[時事英文]亞伯瑞(Ahmaud Arbery)槍殺案
Students sometimes ask me why social issues such as racism should be discussed. The answer is straightforward. These lessons point out underlying problems within our society that only open discussion and action can address. If we want a more inclusive, equitable, and progressive society, then we must all to our part to bring these difficult issues to light and face them together.
Ahmaud Arbery loved to run. A former high school football standout, he had been jogging near his home on the outskirts of Brunswick, Ga., when he was shot and killed after being pursued by two white men with guns, according to the authorities. The authorities said he was shot after an encounter with Gregory and Travis McMichael, who had grabbed two guns and followed Mr. Arbery in a truck after he jogged past them.
1. a standout 優秀而顯著的人物
2. on the outskirts of 在⋯⋯的郊區
3. be pursued by 被⋯⋯追趕
4. the authorities 當局;官方;當權者
5. an encounter with 與⋯⋯的遭遇
Gregory McMichael told the police that he thought Mr. Arbery looked like a man suspected in several break-ins in the area. The Brunswick News, citing documents obtained through a public records request, reported that there had been just one burglary in the neighborhood since January: the theft of a handgun from an unlocked truck parked outside Travis McMichael’s house.
6. be suspected of 有⋯⋯的嫌疑;被懷疑
7. break-in (n.) 非法入侵;(尤指)入室盜竊
8. public records 公開紀錄;公開檔案
9. burglary 偷盜罪
10. the theft of ⋯⋯的偷竊
For two months, the shooting received little attention outside Brunswick. As the coronavirus pandemic dominated headlines and shut down communities around the country, The Times spoke with Mr. Arbery’s friends and family, who were by then concerned the case might quietly disappear in their Deep South community, because social distancing restrictions had made it difficult for them to gather and protest.
11. receive little attention 很少受到關注
12. dominate headlines 佔據了頭條
13. the Deep South 美國深南部
14. social distancing restrictions 社交距離限制令
On May 5, a graphic video of the fatal encounter had begun to circulate online. It galvanized an already growing chorus of voices calling for charges to be brought in the case. Recorded from inside a vehicle, it shows Mr. Arbery running along a shaded two-lane residential road when he comes upon a white pickup truck, with a man standing beside its open driver-side door. Another man is in the truck bed. Mr. Arbery runs around the vehicle and disappears briefly from view. Muffled shouting can be heard before Mr. Arbery emerges, tussling with the man outside the truck as three shotgun blasts echo.
15. a graphic video of ⋯⋯的血腥影片
16. a fatal encounter 致命的遭遇
17. circulate online 流傳於網路上
18. galvanize 激起;引起
19. run along 沿著
20. come upon 碰上;偶然發現
21. disappear from view 從視野中消失
22. muffled (聲音)變輕微(或低沉)
23. tussle with 與⋯⋯打鬥;盡力對付
Travis McMichael, 34, and his father, Gregory McMichael, 64, were charged on May 7 with murder and aggravated assault — two days after a graphic video of the shooting of Mr. Arbery, a 25-year-old black man, became public, and more than two months after the killing itself. The case has generated a wave of outrage and raised concerns about persistent racial inequities in the justice system.
24. be charged with 被以⋯⋯控告
25. murder and aggravated assault 謀殺與加重的企圖傷害罪
26. the shooting of ⋯⋯的槍擊
27. become public 公開
28. generate a wave of outrage 引發憤慨
29. raise concerns 引起擔憂
30. racial inequities 種族不平等
31. the justice system 司法系統
May justice be served.
[時事英文]US Protests: Week of Outrage: https://bit.ly/3crULTN
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過38萬的網紅CH Music Channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《Sleepless Nights》 雪の降る街 作詞:aimerrhythm 作曲:黒田晃太郎 編曲:玉井健二、釣俊輔 歌:Aimer 翻譯:夏德爾 English Translation: Thaerin 版權聲明: 本頻道不握有任何音樂所有權,亦無任何營利,一切僅為推廣用途。音樂所有權歸原始...
side view中文 在 公民聯盟 Facebook 的精選貼文
▌捷克參議院議長柯佳洛去世前收到的威脅信 中英文翻譯 ▌
Prague, 10th January 2020
►The Taiwan issue is highly sensitive. The One-China Policy serves as the political basis for China in order to preserve and develop friendly relations and cooperate with all countries in the world, including the Czech Republic.
