【 林家謙《一人之境》登陸日本 】
現年29歲的林家謙,2014年加入樂壇後一直居於幕後,先後創作《矛盾一生》、《壞與更壞》、《心之科學》、《愛情是一種法國甜品》等數十首作品。及至2019年1月,他正式走進錄音室,獻唱第一首派台歌《下一位前度》,並包辦作曲、編曲、監製,正式以獨立歌手的身份出道,之後於短短兩年間,先後憑《拼命無恙》、《一人之境》、《特倫斯夢遊仙境》及《時光倒流一句話》橫掃多個本地流行榜冠軍位置,成功掀起「我謙熱潮」,粉絲人數激增,而在本月中舉行的ViuTV音樂頒獎典禮《Chill Club推介榜年度推介20/21》裏,他更勇奪「Chill Club年度之歌」及「Chill Club年度男歌手金獎」等六項殊榮 ( https://bit.ly/3gKHKK4 ),與人氣組合MIRROR一同成為媒體焦點。雖然身為處女座的林家謙承認人急升有壓力,直言想「縮返去做幕後」,於頒獎禮後亦刻意保持低調,不過作為本地樂壇新一代「潛力股」,有如漆黑中的螢火蟲那樣,怎樣也會有人留意。2021年4月26日,林家謙再度為其音樂事業寫下新一頁,皆因他的成名作《一人之境》首度登陸日本,於當地電台J-WAVE的音樂節目播出。 ( https://bit.ly/3aMHCpw )
J-WAVE是一家以東京為廣播對象地域的日本FM廣播電台,屬於「日本FM聯盟」(JFL),即由日本私營FM廣播電台組成的廣播聯播網成員之一。逢周一至周四早上9時至下午1時,都會播出節目《STEP ONE》,由兩位DJ ── Sascha(サッシャ)和Neuhauss萌菜(ノイハウス萌菜)主持,每次都會播出大量日本和海外歌曲,就以4月26日(周一)播出的一集為例,節目裏先後播出Sixpence None The Richer的《Don't Dream It's Over》、Weeknd & Ariana Grande的《Save Your Tears(Remix)》、Jamiroquai的《Blow Your Mind》以及星野源《Family Song》等等。
不過這天最令香港人感到自豪的,是Sascha以廣東話介紹林家謙主唱的《一人之境》,畢竟是外語,所以Sascha說是也有點「咬字唔正」,《一人之境》唸作「Yi Yan Si Gang」,而林家謙則以其洋名Terence Lam表達,而《一人之境C Major》並非甚麼特別版,而是去年推出的專輯《MAJOR IN MINOR》裏,所有歌曲在歌名之後,都會列出調性(音樂術語),而C Major就是C大調的意思。記者花了些功夫,於電台官網找到節目的錄音重溫版本,發現兩位主持對於《一人之境》的介紹不多,除了歌名外,只在歌曲播完之後,Sascha說:「是一首很美妙的Ballade!」而Neuhauss萌菜則讚美道:「是一首很柔和的樂曲!」
至於林家謙本人對於今次能夠衝出香港有何感受?記者曾經嘗試聯絡他,但至今未有回覆,似乎是因應近日的低調作風,不過他在個人Instagram的限時動態則有發文提及此事,轉貼一位現時身在日本工作的粉絲「報料」:「我係日本打工的,公司每日都播一間叫J-WAVE的電台(即香港的叱咤903),近兩年嚟,你係佢哋第二個播嘅香港歌手,第一個係王菲!」林家謙對此表示感激,回覆對方說:「Thanks for telling me and capturing for me!」(多謝你告訴我這個消息,又分享截圖給我!)而根據「遠距離兄弟」的IG發帖,則指J-WAVE的電台節目除了播放《一人之境》外,亦有介紹林家謙的新歌《神奇的糊塗魔藥》,文中指:「直播果(嗰)陣公司收音機太細聲聽唔清,後尾聽返Online版,係介紹Apple Music個香港Chart(排行榜),頭三位都係林家謙!」
香港歌手揚威日本,歷史上例子不算多,除了剛才提到的王菲和林家謙,以及陳美齡與關淑怡外,另一個要說的是林憶蓮。1992年4月,其專輯《野花》在當地發行,但主打單曲並非香港的《再生戀》,而是《夜來香》及《Wildflower》,並推出3吋CD Single,其中一個說法,是利用《夜來香》的原唱李香蘭在日本的知名度,以及歌曲中散發的老上海情懷(原唱於1944年推出),基於當地市場會有些人可能聽過這首老歌,才有此市場考量。1992年5月17日,《夜來香》曾經登上日本J-WAVE的「Tokio Hot 100」流行榜第49位,成為史上第一位以中文歌打入日本流行榜的香港歌手。
【 林家謙系列報道 】
林家謙圖片提供: instagram.com/nickyjai
標題:「林家謙年度金曲衝出香港 連日本電台J-WAVE都推介《一人之境》」https://bit.ly/3vyo0h1
#游大東影視筆記 #游大東 #林家謙 林家謙 Terence Lam #一人之境 #JWAVE #廣東歌 快樂的 浪遊旅人 做乜膠睇電視 我睇咗啲乜嘢 Music Picks J-WAVE 81.3FM 廣東歌fans應援事件 Hong Kong Singer Channel 囧報 Stand News 立場新聞 葉一知 羅冠聰 Nathan Law
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「save your tears翻譯」的推薦目錄:
- 關於save your tears翻譯 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於save your tears翻譯 在 雙語活動女王 周明璟 Sophia Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於save your tears翻譯 在 Gina music Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於save your tears翻譯 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於save your tears翻譯 在 The Weeknd save your tears MV意義和彩蛋討論 - 音樂板 | Dcard 的評價
- 關於save your tears翻譯 在 【片語一起TALK save the tears 別自怨自艾了,省省吧】... 的評價
- 關於save your tears翻譯 在 rain and tears中文歌詞的推薦與評價,PTT - 疑難雜症萬事通 的評價
save your tears翻譯 在 雙語活動女王 周明璟 Sophia Facebook 的精選貼文
-by Captain Paul Watson
(翻譯:周明璟 Sophia )
她該被控告疏忽怠職及虐待兒童(Child Abuse)。身為家長我亦無法理解為何事件發生時其他家長竟只呆站和尖叫。若是我一定毫不猶豫跳下去,且我最擔心的不是猩猩而是小孩墜落15呎深的可怕傷勢。身為家長無法想像為何竟讓小孩嬉戲亂晃,這名媽媽在簡訊嗎?還是忙著用手機聊天?
