The National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts, also known as #Weiwuying, organized an "Art Consultation Day" on Sunday where artists shared intimate moments with their audience through poetry, dance or drawing.
同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過17萬的網紅Eden Ang,也在其Youtube影片中提到,D Stands For Decoy tell a story of a young gang making ends meet and seeing where the journey of life takes them. The cops, other gangs, society, no o...
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It’s happening tomorrow on Malaysia Day! 🇲🇾 You too can help give a warm meal to someone in need with just Rm8 by tuning in..!
#916KonsertSatuHati2021 Online Charity Concert
#RM8 Warm Meal Distribution Drive
#Handing a box of warm meal with love
🧡🧡Konsert Satu Hati that is organised by WIZ Entertainment, supported by StarPlanet, and in collaboration with Projek Satu Hati (PSH), will be held on 16th September 2021, Malaysia Day.
🧡This virtual concert has brought together members of the Malaysian performing arts industry, showing 25 performances by our local singers, musicians and art performers including Adibah Noor, Yang Wei Han, Cyrstal Ong, Ribbon Ooi, DannyOne, Geraldine Gan, Jeryl Lee, FS (Fuying & Sam), Nikki Palikat, Janet Lee, Tria Aziz, Samantha De Lune, Elvira Arul, Peter Ong, pianist Tay Cher Siang, music director Nai Kong, saxophonist Julian Chan, sand artist LoongBee, guitarist Jamie Wilson, HANDS percussion, magicians Mark and Pinky, Asia Musical Productions, IMCREATIVE, D’votion Dance Studio, and host Goh Wee Ping.
🧡PSH RM8 Warm Meal Distribution Drive (donation details will be shown during the show)
Since PSH's establishment in July 2021, the initiative has gathered 34 F&B operators from across Klang Valley providing more than 30,000 warm meals (over 1,000 meals a day) to more than 30 areas in Klang Valley. Warm meals were distributed to groups of people who are - struggling with financial difficulties, elderly staying alone, homeless, under home surveillance, working at COVID-19 frontline. The PSH meal is not just about feeding a hungry tummy, it also reminds the beneficiaries that the society still cares for them even during this challenging time.
society for the arts 在 Betty Apple 倍帝愛波 Facebook 的最佳貼文
臺北數位藝術中心 直播中
【 酷液x跨演x性 Performing Liqueerdity】臺北數位藝術中心線上座談
主持人|游量凱 Yu Liang-Kai
與談人|倍帝愛波(Betty Apple)、Cheng-Ta Yu 余政達
邀請藝術家Betty Apple和余政達來談藝術自身創作與酷兒文化的交集,酷兒混生、不斷流動、難以捉摸、突破窠臼的身體文化,如何在創作中發酵?
台中台北人,現為尼德蘭萊頓大學藝術社會研究中心(Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society)博士生,研究興趣橫跨近代以來視覺藝術中的身體、性別和視覺文化。博士研究結合博物館學與酷兒理論,思索顛覆傳統歐美博物館學的當代策展、收藏與社會實踐。2021年於尼德蘭凡艾博美術館(Van Abbemuseum)進行駐館研究,結合深度訪問與策展實踐,拓展多元性別的博物館詮釋空間。2018年至今,曾受邀於尼德蘭萊頓大學、萊茵瓦德藝術學院(Reinwardt Academy)和美國史密斯學院(Smith College)進行以性別、殖民、與藝術行動等主題的客座講座。2020年與策展人蔡明君和劉星佑在臺南市美術館2館共同策展《不適者生存?》。
▍活動時間:9/11(六) 14:00 - 16:00
society for the arts 在 Eden Ang Youtube 的最讚貼文
D Stands For Decoy tell a story of a young gang making ends meet and seeing where the journey of life takes them. The cops, other gangs, society, no one knows who the real enemy is. Or perhaps they are the ultimate enemies of the state. Come explore with us. Your vote count.
In episode 3 Inspector Lyon informs UXM that the the "Chinese gang" has accused them of the murder of Rose. Eden's gang Decoy has had their base vandalized and are supposedly provoked by UXM.
My Gang, My Girl, My Family.