►The Chinese government resolutely opposes any official contact between any country that maintains diplomatic relations with China and Taiwan (including any mutual visits between parliamentary representatives and deputies).
►Top representatives of Western countries, including the USA, the United Kingdom, France and Germany, abide by the One-China Policy, and none of them has visited Taiwan (Jacques Brotchi, the then Chairman of the Belgian Senate, who visited Taiwan in May 2019, has already resigned from his office and received a lifetime ban from entering China).
西方國家(包括美國,英國,法國和德國)的最高代表都遵從一中政策,且沒有一個人訪問過台灣(當時的比利時聯邦參議院議長 Jacques Brotchi 曾於 2019年5月訪問台灣,其現已辭職,並令終身禁止進入中國)。
►The joint declaration on the establishment of the strategic partnership between the People’s Republic of China and the Czech Republic states that “the Czech Republic has again confirmed its observance of the One-China Policy, as well as its respect towards the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the People’s Republic of China”.
►Whatever its form and purpose, a visit to Taiwan by Jaroslav Kubera, the Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic and as such the second highest representative of the Czech Republic, bears the marks of an official visit. That would constitute a grave violation of the recognition of the One-China principle.
捷克共和國國會參議院議長 Jaroslav Kubera 作為捷克共和國第二層級的最高政治代表,若訪問台灣,無論其形式及目的為何,此舉都將被視為是官方正式的外交出訪,具有不可逆的政治意義。此舉將嚴重違反對於 “一中原則” 的承認。 **(bears the marks of 留下印記這裡我試試看有別於字面上的翻法!不知道有沒有更好地翻法?)**
►The Chinese-Czech strategic partnership has been continuously developing over the last few years, thus bringing tangible benefits to Czech enterprises. China has already become the largest foreign market for many Czech companies, such as Škoda Auto, Home Credit Group, Klavíry Petrof and others.
近年來,中捷戰略夥伴關係不斷發展,為捷克企業帶來了實質的利益。對於許多捷克公司(例如 汽車製造商 Škoda Auto,捷信集團 Home Credit Group,佩卓夫鋼琴 Klavíry Petrof 等),中國已經成為最大的國外市場。
►A potential visit to Taiwan by Chairman Kubera would seriously hurt the feelings of the Chinese people, damage the friendly atmosphere of cooperation between China and the Czech Republic, the Czech Republic’s reputation among the Chinese public and the interests of the Czech Republic.
Kubera 議長可能對台灣進行的訪問將嚴重損害中國人民的感情,損害中國與捷克共和國之間的友好合作氣氛、捷克共和國在中國公眾中的聲譽以及捷克共和國的利益。
►Czech enterprises whose representatives visit Taiwan with Chairman Kubera will not be welcome in China or by the Chinese people. Czech enterprises with economic interests in China will have to pay for Chairman Kubera’s visit to Taiwan.
與 Kubera 議長一起訪問台灣的捷克企業代表,將不被中國與中國人民歡迎。在中國具有經濟利益的捷克企業將為 Kubera 議長對台灣的訪問付出代價。
►Chairman Kubera’s visit to Taiwan will not benefit anyone. We hope that the Czech side will observe the One-China policy and cancel this visit, thus avoiding damaging Chinese-Czech relations.
Kubera 議長對台灣的訪問將不會使任何人受益。我們希望捷克方面遵守一中政策並取消此次訪問,以免破壞中捷關係。
►Attn.: Office of the President of the Czech Republic
►[Seal of the Office of the President in Czech Republic confirming receipt on 13th January 2020]
►[Seal of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Czech Republic]
https://sinopsis.cz/en/embassy-threats/… (★ 接下來有這個星號的都是這個連結裡的內容)
★ 連結中寫道:“The threatening letter eschews diplomatic protocol; it is written as a series of “bullet points”, lacking even a salutation. It appears to have been translated by a non-native speaker, from a Chinese original into nearly flawless Czech.”
