【💡把咖啡穿在身上:除臭排汗、抗紫外線,還能拯救地球 】
很多人可能都不知道,咖啡豆經研磨、烹煮過後,僅有 0.2% 的成分會被人類攝取,其餘 99.8% 全被當成廢棄物丟棄。在台灣,平均一天就產出約 30 噸咖啡渣。
「#興采實業」董事長陳國欽屈指算了一下,「只要 3 杯咖啡、12 個寶特瓶,就可以做出一件外套。」
Many people probably do not know that after coffee beans are ground and made into coffee, only 0.2% is consumed by humans, while the other 98.8% is discarded as waste. In Taiwan, about 30 tonnes of coffee grounds are generated on average each day.
These coffee dregs, rich in nutrients, are normally tossed out along with rubbish. Luckily, there is a Taiwanese company which can turn a mixture of coffee grounds and recycled plastic bottles into fabrics that can be woven into quick-drying, UV- resistant and odour-controlling functional clothing.
After a quick count, Chen Kuo-chin, Singtex’s chairman of the board, pointed out that making a jacket only needs three cups of coffee and twelve plastic bottles.
#coffee #CirculaEconomy #Singtex #Taiwan #SocialEnterpriseInsights #社企英語教室 #社企流國際版
singtex衣服 在 社企流 Social Enterprise Insights Facebook 的最佳解答
【💡把咖啡穿在身上:除臭排汗、抗紫外線,還能拯救地球 】
很多人可能都不知道,咖啡豆經研磨、烹煮過後,僅有 0.2% 的成分會被人類攝取,其餘 99.8% 全被當成廢棄物丟棄。在台灣,平均一天就產出約 30 噸咖啡渣。
「興采實業」董事長陳國欽屈指算了一下,「只要 3 杯咖啡、12 個寶特瓶,就可以做出一件外套。」
Many people probably do not know that after coffee beans are ground and made into coffee, only 0.2% is consumed by humans, while the other 98.8% is discarded as waste. In Taiwan, about 30 tonnes of coffee grounds are generated on average each day.
These coffee dregs, rich in nutrients, are normally tossed out along with rubbish. Luckily, there is a Taiwanese company which can turn a mixture of coffee grounds and recycled plastic bottles into fabrics that can be woven into quick-drying, UV- resistant and odour-controlling functional clothing.
After a quick count, Chen Kuo-chin, Singtex’s chairman of the board, pointed out that making a jacket only needs three cups of coffee and twelve plastic bottles.
#coffee #CirculaEconomy #Singtex #Taiwan #SocialEnterpriseInsights #社企英語教室 #社企流國際版
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