在Smithsonian Museum 找到四幅草間彌生1953-54年以水彩、墨、蛋彩繪製的作品, 每件作品約一尺寬,用棕色大信封袋裝著,館方對這四件作品怎麼來的毫無頭緒。這發現應是館方最棒的聖誕禮物了!大家要到文章內去看草間這四幅早期非常不同、很有魅力的畫。
(文字轉自FB前輩朋友Catherine Yen)
smithsonian archive 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文
由國立美國歷史博物館主持的史密森尼爵士計畫(Smithsonian Jazz)對爵士迷來說絕不陌生。這個全面性的爵士計畫,是由國立美國博物館與多個聯邦附屬機構、非政府組織和媒體共同推動,每年會特別設計爵士月紀念海報,向一位爵士傳奇大師致敬,今年適逢作曲家兼鋼琴家比利˙史崔洪(Billy Strayhorn)的百年紀念,故以史崔宏為海報的主題人物。
史崔洪擔任艾靈頓公爵(Duke Ellington)作曲搭擋將近30年,共同創造許多名曲,如”緞布娃娃”(Satin Doll)和”遠東組曲”(Far East Suite);史崔洪的個人創作”搭乘A線列車”(Take the "A" Train)更成為艾靈頓樂團的主題曲,其他經典曲目還包括: Chelsea Bridge以及Lush Life。史崔洪對於爵士樂和美國音樂的深遠貢獻無庸置疑。
Smithsonian Jazz: www.smithsonianjazz.org.
Smithsonian Folkways: www.folkways.si.edu/mission-history/smithsonian
Join us in celebrating JAM this April with Smithsonian Jazz!
The “Smithsonian Jazz” program initiated by the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History is no stranger to Jazz lovers. The Museum operates the world’s most comprehensive set of jazz programs with a distinguished roster of federal agencies, nongovernmental organizations and broadcasting networks. Every year the Smithsonian Jazz creates for JAM a poster in memory of a legendary Jazz master. This year’s JAM poster honors composer-pianist Billy Strayhorn, during his centennial year.
For nearly 30 years, Strayhorn was the composing partner of Duke Ellington, co-authoring such numbers as Satin Doll and the Far East Suite. On his own, Strayhorn wrote Take the "A" Train, which became the Ellington band's theme song, Chelsea Bridge, Lush Life, and other masterworks. Strayhorn is recognized as a major contributor to jazz and American music.
Join us in celebrating JAM this April. Browse the Smithsonian Jazz’s archive:
Smithsonian Jazz: www.smithsonianjazz.org.
Smithsonian Folkways: www.folkways.si.edu/mission-history/smithsonian
Smithsonian Jazz Master Poster 2002-2015 Online Gallery: (linkage to AIT’s FB album)