可想而知動物園將祭出名人Jack Hanna來引導輿論。他們在人命和猩猩的命之間做了對的選擇。
Jack Hanna拿了錢來誤導輿論。如果他瞭解猩猩習性,他就會知道Harambe做了什麼。
(翻譯:周明璟 Sophia )
Commentary by Captain Paul Watson
Harambe is dead because an irresponsible and negligent mother allowed her 4-year old son to fall into a Gorilla enclosure.
Think about that for a moment.
This mother allowed her “4-year old ” son to climb over a fence and approach a 15 foot drop onto a concrete floor. Forget about the fact that there was a gorilla down there, what the hell was she doing while her child made his way towards what could be a fatal fall.
She should be charged with criminal negligence and child abuse.
As a parent I find it incomprehensible that another parent would stand there and do nothing but scream. I would have immediately and without hesitation have jumped into that enclosure to protect my child, no matter the risks and It would not have been the gorilla that would worry me but rather the consequence of the 15-foot drop. But again as a parent I can’t even imagine how a 4-year old child was able to wander away . Was she texting someone or chatting on her cell phone?
Now this woman wants us to respect her privacy. She thanked the Lord for delivering her baby back to her. Well woman, it was not the Lord. Harambe was trying to help your child until some idiots with guns decided to settle the issue the way most police and security in America tend to settle an issue – with deadly force.
Harambe is dead, a day after his 17th birthday, because the people who run the Cincinnati Zoo are grossly incompetent. If they had any knowledge and understanding about lowland gorillas they would have quickly observed that Harambe meant no harm to the child and was in fact protecting him.
What we saw was an incredible act of compassion by a gorilla for a human child. An act of kindness and concern that was rewarded with a bullet.
Harambe is dead because of a bunch of ignorant human gawkers kept screaming, thus motivating the horrific response. Where were the keepers? Surely they could see that Harambe was not behaving violently. What kind of ignorant and incompetent cowards do they have working at that damn zoo anyhow?
Harambe is dead because zoos are no place for wild animals to be imprisoned.
Harambe should have been in the lowland jungles of Africa, with his own kind doing what gorillas were born to do and that means being a gorilla, not some character in a freak show so a bunch a gawking ignorant anthropocentric hominids can stare, tease, laugh, and take selfies.
I swear it is incidents like these that make me see how utterly pathetic and clueless human beings can be.
The killing of Harambe was cold-blooded, unprovoked and senseless murder and the fingers of those who pulled the trigger belong to a special kind of stupid.
The zoo feebly tried to defend the shooting in a release where they stated: “The gorilla was violently dragging and throwing the child.”
This was not what eye witnesses saw and the proof that this statement is a lie is the very fact that the child was released from the hospital shortly after, unharmed, and if a 400 pound gorilla was actually being violent there is no way that child would have remained unharmed.
Harambe died because we enslave gorillas and other animals for our entertainment.
Predictably the zoos trotted out their go-to apologist Jack Hanna to proclaim that the zoo did the right thing, that it was a choice between a gorilla and a human being.
No it was not. The kid was not going to be killed by this gorilla. In fact there is no case of a gorilla in captivity ever killing a child and these gorillas are actually approachable in the wild.
But Jack Hanna gets paid to spew such nonsense because if he actually knew anything about gorillas he would have understood what Harambe was trying to do.
And what about the child whose hand Harambe gently held in his own? What kind of trauma will this boy experience from seeing the gentle being who tried to help him gunned down because a few pathetic individuals wanted to pretend Harambe was King Kong and the they were stupidly trying to save Faye Wray.
