🌊誠摯地邀請各位做為"頭號"使用者,在台灣的地圖上定位所有你最喜歡的地方,並且更新這些地方的最新資訊,這個平台不僅提供資訊給所有使用者、同時也由所有使用者創造所有的地圖,平台中在頁面最上方有一個圖示,點擊進入後大家可以提供所有的回饋或建議,歡迎大家告訴我任何你認為需要改進的地方,或是你們覺得還需要甚麼額外的功能(中英文皆可),我會採納大家所有的建議並考慮是否放入平台,這也將會是你們及所有人的平台,你希望在平台中增加甚麼,我們就試著將它創造出來 :)
5/26 網站更新囉!
✅已更新:許多Bugs修正 (還有,如果看到了請告訴我)
Hey Everybody! This is perhaps the biggest announcement I’ve ever made on this page.. So here goes!
I’ve been working on a new platform that will dramatically change the way people visit and record outdoor adventures in Taiwan. And I’m proud to announce that it is finally here. I’m super excited to share this with you.
The platform is still under development. Many features are still on the way. New versions with new features and improvements will be updated every week. (so exciting!)
I invite you all to be the very first users to start mapping Taiwan and updating out-of-date information. This is a platform by explorers for explorers. There is a feedback icon at the top of the page. Please tell us what you think (English or Chinese) and what features you would like to have. I will take all of your suggestions into consideration when developing the site. It’s your platform too, anything you want, we can build it :)
Difference between 68maps and my original site, followxiaofei:
The main fundamental difference is that on 68maps.com you can be a contributor. You can create, name, map, and update any waterfall, hot spring, or other attraction on the website. This is a microblogging platform for adventurers. Together we will explore the world and fill in the blank spaces on the map. Explorers on this platform will be recognized for the amazing work they do and the places that they discover. This will be the next big social media platform for outdoor sports and wilderness exploration. Everyone can be a pioneer. The world isn’t as explored as you think.
What’s here already?
☑Create profile
☑Create new place
☑Edit existing place
☑Upload photos
☑Mark parking and attraction GPS coordinates
☑Chinese and English versions
What’s coming soon?
➡Create detailed digital maps
➡Create entirely new categories of location pages
➡Dedicated blogging tools for explorers like standardized hiking and river tracing itinerary formats, personal travel maps, save places that you want to visit, and recognition for different levels of exploration achievement.
What’s coming later
➡Advanced mapping and blogging functions
➡Wilderness GPS tracking and map sharing
➡Advanced social media features
➡Micro-mapping functions for technical sports like canyoning and rock climbing
➡Dedicated mobile app
This list is not complete and also new features will be created from your own feedback to help improve the functions and usefulness of the site. Thanks so much, I really hope my old maps helped you go on many trips around Taiwan. This next journey is one that we go on together. I can’t wait to go to a waterfall following the map that you created. This is so exciting for me!