There are 50+ costume shops in New York City employing hundreds of people, and they are on the brink of permanent closure. These shops, and arts workers around the country, need us to take action now. The Arts and Culture Industry adds $877 billion to the US economy and is seeking just 5% of that back in relief funding from Congress. The actors are the public faces and behind them are hundreds of specialists, from tailors to carpenters, sound mixers, ushers and roadies-- over 5.1 million people in all 50 states are employed in the Arts.
Please follow @CostumeIndustryCoalition and @BeAnArtsHero to learn more. If you're reading this, post a picture of yourself in a favorite costume, copy/ re-post this caption, and challenge your friends to do the same.
#SaveTheCostumeIndustry #CostumeIndustryChallenge #ArtsHero @senschumer @kirstengillibrand
#ブロードウェイ #舞台衣装 #舞台衣装関係者 #演劇関係者 #救済運動 #舞台関係者 #総合芸術 #cinderella @papermillplayhouse #damedianarigg #myfairlady @lctheater