此封威脅信不以外交禮儀寫成;而是使用條列式列出了一系列要點,信中甚至沒有收信人的稱呼(一般書信在開頭會有 Dear xx)。它似乎是由非母語人士翻譯而成的,從原本的中文翻譯成了近乎完美的捷克語。
★ “In 2019, the chairman of the Czech Senate, Jaroslav Kubera, announced a trip to Taiwan as head of a business delegation. Various voices in local politics criticised these plans out loud, most notably the country’s CCP-friendly president Miloš Zeman, who said Kubera’s Taiwan visit would mean the end of their friendship. The PRC’s direct attempt to prevent the visit was not, however, made through public channels.”
2019年,捷克參議院主席 Jaroslav Kubera 宣布作為商務代表團團長前往台灣。地方政治上出現了各種聲音大聲批評了此計劃,最值得注意的是捷克的親中總統 Miloš Zeman,他表示,柯佳洛議長對台灣的訪問將意味著中捷兩國友誼的終結。然而,中國嘗試阻止訪問的直接方法並不是透過公開透明的管道。
★ 據捷克媒體 Aktuálně 於2/19的報導(source: https://zpravy.aktualne.cz/…/r~3602b9ba51a711eaa5e40cc47ab…/)
重點節錄:這封信經過了捷克總統府,並隨信附有捷克總統府對外辦公室主任 *Rudolf Jindrák* 的評論,最後轉交給了柯佳洛。信件發出後的第七天,柯佳洛去世了,這封信在他的辦公室裡被發現。
*(💥 查資料的過程中不小心翻到這位 Rudolf Jindrák 似乎有過共產黨背景...... https://taiwantrc.org/捷克駐德大使被指曾是共黨軍情系統同路人/ 這篇是2010年的...不確定現在的情形,但我google到的時候真的有覺得不太對勁...)
📌 推薦閱讀:
side view中文 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的精選貼文
【After Winning Majority in LegCo: Beijing's Crackdown May Trigger International Intervention】
***感謝Hong Kong Columns - Translated,將我早前撰寫『議會過半想像:以「#國際攬炒」反制「臨立會2.0」』長文(https://www.facebook.com/joshuawongchifung/photos/a.313299448762570/2887650867994069/)翻譯成英文,鼓勵國際社會關注立會選舉一旦過半的沙盤推演,在最惡劣形勢下的制衡策略。***
Hongkongers have experienced our revolution for over half a year. They no longer take a consequentialist view to the effectiveness of their movement as they did years ago, or waste time second-guessing the intentions and background of fellow activists. Following the defensive battles at CUHK and PolyU, November’s District Council election saw a great victory of unity. More marvellous is the union between peaceful and “valiant” protesters.
In the process of resisting tyranny, the people have realised that one cannot prioritize one strategy over another. This is also how the common goal of “35+” came into being—the hope that we will win over half of the seats in the Legislative Council (LegCo) this September, such that the political spectrum that represents the majority of Hongkongers is able to gain control of legislative decisions. The political clout of Hongkongers will increase if 35 or more seats are successfully secured on our side. It is certainly one vital step to achieve the five demands within the system.
The possibility of realizing legislative majority
Technically it is not unrealistic to win a majority even under the current undemocratic system. Back in the 2016 LegCo election, we already won 30 seats. In addition to the District Council (First) functional constituency seat that is already in the pocket of the pan-democrats, as long as the candidates in Kowloon East and New Territories West do not start infighting again, we could safely secure 33 seats based on the number of pan-dem votes in 2016.
The other 3 seats required to achieve a majority depend on democrats’ breakthrough among the functional constituencies by dispersing the resources of the Liaison Office. They also count on whether the turnout this September could exceed 71.2% — that of last year’s District Council elections. Some of the factors that could affect the turnout include: will the epidemic persist into the summer? Will there be potential violent repression of protests in the 2 weeks preceding the election? Will Hong Kong-US relations be affected by the downturn of the global economy?
Therefore, the ambition of “35+” is to be prioritised by the resistance as both a means and an end. I have already expressed my support for an intra-party primary at the coordination meeting. In the meantime, it is pleasing to see the ongoing debates reaching a consensus of maximising the seats among geographical constituencies in the upcoming election.
Whilst enthusiastic coordination, we should also assess the post-election landscape and gauge Beijing’s reactions: if we do not reach 35 seats, Hong Kong will be subject to tighter control and more severe repression by China; but if the democratic parties successfully form a majority in LegCo, CCP’s fears of a “constitutional crisis” would become imminent. Hence, the key questions are how the Pan-Democrats should deal with the volatile political situation in Hong Kong and how they are going to meet Beijing’s charge head-on.
