There are many issues that social media has caused with the fitness industry, but up there is the forming of camps. Having a single stance on something makes it easier to acquire "followers" - ie people who subscribe to your religious approach to science. The more extremist, the better. Socmed gurus will tell you to "pick your niche", but what that often means is "pick your viewpoint". Being argumentative also aligns with the platform's algorithms - discussion = engagement = traction in the form of comments and sends. Zealots prosper.
I don't say this as someone who's sat on their high horse immune to it all. I bloody love a contentious debate, and it's often very hard to resist the temptation to get into a mud wrestle. There’s hypocrisy here - I’m working on it.
Biomechanics to me is the understanding of movement relative to gravity. The RTS syllabus defines exercise as "internal force production in response to external force application". An increased knowledge of what is taking place internally and how to manipulate the external resistance allows greater exercise analysis, design and individualisation - whether that's to accommodate someone's lack of tolerance, or improve the loading of a particular muscle group throughout it’s full contractile range in a seasoned gym user. It's tools in your arsenal as a coach, that are easy to underestimate and play down. Yes, obssessing over mechanics and the optimisation process to the point where it takes you 1.5hrs to set up a machine for a set of 5 reps at RPE0.5 because your form slacks by 8% as soon as you get within 20 reps from failure is counterproductive... but no one with a brain is suggesting that. As a PT it's literally our fucking job to make sure people move AS WELL AS POSSIBLE, as intensely, as frequently and as regularly as suits their goals/priorities. The myriad of variables involved in this are completely client-specific.
What I’ll never understand is why you can't do both. What's wrong with constantly chasing optimal resistance profiles and movement mechanics AND seeing how close you can get your client's balls to the wall? It doesn't have to be AT THE EXPENSE OF.
[Rant continued in comments]
「social media optimisation」的推薦目錄:
social media optimisation 在 大英國辦公室小職員 Facebook 的最佳解答
[電子商務] 我看台灣&英國電子商務之...我的開場白
從開台一直想寫有關電子商務,但這個主題實在太大又傷腦力,先來跟上時事講一下感想好了.台灣最近好像這三個關鍵字很紅:文創,創業,電商.各種時事話題圈內人都似乎自己講得很開心. 我這個外人來先提一下感想好了,之後慢慢會有詳細續集.
台灣的電子商務大多是集中在平台,通路自己並沒有經營獨立的電商網站,反而是在平台上開店.因此台灣的電子商務大多是英國稱之為pure play retailer / e-retailer 或marketplace的形式. 英國這兩種形式當然以Amazon & eBay為代表,但各產業也都有獨立的e-retailer.除了這兩者,英國還有現在經營得很好的multi-channel retailer實體通路有自己的電子商務,整合實虛兩通路,更有電話購物客服,mobile shopping等等的不同通路但帶給消費者一致的購物與服務.
在這兩週台灣的亞太跨境電商與Yahoo電商跨界論壇與數位媒體,我看到幾個很熱門的字:實虛整合,品牌,大數據,行動,跨境 (還有App & 三方支付我就不想提了), 這些都是sexy字眼,讓我感覺許多電子商務的事項,例如社群,user experience,tagging,landing page optimisation,funnel improvement,checkout...這些是舊話題了,基本項目不再有吸引力,即使持續有新做法新趨勢而不再受大關注可以先放一邊了.
該說是喜新厭舊嗎? 還是說因為求廣求發展而有取捨? 每個品牌在不同階段的發展應為首要而非追求新熱門.平台除了擴張,也需要持續改進現有功能.
我自己在台灣網購經驗,每次買每次都很沮喪,我無法篩選商品filter到我要的條件,也無法比較商品; 商品細節不太清楚; 頁面我以為是在看家樂福DM; check-out更是繁複,線上付款或超商付費,當我還沒有了解全貌下已經完成checkout無法更改.為什麼不可以線上付款超商取貨?怎麼沒有one-page or guest checkout 呢? 運送雖然很快,但是為什麼沒有簡訊給我1 hour delivery window?
這些看起來很小,但是是成功的細節,提供更user friendly的購物環境與經驗,讓我會願意繼續在這個網站購物,也讓商品價格成為不是唯一重要的事情.
這個開場白似乎變得有點發牢騷,但這的確是我的疑問. 我日前參加Adobe annual summit,除了大話題例如ibeacon技術,internet of things,也持續關注各項marketing, optimisation, data analytics, future retailer的專精發展.在keynote中,並邀請了當紅英國男星Benedict Cumberbatch來座談,早知道他要來,我老早就去搶第一排的位子了!!! 請他來做什麼呢?我想是為嚴肅的研討會增進些輕鬆吧,至少在場一半的女性會很開心.他跟digital world有什麼關係? 至少他演了Alan Turning圖靈,他也談了他對social Media的感想.
social media optimisation 在 i-Buzz網路口碑研究中心 Facebook 的最佳貼文
→#社群 趨勢→
話說過去說到網路行銷,多數人會立刻聯想到SEO,但在社群媒體蓬勃發展的同時,SMO(社群媒體優化,Social Media Optimisation)也成為重要的行銷指標囉!
social media optimisation 在 Social Media Optimization | Skiez Technologies - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
May 8, 2019 - Social Media Optimization. ... Social Media Optimisation Explained and 15 Steps to Increase your SMO ~ Social Status Blog. More information. ... <看更多>