Special appearance by UXM:
The Champ:
Wilson Ng
Special Thanks To:
@Ling Sun
Yao Wei Neo (Game Pro Shop)
Singapore Pro Wrestling
Hans Medina (Purepersonalperfume)
Eden Ang Productions:
Suet Ling
Theme Song:
Gryd Studio -Edric huang
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society for the arts 在 Sandra Tavali李婉菁 Youtube 的最讚貼文
2017-11-19(日) 15:00~16:30 (GMT+8)
地點: 台北市牯嶺街小劇場二F
台北市中正區牯嶺街5巷2號 (捷運:中正紀念堂站-2號南門市場出口,沿南海路往重慶南路方向,步行約五分鐘到達。)
11/19(日) 15:00 @臺北牯嶺街小劇場2F,演出:黃柔閩、邵韋傑、張欣、林亭君、黃芮盈、余致賢、楊政、李婉菁
2017 電音工作坊創作發表音樂會
時間:2017/11/19 週日 3:00pm
地點:台北市牯嶺街小劇場二F (台北市中正區牯嶺街5巷2號)
電音工作坊,源自於2013年夏天的一場長達10次的「手作電音工作坊」,由李婉菁與許志遠(DJ Point) 開始發想,在身體氣象館團隊多年的大力協助舉辦下,發展如何在不限制軟體,任何筆電都可以製作、創作電音的工具主軸下,呈現出每一個參加者心中的聲音創意。當時之所以取名為 「手作」,並不是要去手作器材,而是希望學員從像是媽媽煮的菜或縫補衣服的感覺,回到自己本質的溫度,去創作自己的電音作品。 工作坊除了標榜使用只要是可以上網的筆電、耳機,不需要有音樂學習背景,不需要會看五線譜之外,應用大量的視覺藝術家作品,如康丁斯基、羅森伯格等來啟發聲音創作的思考是最大的特色。五年來令人驚喜的是,藝術家們不斷地自我發展,累積成創作與演出的風格,其中幾件獲得國際展演或現場演出的作品所獲得的鼓舞,更是讓藝術家們累積許多持續勇往直前的動力。
Rou-ming Huang
台北市立師範學院音樂系畢業。國小教師、劇場演員、電視暨電影演員。1990年代初曾赴美研習達克羅斯音樂教學法,後於西雅圖與舊金山等地研習音樂治療與即興舞蹈表演, 並多次發表即興音樂(人聲與大提琴)與舞蹈表演。曾擔任第一屆台北市國際舞蹈節「音樂與肢體」課程助教。劇場演出作品有《妻夢狗》、《我用我的身體和靈魂在旅行》、《軍史館殺人事件》等。電視作品曾獲金鐘獎最佳女配角(公視人生劇展《月光》),以及金鐘獎、新加坡亞洲電視節最佳女主角入圍等。另有《三方通話》等多部電影演出作品。 2016年,演出電視電影「上岸的魚」。公視人生劇展「最後的詩句」。「麻醉風暴2」影集。周美玲導演網路劇「替身」。關於生之重力的間奏式─第十屆第六種官能表演藝術祭。為你朗讀「Merry land」讀劇演出。 2017年,花樣年華全國青少年戲劇節評審。青藝盟戲劇營隊老師。現任景興國中表演藝術課、戲劇社團指導老師。博嘉國小全方位藝術教育實驗課程指導老師。公視青少年創意表演營隊講師。
中國文化大學戲劇學系畢業。曾赴“上海新偶像藝術學校”研習戲劇表演。參與多部電視廣告、MV、短片及魏德聖導演電影《52赫茲我愛你》演出。2012於廈門海峽兩岸民間藝術節演出《我們一同走走看》舞台劇。近年編導《遇見小王子》、《親愛的小王子》,創作「一齣由孩子們演給大人們看的兒童劇」。 曾任青藝盟戲劇營隊講師。中華微電影創新產業發展協會「繁星計畫」演員培訓講師。花樣年華全國青少年戲劇節capatain。受邀「2017慈光萬盞-教育公益交流計畫」,遠赴斯里蘭卡分享戲劇課程。公視青少年創意表演營隊講師。 2016年與黃柔閩老師共同創立37度2戲劇工作室,致力於戲劇教育發展與推廣「身體對話—感官開發訓練工作坊」。現任博嘉國小藝術教育實驗課程指導老師。景興國中表演藝術、戲劇社指導老師。華岡藝校表演藝術科兼任教師。
Shery Cheung
出生於加拿大溫哥華,目前居於台北。她的藝術實踐是變化性的,常透過共感的過程與他者對話,以錄像、聲音、表演等方式進行。其抽象繪畫與合唱的背景深刻地影響她的認知過程。作品曾發表於上海新時線媒體藝術中心、台北滲透影像藝術節、台北失聲祭、JOLT Arts Festival、韓國Jeju National Art Museum。她的表演《Inland》於2013年獲得Arte Laguna Art Prize提名。
Xia Lin
lololol藝術組織共同創辦人,使用多媒體、錄像、文字及行為創作,2013年網路作品參與Homeostasis Lab - The Wrong: 新媒體藝術雙年展、2016年於韓國濟州美術館展出、2017年藝術項目 ”3C形意拳” 於台北當代藝術中心發表。
Raying Huang
Chih-Hsien Yu
Cevo Yang
Sandra Tavali
西拉雅人, 東吳音樂系、美國約翰霍普金斯大學琵琶地音樂院電腦音樂研究所畢業,師事Dr. Geoffrey Wright,畢業論文 “A Performer's Musicological Research in Performing Interactive Computer Music” 獲選發表於 International Computer Music Conference [國際電腦音樂協會 - ICMC] 2004。經年致力於電腦實驗音樂的演奏與創作,並於台北/台南長期主持「電音工作坊」,培育年輕音樂人。近年來並常與台灣藝術家姚立群、吳俊輝、陳明秀、陳偉、劉守曜、區秀詒等,以及探索頻道合作,擔任配樂製作。 創作風格傾向專著於使用冷冽的電子音色表現最真摯的人性面。音樂型式跨越古典、電子異響、重金屬搖滾等。曾任閃靈樂團鍵盤手。2009 年起,結合電腦音樂、配樂作曲、黑腔形式、聲音採集混音與環境音樂等多重形式,與聲樂手、DJ、劇場導演創作並發展實驗音樂劇《黑暗巴洛克》(牯嶺街國際小劇場藝術節 2009/驅魔記 2009)。 音樂作品〈扮仙〉獲選音樂資訊檢索領域專業級別的年度國際學術會議展演(International Society for music information retrieval [ISMIR], 2014, 台灣)、電聲暨音樂大會(Sound and Music Computing Conference [SMC], 2015, 愛爾蘭)、2016 klingt gut! 聲音研討會 ( 2016 klingt gut! Symposium on Sound,德國); 〈Dirge〉獲選 [ICMC]展演 (2015, 美國-德州),〈River〉獲選 [ISMIR] (2015, 西班牙)、紐約電子音樂節既紐約愛樂雙年展展演(New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival and New York Philharmonic Biennial, 2016, 美國-紐約); "The Wind Bloweth Where It Listeth (風隨意 )" 受邀發表於 WOCMAT-ISMIR 2016。 現為台北牯嶺街⼩劇場/ 身體氣象館聲⾳與⾳樂策展人之一。(