Watching out for Beijing’s dismissal of LegCo after reaching majority
To take back control of LegCo such that it faithfully reflects the majority’s principles and needs is the definition of a healthy democracy. Recently, however, DAB’s Tam Yiu-chung has warned that the plan of the Pan-Dems to “usurp power” in the LegCo would only lead to Beijing’s forceful disqualification of certain members or the interpretation of the Basic Law. This proves that winning a majority in LegCo is not only a popular conception but also a realistic challenge that would get on the nerves of Beijing. Could Beijing accept a President James To in LegCo? These unknown variables must be addressed upon achieving a majority.
While there is no telltale sign as to Beijing’s exact strategy, we are already familiar with the way CCP manipulated the Basic Law in the past 4 years. Having experienced three waves of disqualifications in LegCo, twice kicked out of LegCo with my team, and thrice locked up in jail, I have no false hopes of an easy compromise from Beijing: they would not let Pan-Dems control LegCo for half a year and wait (as is the proper procedure) until after having negatived the Budget to dissolve the legislature, and thereby giving them an easy victory in the re-elections. The greater the Pan-Dems threaten Beijing’s rule in Hong Kong, the more likely that it will trigger Beijing’s repression.
Since the disqualification and arrest of lawmakers have already become “normalised”, one can even imagine the police stepping into the LegCo building to force Pan-Dems into voting. Neither is it beyond our imagination to expect the CCP to kick out all 70 lawmakers in a fit of rage and replace them with a provisional LegCo “2.0” [HKCT note: The first was from 25 Jan 1997 to 30 Jun 1998]. To depend on a majority that could lead to a chapter of a “new testament” for One Country, Two Systems is perhaps what many elites long for, but they are overly optimistic:for a ticket to the promised land will not be available at the Chief Executive election campaign a year and a half later.
Admittedly, the Pan-Dems cannot unilaterally initiate “Laam-chaau” [HKCT note: mostly translated into “scorched-earth” mentality or “mutual destruction”; some even translated into “If I burn, you burn with us”]. The most they can do is to force a standstill of the government, and not for long the LegCo will have been eliminated from the equation to make the wheels turn again. It all leaves the plan of “Negativing the motion → Dissolving LegCo → Re-election after re-election → the stepping down of Carrie Lam” merely as overly positive speculation, probably resulting from their overestimate of CCP's capacity for rational calculation. The Pan-Dems must guard their frontlines and recognise what the biggest threat from Hong Kong to China could be. In this case, should LegCo sessions be disrupted or suspended, the Pan-Dems would have to be well prepared to surmount the expected obstacles and prevent the disqualification crisis 4 years ago—a Catch-22 indeed.
Productive tension from global intervention: Using Laam-chaau against the CCP
What aggravates the CCP the most is the potential threat to Hong Kong’s unique status as the one and only “separate customs territory”. Any miscalculation will compromise its role as the Chinese economy’s “white gloves”. Imagine if CCP were to disqualify all 70 elected lawmakers and convene a meeting north of the Shenzhen River to pass a resolution to Hong Kong’s affairs (much like the Provisional Legislative Council “1.0" in 1997), how great will the shock be in a world with an effective Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act? However hard it is to predict the future one thing is certain: With the US presidential election just around the corner, blows to the separation of powers would not be tolerated, and the West would necessarily effect countermeasures against the Hong Kong government.
Beijing has been relying upon Hong Kong to navigate the international community for decades. While clamping down on the political freedom of the cosmopolitan city, Beijing desires to maintain the financial centre’s economic freedom. Hence, we started lobbying for the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act four years ago, and today we are determined to promote “Laam-chaau” on an international scale.
The will of the voters must be reflected in an election. If a “35+” legislature were to be dismissed and replaced, such flagrant violation of democracy would assuredly cause a greater backlash than the infamous extradition bill. Knowing what the reality ahead of us could be, we have to combine our election and international strategies to oppose the placement of a 35+ LegCo with an “Emergency Legislative Council 2.0”, to advance an international “Laam-chaau” to Hong Kong’s status as “separate customs territory”. Only then will we stand a chance to resist the regime and to realise the five demands.
