Macau's Legislative Assembly deputies get hundreds of thousands patacas a month?
This is the "story" I most frequently heard of. Today, let's talk about a deputy's salary.
According to the Estatuto dos Deputados, deputies get 25% of the Chief Executive's salary*. Right now, the Chief Executive's salary is $251,172 so a deputy's salary is $62,893. The Assembly also has a salary deduction mechanism. 1/15 of one's monthly salary ($4,186) is deducted every time one is absent from a plenary meeting without legitimate reason.
Apart from the monthly salary, members of committees are entitled to attendance bonus for each meeting they attend, which is 2.5% of their monthly salary ($1,570). You don't get it if you are absent, of course. The number of meetings are different for different committees. For example, I attended 70 committee meetings in the past year and I am entitled to about an average of $9,157 every month.
Deputies need to pay professional tax of about 4.15%. Using my average monthly income to calculate, I need to pay about $2,986 every month.
On the other hand, in 2009 the Legislative Assembly passed an amendment to the Estatuto dos Deputados and established an allowance for the deputy's office, which is exactly 65% of our salary (about $40,816 for me). However, the allowance is not reimbursement but is transferred directly to the deputy. There is no consequence even if the money is misused.
Since I am a full-time deputy nominated by the New Macau Association, I signed a Declaration of Promises of Candidate: All the income from the Legislative Assembly (monthly salary + attendence bonus + office allowance) is directly transferred the New Macau Association. The office allowance is solely used to run the deputy's office. 75% of the income is paid to me as living wage (about $53,963 per month), meaning the other 25% is given to the New Macau Association, about $17,988.
For welfare, as many as of you may not know, deputies are not civil servant. The only civil servant welfare we get is free public healthcare. The 2009 amendment allows deputies to keep enjoying this welfare even after their term is finished. And, there is no double pay, bonus, housing subsidy, contract gratuity or pension. There is no "boss" to contribute to social security fund as well.
*There is a wealth disparity among deputies. I am not talking about those running businesses. According to the Estatuto dos Deputados, the monthly salary of President is 80% of the Chief Executive, as many as $200,938 with an additional entertainment expenses of $60,281 at most (30% of salary). He is also entitled to other welfare such as official residence and vehicle. The Vice-President gets 60% of the salary of the Chief Executive, about $150,703 with official vehicle.
For details, please refer to article 33, 40, 41, 43 of the Estatuto dos Deputados.
social welfare意思 在 施正鋒的冥想 Facebook 的精選貼文
一般而言,儘管未必心甘情願,不過,在公共利益的大前提下,老百姓大體可以接受政府徵收人民的財產。問題在於所謂「公共利益/公益」(public interest)的內涵為何,在超越公共建設、或是公共安全的考量,特別是為了振興經濟所做的徵收,如果獲利的是只是少數的廠商、建商、投資客,社會大眾並沒有獲得涓滴而來的福利,大家並沒有相當的共識。
由於美國是一個典型的墾殖國家社會(settlers’ society),本身沒有強烈的歷史意識,對於都更比其他歐陸國家有更積極的作為。尤其是在戰後,城市湧進大量外來人口,面對高人口密度的壓力,拆除老舊社區、改建新興住宅成為最便捷的作法。另外,地方政府為了增加財源、提高就業率,也紛紛徵收民地進行土地重劃,推動工商業者進駐,紛爭不斷,只好訴諸司法途徑,官司往往由地方法院、州高院、一路打到聯邦最高法院。
根據美國憲法第五修正案:「除非公正賠償,私有財產不得徵為公共使用」(nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.)。這個條款的意思是說,如果政府需要徵收人民的財產,必須予以公正的賠償;然而,這並不意味著只要政府願意花錢,就可以恣意徵收私有財產。楣角在於「公共使用」(public use)如何加以詮釋。
從行政作為、以及司法判例來看,美國政府對於公共使用的解釋,大致有狹義、以及廣義兩種看法(Goho: 2008; Kelly, 2006):前者堅持以最嚴謹的方式定義公共使用,也就是從字面來看,當年開國元勳的原意應該是「被大眾使用」(use by the public)、或者是具有「公共用途」(public purpose);後者則認為可以採取較為寬鬆的作法,只要具有「公共益處」就好,不管是「對大眾有好處」(public benefit)、或是「對大眾有利」(public advantage),不應該過於拘泥文字。我們可以看到,這兩種觀點呈循環倚伏的方式在發展,先緊後鬆,尤其是在戰後,一直被政府作擴張性的解釋;進入二十一世紀,經過充滿爭議性的聯邦最高法院『凱若判例』(Kelo v. City of New London, 2005),由於民怨沸騰,又回到原先的戒慎小心。
其實,這兩大類還可以再各自細分為兩小類,我們可以使用光譜的方式來呈現(圖4)。首先,公共用途基本上是在指公共設施(public facility)、或是公營事業(public utility)的使用,可以分為「公家使用」(public occupancy)、以及「大眾使用」。前者是指限於公家機構的人員才可以使用,譬如政府機關的建築物、或是禁止民眾入內的公共設施,特別是發電廠、或是軍事用地,也就是「真正的」(actual)公共使用;後者則是指可以開放給大家使用(access to the public use)的設施,也就是大家都有使用權(right to use),譬如公路、鐵路、體育場、或是醫院,不分公營、還是民營。
再來,就公共益處來看,最常見的是站在公共安全、衛生、甚至於美學的角度,著手「貧民窟的清除」(slum clearance)、或是從事「枯萎的消除」(blight elimination),進行通盤的大規模毀屋造市,也就是都市發展、或是「再發展」(redevelopment)的濫觴。不管是去除對百姓的威脅、還是市容的改善,被認為對整體社會的福祉(social welfare)是有貢獻的。不過,由於原住戶多半無力承購新宅,往往只好在取補償金後認命地搬到都會的其他邊陲地區。