society for the arts 在 serpentza Youtube 的最佳解答
Chinese parks are quite a different sort of experience, other than being a place for people to try and sell off their sons and daughters for marriage to other families, it's the only place people are really able to go out and practice their kung fu, dancing, singing, musical instruments etc. Of course there are the regular activities such as having a picnic, hiking and playing sports (as well as some boating and fishing) available as well. Come and join Sasha and I as we get the low down on how Chinese parks work.
The primary goal of attending the marriage market is for parents to find a suitable partner for their child. The standards of finding the right match may be based upon (but not limited to) age, height, job, income, education, family values, Chinese zodiac sign, and personality. All of this information is written on a piece of paper, which is then hung upon long strings among other parents' advertisements for their children. The parents walk around chatting with other parents to see if there is a harmonious fit only after their children's standards are met.
Umbrellas used for advertising
Many parents do not have permission from their child to go to this event. It has been described as " meets farmers' market" with a low success rate. In many parents' eyes, parent matchmaking gatherings such as the Marriage Market are the only way to uphold a traditional dating style for their children in modern China. China's long idealized tradition of continuing their family lineage is very important within Chinese culture. As the children of the One Child Policy start to become of typical marriage age, the so-called marriage "market" of China has wavered in stability, particularly for males in China. The University of Kent predicts that by the year 2020, 24 million men will be unmarried and unable to find a wife.
Recently, well-educated women in China with established careers are in less of a hurry to get married. They have more options than women in past generations and are not afraid to put their career first. This change in marriage ideology puts the women in a higher position of power within a traditionally male-dominated society. Now more women seek to find a responsible man with personal integrity instead of just a high paying job.
Many men's standards have changed with the progression of women's status in the work industry as well, they expect a woman that has been educated and well on her way to a career path. But what has drastically changed is the older generations viewpoint on the subject—they agree with the younger generation, with the two most important qualities in a wife being "elegance and a decent career path," quite a change from "diligence and the willingness to suffer the burden of life".
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Music used: Virtual Vice - Black Rose
Artist's bandcamp: