Beautiful neck! My first encounter was my 1963 Fender Duo Sonic that I bought it at East Village Guitars in Kyoto Japan. I thought it’s great guitar for my son.. the I brought it to my gig one night playing slow blues. Wow! What a tone! This 22.5 inch scale neck with all vintage 1963 tone...I just loved it. After that these guitars (Duo Sonic and Musicmaster became really important part on my playing) I can say that these guitars really developed my bending style too! And my dynamics because these guitars are very sensitive so you need to play a bit softer to make warmer tone. Just a thought on Monday morning. Hope every is doing well. #micromonday #fenderduosonic #fendermusicmaster #fenderoffset #studentguitar #shortscaleguitar #vintageguitar #guitar #daddariostrings #daddario #1146 #1252