【離苦得樂的大法緣】(English writing below)
❤️ 盡孝道幫助自己祖先往投更好的境界,
🤒 爲病重的家人祈福超度他們的纏身靈,
👶🏻 爲墮胎或流產的孩子報名超度,
❤️ 爲自己的纏身靈冤親債主報名超度解怨
做不到,臨終時,會見到鬼祖先來個welcome party, 牛頭馬面和大二爺伯。這時,就得仰賴有大法力的成就者來爲亡者超度。
💻 台灣雷藏寺網址: ➡️ https://tbsec.org/
📩 線上報名法會➡️ https://goo.gl/TnVyyW
📩 線上報名系統說明 ➡️ https://bit.ly/2O0DlSH
XXX (母親姓名)之水子靈,地址是牌位地址或母親居住地址。
There are some parents who never get to see their child, and already had to make "funeral arrangement" for the young infant spirit.
Two days ago, I received a PM in the morning from a lady reader whom I had never met. She told me how her 6-week-old embryo had left her. She watched my old FB Live on abortion and miscarriage, and wanted to know how she could register for deliverance for her baby spirit.
My gentle reminder to everyone: Do not place excessive crystals and auspicious Feng Shui ornaments in your home. These can affect the chances of a healthy pregnancy, and also spoil the relations between the parents and their children.
While such objects may be able to bring in wealth, they will also obstruct the luck of having descendants. When placed in the wrong sector at home, you end up losing both money and your children.
I have also seen such cases: as the careers and wealth of the couple improve, their children woes also escalate e.g. disobedient behaviour, poor academic results, deteriorating health, unhealthy addictions etc.
A good quality Feng Shui audit requires putting together the Bazi of all the family members, with the home Feng Shui, so as to reach the most effective and efficient solutions, that do not compromise on anyone in the household.
Buying something randomly and placing it in the so-called auspicious location is not going to help you prosper like mad. Hence, do not ever recklessly recommend such objects to others.
If your Bazi is not up to it, or the person who advises you does not have sufficient merits and virtues to "transfer" to you, then the "wealth" that you gain has to be compensated by something else in your Destiny, so as to fulfil the Law of Karma.
This is why a competent Feng Shui practitioner is definitely one who cultivates him/herself well, and put in his/her best effort to ensure the safety, peace and continuous inflow of wealth for your family. Such is our professional ethic to uphold, and not to drool at the sight of money, disregarding the safety of our clients' family luck.
Qing Ming Festival is just round the corner. Many of us would be praying to our ancestors. Some will seek the blessings of our ancestors. But think about it, if your ancestor did not accumulate much virtuous deeds while alive, and suffered immensely due to sickness before his/her death, how likely is he/her be able to have greater powers to bless the entire family clan, just because he/she became a ghost?
The reality that I see is that many ancestors are having a hard time themselves in the netherworld. When their descendants do not continuously register for bardo deliverance for them, to eradicate their negative karma and increase their good fortune, both the descendants and ancestors have a hard time in their respective worlds.
By the way, I do not advocate consuming foods and drinks that have been offered to the ancestors. This goes out to ESPECIALLY pregnant ladies. Because ancestors belong to the Yin realm, while we living beings are in the Yang realm. Consuming their food will introduce excessive Yin ghostly qi in our bodies, destroying our Yang energy.
Whether the baby is lost through abortion or miscarriage, the mother should still do a short confinement to nurse her body back to better health. Apart from registering for bardo deliverance, the parents should also enshrine a tablet for the baby spirit at the temple, and cultivate repentance practice.
If you wish to:
❤️ demonstrate filial piety and help your ancestors be reborn in a better realm,
🤒 help your sickly family member to seek blessings and deliver his/her karmic creditors,
👶🏻 register for bardo deliverance for your aborted/miscarriaged child,
❤️ resolve the debt of enmity between you and your karmic creditors and sign them up for bardo deliverance,
I strongly recommend that you can register for this Saturday's, 30 March 2019, Qing Ming Bardo Deliverance Pure Land Trinity Homa Ceremony, presided by my Root Guru, His Holiness Living Buddha Lian-Sheng.
