311 我不知道這個叫什麼包包!是長方形的包包,容量非常大,小口袋也非常多,有點運動風,但內裡有點舊,如果不介意的人可以繼續利用它!顏色比較接近深藍色!
312 這個也是內容量及小收納袋很多的包包,有附長背帶跟短背帶。(⭐️bye~)
313 灰色的零錢包,零錢跟鈔票一定要分開放才行喔!
314 日本雜誌跟日本人氣設計師品牌「MUVEIL」合作的小包包,還有附一個綁頭髮的,超可愛!(⭐️bye~)
315 sweet日雜跟「snidel」合作的印花托特包,以前喜歡這個品牌的服裝。(⭐️bye~)
316 in house03,雙CD還附月曆卡,但是2004年的,裡面的樂風有Lounge、House、Groove等等,我有一段時間非常瘋狂著迷這類樂風。(⭐️bye~)
317 Lounge Series LIGHTS、這段時間我們都說這個音樂叫沙發音樂,去Lounge bar都要聽這種音樂。(⭐️bye~)
318 寰宇沙龍 陽光巴里島、兩張CD +1張DVD,但不曉得DVD的內容是什麼,之前很喜歡聽這張。(⭐️bye~)
319 Lounge Story,Lounge Bar裡的確會有很多故事吧🤣!(⭐️bye~)
320 CATWALK GLAMOUR 3、非常精緻的設計,還附有大海報,那段時間的確很多時尚秀也很喜歡用Lounge來走秀!(⭐️bye~)
🔎明天有一些生活小雜貨跟CD, CD的主題為Jazz,再加上莫文蔚跟林志炫,至於是他們的哪一張專輯呢,明天再公布,想收藏的人可以先偷偷問我!
同時也有33部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過275萬的網紅NewShowBiz完全娛樂,也在其Youtube影片中提到,屋哩韜韜~以為被他鹿哥誇 沒想到是被懟了XDDD #創造營2020 #鹿晗 #黃子韜 #陳卓璇 #鄭乃馨 #WeTV 高清鹿哥高調笑韜 → https://youtu.be/ip7GTXiL-ac - 2020.05.02 完全娛樂 更多偶像獨家請訂閱完全娛樂YouTube頻道→ htt...
series發音 在 紀老師程式教學網 Facebook 的精選貼文
[限時免費] 不要解釋了!快上車!六門全為 4 星評等以上的 Udemy 線上課程限時免費!
--- 省下了買課程的 NT$17,930元 就是爽!你還等什麼?還不快搶?
*** 以下課程依照免費截止期限排列 ***
(4.3 星)Python Game Development™: Build 5 Professional Games
(Python 遊戲開發:以建造 5 個專業的遊戲為例)
2021/03/20 15:00 停止免費
(4.4 星)Microsoft Excel Masterclass for Business Managers
(給業務經理人的 MS-Excel 大師課程)
2021/03/20 22:00 停止免費
(4.7 星)Python Network Programming for Network Engineers (Python 3)
(給網路工程師的 Python 網路程式設計:使用 Python 3.x)
2021/03/20 23:00 停止免費
(4.0 星)C++ Programming Step By Step From Beginner To Ultimate Level
(按部就班學 C++ 程式設計:從初學到大師)
2021/03/22 07:00 停止免費
(4.2 星)Python and Data Science for beginners
(給初學者的 Python 與資料科學課程)
2021/03/23 07:00 停止免費
(4.4 星)Time Series Analysis Real World Projects in Python
(在現實生活的專案中,使用 Python 做時間序列分析)
2021/03/23 07:00 停止免費
你居然有空看到這一行?不要看了!快點上車!今天免票! XD
今天分享給大家的,是 Udemy 這個線上學習平台的六門限時免費課程!Udemy 是全球最大的線上學習平台之一。我自己也已經在 Udemy 上,購買了 83 門課程(嗚嗚嗚...錢包啊~~)。它常常有「限時一折」的活動,但「限時免費」就比較少舉辦。不知道 Udemy 是什麼的朋友,可以參考下面這篇簡介:
Udemy 線上學習平台簡介
Udemy 課程雖然大多是英文發音,不過我可以分享一個小訣竅,讓英文聽力沒那麼好的朋友,也可以看懂課程內容:
1. 打開 Chrome 瀏覽器,進入 Udemy 課程內容頁面,並開啟「字幕聽打」功能。此時所有字幕會全部出現在右側欄(如圖一)。
2. 右鍵點擊字幕的任何一處,選擇「翻譯成中文」(如圖一)。
3. 此時您會看到字幕已經全數翻譯成中文了(如圖二)。
PS: 本文歡迎轉發、按讚、留言鼓勵我一下!您的隻字片語,都是讓我繼續提供好物的動力喔!
