#胰臟癌👫 #標靶治療🎯 開發 #抗癌藥物 15年磨一劍 想想那台 #小挖土機🚢 ⛏
當年 #臺大醫院 醫師與本院 #李文華 院士分享臨床治療心得時,李院士意識到:若能結合臨床經驗與科學研究,有助於解決這個攸關全人類健康的重大問題,挽救更多生命!
在李文華院士帶領下,由本院 #基因體研究中心、中國醫藥大學新藥開發中心組成的跨機構研究團隊,歷經多年研究,於今(2021)年宣布👉破解胰臟癌細胞的訊息傳遞機制,並且合成出 #多胜肽分子,可以 #阻斷致癌訊號傳遞,#抑制癌細胞的生長與轉移。
🎯實驗顯示能有效延長胰臟癌小鼠的壽命,而且不會影響正常的免疫反應。研究成果已發表在國際期刊《科學轉譯醫學》(Science Translational Medicine)
💥原來,在胰臟癌細胞表面大量出現的受體(存在於細胞膜上的蛋白質分子)「IL-17RB」,容易兩兩結合,形成同質雙聚體,遇到配體IL-17B後,就會召喚激酶「MLK4」,催化蛋白質磷酸化,有如按下開關般,啟動後續一連串致癌訊號🔔 🔔 🔔
目前團隊致力研發效果更穩定的 #小分子藥物,以利胰臟癌患者進行 #標靶治療。
Pancreatic cancer is known to be vicious, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is the type that accounts for 95% of pancreatic cancer and so far it is still incurable. An added fact makes PDAC doomed lies in its tendency to have metastasis, meaning cancer cells have already spread to other organs, when diagnosed.
In this study, “The results not only establish a clear pathway of how proximal signaling of IL-17RB occurs, but also provides insight into how this pathway is clinically significant in many pancreatic cancers.”, commented Dr. Chun-Mei Hu.
🔴Press Release:https://reurl.cc/dV9A8g
Team members are from Academia Sinica (Dr. Wen-Hwa Lee, Dr. Chun-Mei Hu and Dr. Chia-Ning Shen), China Medical University (Dr. Heng-Hsiung Wu) and National Taiwan University physicians (Dr. Yu-Wen Tien, Dr. Yu-Ting Chang, Dr. Ming-Chu Chang and Dr. Yung-Ming Jeng.👏👏👏
#研究團隊十五年青春 #迎戰癌中之王 #存活率最低的癌症
signaling cells 在 中央研究院 Academia Sinica Facebook 的精選貼文
1⃣ 癌細胞會利用關鍵蛋白 #EpCAM,逃避人體 #免疫系統T細胞 的追殺
2⃣ 團隊研發抗體 #EpAb2-6,可阻止EpCAM在體內的癌惡化機制,重新將T細胞喚醒,並 #殺死癌細胞
3⃣ 實驗證實,新抗體讓 #免疫療法 更有效,還可以結合其他抗體,成為 #聯合療法,已證實可提升小鼠存活率!
👨🔬吳漢忠表示:「EpCAM可見於許多種癌細胞,如: #大腸癌、 #肺癌、 #口腔癌、 #胰臟癌等,因此,可以預見這項研究成果未來將被廣泛應用在各種不同的癌症診斷和治療✨」
✅新抗體EpAb2-6對癌症的診斷、標靶治療及造影都深具發展潛力,已刊登在國際期刊《癌症研究》(Cancer Research),也已經取得多國專利!研究團隊有吳漢忠特聘研究員及2位共同第一作者:碩士生陳皓年與梁剛豪博士。
In the world of cutting-edge cancer research, the cell-surface molecule EpCAM is widely thought of as a promising target for new cancer diagnostics and therapeutics. A recent study by Dr. Han-Chung Wu’s group at the Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica, has greatly advanced our knowledge of how EpCAM acts to promote cancer cell growth and how that process can be stopped. The study was published in the world-renowned journal, Cancer Research, and showed that EpCAM acts through growth factor signaling to stabilize another cell-surface molecule, PD-L1, which allows tumor cells to escape recognition by the patient’s immune system.
【了解更多 EpCAM】
📍Press Release: https://www.sinica.edu.tw/en/news/6708
signaling cells 在 DR. SIMON MSH Facebook 的最佳貼文
Did you know that most people do NOT get the minimum recommended daily amount (RDA) of magnesium? Even more, 19% of the population doesn’t even get 50% of the the RDA!
Are you eating some of these foods on a daily basis?
Magnesium is a cofactor that is used in >300 enzymatic reactions and competes with calcium to reduce irritability in our cells.
Adequate magnesium consumption and even therapeutic supplementation of magnesium shifts the body out of the sympathetic nervous system state (fight or flight) and into the parasympathetic state.
Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system allows us to reduce the excitability in the body, open up the blood vessels (increase circulation), and promote a more relaxed and rested state. This can be especially beneficial to improve sleep if supplemented around bed time.
Magnesium has been proven to decrease the amount of circulating substance P (reduction of perceived stress, pain, & survival signaling) at night.
Additionally, magnesium’s role in opening up the vessels (vasodilation) in the circulatory system and airways has been proven to decrease blood pressure and provide relief for minor chronic asthma as well as migraines.
Magnesium is also anti-arrhythmic, supports bone health, and can be especially beneficial for diabetics (and pre-diabetics) by improving insulin sensitivity and postprandial blood glucose response. Optimal magnesium levels are also essential for proper Vitamin D absorption/metabolism.
How are you consuming magnesium on a daily basis?
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signaling cells 在 Signaling Molecules and Their Receptors - The Cell - NCBI 的相關結果
In contrast to hormones, some signaling molecules act locally to affect the behavior of nearby cells. In paracrine signaling, a molecule released by one cell ... ... <看更多>
signaling cells 在 Signaling Molecules and Cellular Receptors - Lumen Learning 的相關結果
Signaling molecules can range from small proteins to small ions and can be hydrophobic, water-soluble, or even a gas. · Hydrophobic signaling molecules ( ligands ) ... ... <看更多>
signaling cells 在 Introduction to cell signaling (article) | Khan Academy 的相關結果
Learn how cells communicate with one another using different kinds of short- and long-range signaling in our bodies. ... <看更多>