Adjusting our mindset: Overcoming the “constitutional crisis” to reach a resolution
Upon the realization of the “35+” LegCo, it is expected that the CCP will launch a devastating counterattack. The Pan-Dems should not expect LegCo to run normally; neither can the lawmakers realise their governing blueprints they have for Hong Kong. Rather, candidates will be able to compete against one another with visions of a liberated Hong Kong through popular vote. Bringing this point up has nothing to do with undermining the common goal of reaching a majority in LegCo, but rather channels the battle of LegCo to positive use upon the rule of law’s death and a “constitutional crisis” ahead. Knowing that Hongkongers have nothing to fall back on, all Pan-Dems should not miss the only way to the realization of “35+”.
Thus, be they partisans, nonpartisans, incumbent politicians, amateur politicians, or the civil society as a whole – if we stay in the political discourse of 2016 and continue to perpetuate old stereotypes, that is to deal with the divisions on the pan-democratic camp by favouring the most “local” faction; to consider only resource allocation and self-aggrandizement as the purpose of a LegCo campaign; to ignore how potential lawmakers are fitted to what specific roles; to turn a blind eye to the journey of resistance since last summer (extending indefinitely into the future)—They would lead as astray and cost us lose a precious opportunity for change by winning a 35+ majority.
The extent to which the pan-democrats can stay united in light of the political atmosphere since last summer is another problem that our side must to address. Before the watershed moment of 12th June 2019, many democratic delegates were trapped in the mentality of needing to “preserve people’s livelihood”, “be content of what we have accomplished”, and other strategies that favours stability. As the government refuses to heed to the five demands, whether the democrats, especially those in the functional constituencies, have the political will to go all-in is the real difficult question that confronts us in the upcoming LegCo election.
All in all, if “35+” cannot be realised, it is unsurprising to see LegCo being more heavily suppressed in the next 4 years; even if "35+" is achieved, it is questionable whether the pan-democrats are able to weather multiple attacks, verbal or physical, from the regime (judging from its power in the last four years) and utilise the international Laam-chaau strategy against the displacement of LegCo. Adhering to the motto of “we fight on, each in his own way”, I can only hope that Hongkongers in elections, street confrontations and international front can reconcile with each other, so that we may collectively compel the government to yield to our demands in the next six months. It is only by reaching a resolution before a real constitutional crisis that we can combat the institutional violence of the regime and not be devoured by it.
side view中文 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的精選貼文
《Sleepless Nights》
English Translation: Thaerin
Copyright Info:
Be aware this channel is for promotion purpose only without any illegal profit. All music's ownership belongs to the original creators.
Please support the original creator.
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背景 / Background - カントク(Kantoku) :
中文翻譯 / Chinese Translation :
英文翻譯 / English Translation :
日文歌詞 / Japanese Lyrics :
恋しくて ただ恋しくて 今
会えなくなって はじめて気が付いた
大切なコト 傍にいたコト
灰色の空 冷たい風が吹き付ける
キミの呼ぶ声 聞こえる気がするのはどうして?
季節はめぐる 立ち尽くす心残したまま
恋しくて ただ恋しくて 今
どうして? 生まれたての想いが そっと手のひらで溶けてゆく
かじかんだ指 吐息で温めた
愛しく想う あのぬくもり
ひとりになって 3度目の冬が来た
伝えたいのは 「元気でいるよ」と それだけ
降り積もる雪のように また景色を染めていく
恋しくて ただ恋しくて 今
どうして? 突然で切なくて そっと濡れた頬を冷やしてく
駅のホーム キミは涙こらえながら笑ってた
あと少しだけ 切ない冬の中で
二人きり 夢見ていたかった
そうだよ この雪がやむ頃には
中文歌詞 / Chinese Lyrics :
英文歌詞 / English Lyrics :
I’m so in love… I’m so in love, that powdered snow just enveloped this city…
Once I wasn’t able to see you, I began to notice,
That I had something so precious by my side.
Through a grey sky, a cool wind blows,
But why is it I feel like I can hear your voice calling to me?
My breath turns white,
And the seasons pass, leaving behind my heart in a stand-still.
I’m so in love… I’m so in love, that powdered snow just enveloped this city –
I wonder why? These freshly born emotions melt slowly away within the palm of my hand…
Biting my finger, I heated it with my breath,
Recalling that warmth fondly.