● YOTTA Python 課程購買: https://bit.ly/2k0zwCy
● YOTTA 機器學習 課程購買: https://bit.ly/30ydLvb
● Facebook 粉絲頁: https://goo.gl/N1z9JB
● YouTube 頻道: https://goo.gl/pQsdCt
series發音 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答
[專頁公告] 英文學習「生態系」更新
English Learning Ecosystem Update
As I began exploring Instagram, I struggled to find a way to deliver useful academic content. Instagram posts typically focus on images, short clips, and concise text, which are attention grabbing but not always entirely conducive to language learning. I looked over the posts of established Instagram English learning accounts, and experimented with vocabulary posts and even news posts for a couple of weeks. Not wanting to post just images, I thought about creating something new even with the rigid format of the platform.
當我開始研究怎麼用IG,我想盡了各種辦法,希望能提供大家一些實用的學術內容。 IG 的特色著重在圖片、短片以及簡潔的文字,這樣的方式雖然很容易引人注目,卻不全然有助於語言學習。我瀏覽了 IG 上英文教學網紅的貼文,並在這幾週嘗試發了一些學術單字與新聞相關的文章。我並不想只是發一些圖片,而思考著要如何在既有框架下創作一些新的東西。
A tenet of using tech in education is to engage students with what they are familiar with, not give them an entirely new platform that is difficult to use. So, how could I create a new series of Instagram posts that is both educational and unique? I thought about my goal to disseminate academic English resources, and how I could leverage my experience as a curriculum writer and voice recording artist for public school textbooks.
一個使用科技進行教育的原則是用學生熟悉的方式與他們互動,而非用了全新的平台卻使他們難以學習。那麼,我應該如何創作獨特且具教育意義的一系列全新 IG 發文呢?我想到了我傳遞學術英文資源的目標,以及思考到該如何發揮身為教科書編輯者與音頻錄製者的經驗。
So far, this is what I have at the moment. I will post Word of the Day (每日一詞), high frequency vocabulary words that you see in academic texts and sometimes on the news. These Tier 2 academic vocabulary words are not exclusive to a single domain and complement the theme-based approach I’ve taken with my mind-mapping vocabulary class. You can find other vocabulary learning methods here.
這是我目前所想到的內容:我會發布「每日一詞」,也就是學術文章或是新聞中有時出現的高頻字彙。這些Tier 2學術詞彙並不限於單個領域,更補充了我在心智圖詞彙攻略課程中採用的主題式學習法。你還可以在下面網站找到其他詞彙學習方法。
🎓 詞彙學習方法:http://bit.ly/2JGXKvK
In these posts, I added the pronunciation, collocation, and example sentences of each word for students. These words will be helpful to university-level students who often read academic texts and the news. Students can access them by simply clicking on the hashtag 學術英語單字.
🎓 學術英文單字: https://bit.ly/3cxH091
To help students use more precise and common academic phrases, I then added Academic Phrases (每日一句), set phrases that appear in both academic speech and writing. These phrases have varying functions from introducing a topic to comparing and contrasting ideas. There is a difference between speech and writing, so I picked words that could be used for both. If one is used only in a specific context, I will make note of it in the video recording. This series of posts will help students with language output, and can be found under the following hashtag 學術英語片語.
為了幫助學生使用更精準、更道地的常見學術用語,我們接著會進入「每日一句」,也就是在學術演說與寫作中常見的用語。這些片語具有不同的功能,範圍涵蓋介紹主題到比較、對比想法等等。而演講和寫作之間也有不同,所以我選擇了都可以使用的片語。如果只能在特定情況下使用,我會在影片中特別說明。該系列文章將會幫助學生提高語言輸出能力,可以在 # 學術英語片語找到。
🎓 學術英文片語: https://bit.ly/3aqaQcP
Last, I will follow up with an abridged version of breaking news (時事英文) with high frequency collocations and audio recordings. This will provide students with the input of not only individual words, but how to use them in output (speech and writing) with context. While all these news posts might seem independent at first, I will eventually link and organize them by theme when there are enough posts. Along with my news class, these extra posts will help students stay aware of current events, acquire set phrases used in journalism, and develop critical thinking. These posts can currently be found under the hashtag EEL時事英文.