The Pure Land Trinity, otherwise known as the The Three Saints of the West, comprised of the leader Amitabha Buddha, Avalokitesvara (Guan Shi Yin) Bodhisattva on His left who holds a purification vase and willow leaves, and Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva on His right who holds lotus bud.
When you can recite the name of Amitabha Buddha single-mindedly, as you pass on, you will see The Three Saints of the West and the entourage of sages appearing to welcome you with your lotus throne. You will then be reborn in the Western Pure Land of Paradise.
If you cannot do it, as you die, you will see your ghostly ancestors throwing a welcome party for you, as well the Ox-Head and Horse-Face Hell Guards, and the Black and White Impermanence deities coming for you. At this time, you can only rely on the supreme transcendental powers of an accomplished cultivator to deliver the dead.
Why do I have faith that Living Buddha Lian-Sheng can help you? Because I have personally experienced it myself. The story of my family, my ancestors and myself is written in this FB article: goo.gl/KbCcXW
To register for this Saturday 3pm, Qing Ming Bardo Deliverance The Three Saints of the West Homa Ceremony, please register an account online at the website of Taiwan Lei Tsang Temple, and use the online registration system to sign up for the Homa Ceremony:
💻 Taiwan Lei Tsang Temple website: ➡️ https://tbsec.org/
📩 Online Homa Registration URL ➡️ https://goo.gl/TnVyyW
📩 Guide to Online Registration ➡️ https://bit.ly/2O0DlSH
(The deadline for online application for every Saturday's Homa Ceremony is till Friday 5pm. After which, you will have to email the temple with the downloaded forms.)
Registration for ancestors:
Name of the deceased or 李(your surname)氏歷代祖先。
Registration for fetal spirits:
XXX (name of Mother)之水子靈,
Address would be either the tablet temple address or the mother's residential address.
The donation amount for Homa Ceremony registration is entirely your choice. But in my humble opinion, if you are too stingy to your ancestors, they may very well appear in your dreams to give you a good spanking. 😄
shui姓氏 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳解答
【玳瑚師父講座課室】 《第十一場回顧:人體風水》
11th Workshop Recap: Feng Shui Dynamics in The Human Body
(English version below)
2016年九月十五日,中秋佳節晚上,玳瑚師父舉辦了他第十一場《以茶會友 - 人體風水》。
面相解析 - 上停 ~
一、 多才多藝的面相
二、 額頭的五行所屬,及對個人事業的影響
四、 李資政為何注定是新加坡的「人王」?
五、 原來自殺的人,都有這樣的眉毛!
七、 房屋經紀要成功,眉毛要如此!
八、 要成為當紅的明星,眉毛必須這樣的形狀。
九、 想和家人感情好,眉毛可以這樣修。
十、 美女都是什麼季節出生?
面相解析 - 中停 ~
十八、 想要擁有財富,要如此護理鼻子。
十九、 面相代表「水」的部位
二十、 有名氣的人,必定有此特徵。
面相解析 - 下停 ~
世界和居家風水 ~
三十、 哪一種屋子保證賺大錢?
好名字一生也溫飽 ~
病從口入 ~
四十、 八字很熱,簡單補運的方法是什麼?
四十一、 被動的人,是哪個季節出生?
現場答客問 ~
四十四、 請問如何能在房内結界,保護自己不被魍魎鬼怪騷擾?
事後,師父更為所有出席者加持他們的個人物件,並在一位出席者要求下,簡單地示範如何使用念珠,賜吉祥和福給大衆, 為這花好月圆之夜的聚會劃下了完美的句號。
It's the Mid-Autumn Festival on 15 Sep 2016, as Master Dai Hu held his 11th Tea Session to share the intricate knowledge of Feng Shui Dynamics in the Human Body.
Due to the overwhelming response, Master Dai Hu took into account the comfort of the participants and decided to change the venue to a classroom, making it his FIRST workshop!
As a way of giving back to the sentient beings, Master Dai Hu is more than willing to invest in a well-fitted seminar room and deliver this wisdom-filled session at no charge at all. It is his big gift to all on his "birthday".
Before the seminar began proper, Master Dai Hu noticed the weak facial aura of the participants. He showed his sense of humour and demonstrated a dance move, in a bid to remind everyone that movement of the Qi energy and blood in the body is vital to one's prosperity and good luck. A great circulation of the Qi and blood in the body forms a strong foundation for one's good fortune.