The third winter since I’ve been alone comes around,
And what I’m wanting to say to you is, “I’m doing well” – that’s all!
Those precious memories,
Pile up like snow… once again coloring this scenery.
I’m so in love… I’m so in love, that powdered snow just enveloped my tears –
I wonder why? It’s so sudden and heart-rending that it chills these drenched cheeks…
It floats up in my view even now:
On the station platform, you were smiling while fighting back the tears…
For just a little longer, within this agonizing winter,
I wanted to keep having this dream – just you and I.
That’s right – by the time this snow lets up, I’ll surely be able to move on again.

side view中文 在 emi wong Youtube 的最讚貼文
Udawalawe National Park - Ella - Nuwara Eliya
Vlog 1: https://youtu.be/Cv2qPZO_fIg
Vlog 2: https://youtu.be/v6u8svq5g_E
Vlog 4: https://youtu.be/GNGlOOCIcgI
♡SUBSCRIBE FOR WEEKLY VIDEOS ► http://bit.ly/SubscribeToEmi
INSTAGRAM: @EmiWong_ ► https://www.instagram.com/emiwong_
FACEBOOK: Emi Wong ► https://www.facebook.com/StayFitandTravel/
Girl in her 20s. Living in Hong Kong, working a full time office job in Marketing and making YouTube videos on the side. Also a Certified Advanced Personal Trainer.
(: MY FAVOURITE THINGS: Workout To Eat, My Family, Dog & Boyfriend
Day 0: Arrive to Colombo Airport, Drive to hotel in Bentota
Day 1: Bentota
Day 2: Drive from Bentota to hotel in Unawatuna + Visit Galle for the afternoon
Day 3: Unawatuna (go to the swing)
Day 4: Move to another hotel in Unawatuna (go to the swing again)
Day 5: Drive from Unawatuna to Hotel in Udalawale + Safari Tour
Day 6: Drive from Udalawale to Ella + Visit Nine Arch Bridge
Day 7: Train from Ella to Nurawa Eliya + Drive from Nurawa Eliya to Kandy (stop by Demro Tea Factory on the way)
Day 8: Kandy
Day 9: Kandy - visit Botanical Garden
Day 10: Drive from Kandy to Colombo
Day 11: Drive from Colombo to Airport
Green View Safari Resort: https://en.tripadvisor.com.hk/Hotel_Review-g3577009-d11713034-Reviews-Green_View_Safari_Resort-Udawalawa_Sabaragamuwa_Province.html
Udawalawe National Park (We booked the private safari tour with our hotel): https://en.tripadvisor.com.hk/Attraction_Review-g674587-d447524-Reviews-Udawalawe_National_Park-Uda_Walawe_National_Park.html
Lakshmis Hotel: https://en.tripadvisor.com.hk/Hotel_Review-g616035-d6108893-Reviews-Lakshmis_Hotel-Ella_Uva_Province.html
Demodara Nine Arch Bridge (We took tuktuk down and back - Emi is not a big fan of hiking and she was wearing a dress ^^): https://en.tripadvisor.com.hk/Attraction_Review-g616035-d4137010-Reviews-Demodara_Nine_Arch_Bridge-Ella_Uva_Province.html
AK Ristoro: https://en.tripadvisor.com.hk/Restaurant_Review-g616035-d6821703-Reviews-AK_Ristoro-Ella_Uva_Province.html
Train from Ella to Nuwara Eliya: (our driver booked the 1st class tickets for us beforehand - do not suggest 1st class because it’s so crowded with tourists. the normal 2nd class has more space to take photos and the locals are very nice too)
Damro Tea Factory (Former Mackwoods Tea Centre): https://www.tripadvisor.co.za/Attraction_Review-g608524-d5101140-Reviews-Mackwoods_Labookellie_Tea_Centre-Nuwara_Eliya_Central_Province.html
Dresses from https://www.blackcoralxo.com/ (15% Discount Code: EMI)
Bikinis from my haul video: https://youtu.be/1nVlwbl5AGE
♡INTRO SONG: Aarre - When We Were Young (ft. Reece Lemonius)
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/14B6ipvBQ5pyP49lQ1KCjz?si=4QlubtsSS3SNKSiOFwdrkw
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/aarre
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AarreMusic/
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