What brings tears to my eyes, what makes me sick inside is the knowledge that this noble creature was trying to help, that he knew the child was in trouble and his compassion was contemptuously dismissed with bullets.
I am disgusted with the Cincinnati zoo, disgusted with the men who killed Harambe, and disgusted with this pathetic excuse for a mother who is the root cause of this tragedy.
I feel pity for the boy, because for the next 14 years or so he will have to live with this woman and with the knowledge that because she allowed him to fall into that enclosure Harambe, the kindly creature that held his hand, is now dead.
save your tears翻譯 在 Gina music Youtube 的最讚貼文
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Shot the gun, late at night
開一槍 深夜
Was it wrong, was it right?
Hold me near in the light
'Til I say it's alright
Hold me near in the light
Will you be my anchor, baby
Fall into the depths now, save me
墜落深處 拯救我
Throw me out a line please baby, maybe?
扔給我一條繩可以嗎親愛的 可能嗎
Save me
Baby, baby
Maybe, maybe?
Lit the match, struck a chord
點燃火柴 引起共鳴
Was it me or was it more?
Pull me close in the dark
'Til my tears are watermarked
Pull me close in the dark
Will you be my anchor, baby
Fall into the depths now, save me
墜落深處 拯救我
Throw me out a line please baby, maybe?
扔給我一條繩可以嗎親愛的 可能嗎
Will you be my anchor, baby
Throw me out a line now, save me
現在扔給我一條繩 拯救我
Only one chance left, baby
只有一次機會 親愛的
Save me
Baby, baby
Maybe, maybe?
歌詞翻譯: Laka
#FINLAY #deepend #Mokita #Lyrics #輕電音
save your tears翻譯 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最讚貼文
🎤Jolin 怪美的 ❤️ 歌詞翻譯及解析🎤
在等待官方發布英文字幕之前(如果有的話XD),賓狗單字先貢獻我們的翻譯專業 🕶️
為國際粉絲提供可以參考的英文歌詞 🎉✌️
如果你還沒有在「蔡依林 Jolin Tsai - 怪美的 Ugly Beauty Official Lyrics Video」
垂涎的邪惡 陪我長大
Lurking evil has always been around me
在軟爛中生長 社會營養
With little support from society, I’ve grown up in dirt
過去坑疤的 讓我站穩了
But those traumas nourished me and made me tough
那些神醜的 評誰亂正的
Those comments condemning the ugly and idolizing the beautiful
喔 我都笑哭了
oh, they made me laugh to tears
這什麼標準 急著決定適者生存
Survival of the fittest? Who are you to judge? What’s the rush?
愛我 恨我 非我
Self-loving, self-loathing, self-negating
有一些外在我 來自內在我
My external self reflects my internal self
聽誰說 錯的 對的
Who are you to say wrong or right?
說美的 醜的
Beautiful or ugly?
若問我 我看 我說
If you ask me, I would say
I’m insanely beautiful
看不見我的美 是你瞎了眼
If you can’t see my beauty, you must be blind
稱讚的嘴臉 卻轉身吐口水
Talking sweetly in front of me but saying foul things behind my back
審美的世界 誰有膽說那麼絕對
Who dares to set the standards of beauty
真我 假我 自我 看今天這個我 想要哪個我
True self, false self, my self. Who I wanna be today, it all depends on me
聽誰說 錯的 對的
Who are you to say wrong or right?
說美的 醜的
Beautiful or ugly?
若問我 我看 我說
If you ask me, I would say
I’m insanely beautiful
誰來推我一把 On to the next one
Who can take me to the next level?
I’ve shouldered too many moral responsibilities. Living has become such a torture
Hurt me as you may. Defame me as you may. I don’t care
太婉轉的相處 靈魂拉扯左右為難
Being too polite to people can take a negative toll on the soul
Positive and negative energy, I've taken them all in
Beauty and ugliness are both necessary.
I don’t care if you love me or hate me
Save your disingenuous hugs
想要活得顯耀 回應心中惡之必要
To thrive, we have to unleash our inner evil
聽誰說 錯的 對的
Who are you to say wrong or right?
說美的 醜的
Beautiful or ugly?
若問我 我說我呢
If you ask me, I would say
I’m insanely beautiful
❤️ 💛 💚 💙 💜
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為什麼自己的英文總是輸人一截?關鍵差異是「XXX」!| 賓狗單字
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save your tears翻譯 在 【片語一起TALK save the tears 別自怨自艾了,省省吧】... 的推薦與評價
save the tears 字面看起來就是「省省眼淚吧!」也就是叫人別再情緒化了,同時也暗示著對方沒有權利裝可憐。如果你的情況比對方慘,而對方還在那邊哀號, ... ... <看更多>
save your tears翻譯 在 The Weeknd save your tears MV意義和彩蛋討論 - 音樂板 | Dcard 的推薦與評價
而當我看到MV就知道威肯在酸葛萊美的事了.. 台下每個戴面具的都暗指葛萊美的評審. 直接潑酒在評審臉上的意思啦. (這段不知道為何讓我直接大笑威肯對著 ... ... <看更多>