不起的樣子」、「自大狂」,台語則常用「囂俳」(發音hiau-pai)來形容。可以是因為這個人穿著的很囂、也以是因為他的個性有些傲慢自負。
但為什麼要說「他比八還神氣(臭屁)」(隨性翻譯請別見怪)呢? 事實上,這個諺語是在西班牙文古老的歷史中,算是相當摩登的用語,而且也跟馬德里有很大的淵源。
在20世紀初,馬德里的電車有一條線路是從太陽門廣場一路行駛至佛羅里達聖安東尼奧教堂(San Antonio de la Florida),這條線對許多傳統的馬德里人是非常重要的,因為每年到了5月15日的聖伊西德羅(San Isidro),許多Chulapos(穿著馬德里傳統服飾的馬德里人)都會搭這輛電車,再步行到臨近的「燈炮公園」(Parque de la Bombilla)集體醉醺醺、酣歌恆舞。話說到這裡,大家應該也聯想到了~~~這班電車就是「八號」啦!
每年的這個時候,那些住在蘋果河(Manzanares)附近的居民們 (在那個年代,這一區不算是馬德里的市中心,這些人也不是"真的"馬德里人),就會看到八號電車上擠了一堆趾高氣昂的馬德里小帥、俏妞,於是便說「古今中外,再也沒有人能比他們還神氣(臭屁)了」。
很快的「Más chulo que un ocho」流傳到整個馬德里、西班牙,而成為通俗用語了。以上小小的故事希望大家有喜歡啦! 如果有知道其它類似的諺語,也歡迎留言分享牙!!!
照片來源: 截圖自QUO.ES
1. http://www.lasprovincias.es/…/donde-viene-expresion-chulo-2…
2. http://www.quo.es/ser-huma…/que-es-ser-mas-chulo-que-un-ocho
3. http://www.secretosdemadrid.es/por-que-decimos-ser-mas-chu…/
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~ 跟Sharpe Law & BB遊走意大利 ~
這次Sharpe Law來到了Veneto大區,
參觀的不是超有名的水都Venezia (威尼斯),
說來實在可惜, Padova是個很漂亮的城市,
如果用意大利文Padova有翻譯, 就成為「帕道凡」(廣東話啦!)
這裡是來自西班牙的著名修士San Antonio長眠地,
意大利最大廣場Piazza della Valle,
意大利最古老的大學之一Universita degli Studi di Padova,
150年政治古老咖啡店Caffe Pedrocchi,
不少得令人吃驚的Giotto小禮堂Cappella degli Scrovegni!!
單單是這些, 就絕對有能力令遊人停下腳步來細味!!
雖然這次Sharpe Law到來只是作個夜遊Padova,
所以這次就換個角度來夜遊 :)
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