很感謝 台灣世代智庫 Taiwan NextGen Foundation的同仁,一起攜手,在假日時間,持續志願進行淨灘活動。 今天有超過15名海內外志工,一起參與我們在龜吼的淨灘。
同仁們共清出超過500公斤的垃圾。 守護我們的海岸線,我感謝所有各國志工們。
#環境教育 需要 #實踐,我感謝所有熱心於愛護這塊土地的朋友,不論國籍,年齡,我們一起實踐!
I am so proud of 台灣世代智庫 Taiwan NextGen Foundation volunteers and #community partners who dedicated their time to #KeepTaiwanClean. While the amount of #plasticpollution on our nation's #coastline is just monstrous 👹 & signals the need for more govt regulation over most polluting industries #IndividualAction is a sign of a strong #CivilSociety in Taiwan and our genuine commitment to
#sustainability. Join us in #Chiayi on 11/21 for our next #servicelearning #cleanup proje