最後,我們會跟進精簡版的「時事英文」,其中包含高頻搭配詞與錄音資料。這些內容不僅可以提供你們輸入單字,而且可以幫助你們知道如何搭配情境輸出,再將這些內容使用在口說與寫作中。這些貼文一開始雖然看似獨立,當素材足夠後我會再將他們進行連結與整理。這些貼文和我的新聞課程將幫助學生維持對時事的敏銳度,掌握新聞中使用的固定用法,並養成批判性思維。這些貼文目前可以在 # EEL時事英文。
🎓 批判性思考問題大全: http://bit.ly/34rdtJ7
🎓 EEL時事英文: https://bit.ly/36tDusv
There is a lot more I want to do to create an ecosystem of free academic English learning materials. I will continue modifying our post format to meet your needs, but these are my plans for Instagram thus far. Join us on our journey to make bilingual academic English resources more readily available to all! Let’s continue to learn and grow together!
建立免費的學術英文學習系統是件大工程,我會持續修改我們發文的格式以符合你們的需求與習慣,這些只是我目前 IG 學術英語學習計畫的一部分。加入我們的旅程來讓雙語的學術英文資源更加普及!讓我們一起學習與成長!
🎓 學術英文單字: https://bit.ly/3cxH091
🎓 學術英文片語: https://bit.ly/3aqaQcP
🎓 EEL時事英文: https://bit.ly/36tDusv
🎓 批判性思考問題大全:http://bit.ly/34rdtJ7
🎓 該如何學習英文?http://bit.ly/3inxdCP
series發音 在 NewShowBiz完全娛樂 Youtube 的精選貼文
#創造營2020 #鹿晗 #黃子韜 #陳卓璇 #鄭乃馨 #WeTV
高清鹿哥高調笑韜 → https://youtu.be/ip7GTXiL-ac
2020.05.02 完全娛樂
更多偶像獨家請訂閱完全娛樂YouTube頻道→ https://www.youtube.com/user/SETShowBiz?sub_confirmation=1

series發音 在 五哥頻道 Youtube 的精選貼文
?請支持五哥新平台? https://www.patreon.com/5gor
?五哥上左Youtuber GO好後悔?! https://youtu.be/YgVinPvvnTY
⭐️記得比個Like同訂閲我頻道? https://bit.ly/2F6Y2M8
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陰謀系列? http://bit.ly/2RW8oVd
Affiliate Marketing 聯盟行銷 教學?http://bit.ly/2YWhXXH
#五哥教學 #五維時空 #香港YouTuber

series發音 在 Fiona Vibes Youtube 的最佳解答
Welcome to ✶ Signs Talk with Fiona Vibes ✶ Fiona Vibes 星座解說 ✶
♥ Channel's About ♥
Horoscope Love, Relationship Tips, Self Nature & Intuition
☀ Today's Topic ☀
Why is so Hard to Meet Someone?
At the beginning of meeting someone, you may stalk him/her a bit for reference, then you may be able get to know your crush more before you give in; on the other hand, what makes you to hold after all the hard work? Is meeting someone that difficult? Let's find out though this video about different signs!
㊟ You May Want to Know ㊟
Zodiac signs are controlled by 4 main elements, earth, water, air and fire. There are magical chemistries between each signs and elements, through my videos, they will make you feel empowered, confident, and in control of your romantic destiny again. Use your intuition to guide you. If this message doesn’t resonate with you, feel peaceful and find the one that does. Ultimately, you must always use your own judgement, wisdom and discrimination when making life decisions.
☛ Time Stamps ☛
Aries 00:11
Taurus 00:56
Gemini 01:46
Cancer 02:31
Leo 03:16
Virgo 03:53
Libra 04:35
Scorpio 05:21
Sagittarius 06:07
Capricorn 06:57
Aquarius 07:49
Pisces 08:40
► More Videos ►
✶ Signs Talk with Fiona Vibes ✶ Why You Can't Seem to Let Love In? ✶ Fiona Vibes 星座解說 ✶ https://youtu.be/KgT2-pOJkhY
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Facebook: https://facebook.com/fionavibes
Insta: @fionavibes https://instagram.com/fionavibes
✶ About me ✶
I am interested in star signs, energy healing and elements although I graduated from an Art Uni - Central Saint Martins. Star signs have been bringing me a lot of improvement in mind reading and communication skills, therefore I am quite open to share my POV of start signs for you to know people better and easier.