1. How do you recognise a face that belongs to a multi-talented person?
2. The element of your forehead and its impact on your career prospects.
3. What kind of face signifies a life of toil with no returns?
4. Why is the late MM Lee destined to be the leader of Singapore?
5. These kind of eyebrows belong to people with suicidal tendencies!
6. A woman should sport such eyebrows to have a blissful marriage.
7. A property agent should sport such eyebrows to have a successful career!
8. A celebrity should sport such eyebrows to enjoy stardom and fame.
9. You will enjoy good family relationships if you trim your eyebrows this way.
10. Which season is a beautiful woman usually born in?
11. The importance of your hair in your life fortune.
12. 90% of rich people have such characteristics in their ears!
13. What are some facial features of a woman who marry into a rich family?
14. How can you tell from the face of a man, to know that he is having an extramarital affair?
15. If your eyes are not good, you will not strike rich even when you are 40 years old.
16. What are the 4 things that you can tell from a pair of bloodshot eyes?
17. What are the special features in the eyes of a person with a successful career?
18. Please maintain your nose this way if you want to be wealthy.
19. Which facial feature represents the water element?
20. Famous people will definitely have such unique features.
21. What effect does freckles on the wife's face have on her husband?
22. The facial features of a person in civil service.
23. Danger signs to look out for when it comes to female health! How do you maintain good female health?
24. The lower chin represents your senior years. If your chin has these flaws, what does it mean for your silver years?
25. What kind of mouth shape signifies that a woman can control her husband?
26. If you sport a small mouth, how can you enhance your wealth luck with Feng Shui at home?
27. TOP 3 countries in the world with the best Feng Shui.
28. Why does USA lead the world in many IT technological advancements?
29. Why does China call the shots in these 20 years?
30. Which type of house guarantees you of huge earnings?
31. Which type of house is devoid of warmth and love?
32. If you experience "wind" in your digestive system, which part of your house is having Feng Shui issues?
33. To have more weight in your words, a woman must do this at home!
34. The empire of a man is found in this spot of the house!
35. The Destiny link between your name and Bazi.
36. Master Dai Hu's live analysis of the Chinese names of two participants.
37. Master Dai Hu explains the elemental type of some common Chinese surnames, so that you can easily identify your benefactors and enemies!
38. The importance of getting your Bazi read is to find the antidote to improving your life.
39. The diet differences for people born in different seasons of the year.
40. If your Bazi is full of fire, what would be a simple way to improve your fortunes?
41. A person with no initiative is usually born in this season.
42. Why do 2 persons end up in a relationship?
43. A person who is perpetually sick has bad energy field, because an inauspicious star has entered his/her body!
44. How do I demarcate my room, so that I will be protected from ghostly disturbances?
45. How can my friend recover from his long-time stubborn cough?
46. I have a big balcony at home. How will this affect the wealth-storage ability of my house? What should I do?
And more.
As the workshop drew to an end, with compassion, Master Dai Hu reminded all participants to be free from afflictions, as these accelerated the aging process.
Using a real-life story of how a Chinese mother got humiliated by a foreigner, Master Dai Hu emphasized the importance of speaking Mandarin frequently, and learning Chinese Metaphysics to the participants of Chinese descent. The beautiful language and the Metaphysics knowledge are the roots to our Chinese culture. A race that neglects and abandons its roots will not get any respect from others and eventually die out.
Just before leaving, Master Dai Hu performed a round of blessings for everybody's personal objects. Upon request, he also did a simple demonstration on how to use the chanting beads, ending the night on an auspicious note
Thank you to all participants who made an effort to dress up and Mr & Mrs Gordonn Chiu for their beautiful flower bouquets, as a birthday gift to Master Dai Hu.
shui姓氏 在 黃震宇風水命理工作坊- 190912 我們的祖先來自何處? 我們的 ... 的推薦與評價
現今中華民族的族群當中,「堂號」最完整的只剩下客家族群。 堂號即祠堂的名稱或稱號,主要用於區別姓氏、宗族或家族、地名( ... ... <看更多>