🎁 好課程推薦 🎁
昨天跟大家提到了「無形的禮物」,今天想跟大家推薦一個我最近在上的網上課程,叫做「Living in The Gift」。課程是由來自美國、年輕時在台灣居住過多年的作家和演講者Charles Eisenstein所帶領的,其中探討了為什麼多數人以匱乏的心態在過活;為什麼許多人的「給予」其實是「借貸」,是抱著期待在付出;為什麼許多人做有意義的工作,卻無法得到金錢的回報,等等。
🎁Living in The Gift 🎁
I used to think of life as a battle, but I've started to realize that life is actually a gift. I didn't earn my life, I didn't earn the sun, the air, the ocean, my family, my friends...all these came to me as gifts, and all I need to do is accept with gratitude, and share my gifts with others, too.
"Living in The Gift" is an online course I've been taking since last week, hosted by Charles Eisenstein. It touches upon why most people live in a mindset of scarcity, why for many giving is not unconditional, why so many people do meaningful work without being able to receive sufficient financial return, etc.
It challenges the fundamental myth of our civilization, and awakens something in us that we've always known.
And not surprisingly, the course itself is offered as a gift. You can pay however much you want based on your financial situation and how much you think you benefit from the course.
For more information: https://charleseisenstein.org/courses/living-in-the-gift/
#CharlesEisenstein #LivingInTheGift #個人成長