熱容量是一個外延性質。對應的內含性質是比熱容,由物體的熱容除以質量得出。將物質的熱容量除以莫耳數得到莫耳熱容(英語:Molar heat capacity)。容積熱容是單位體積的 ...
#2. 比熱容(specific heat capacity)又稱比熱容 - 中文百科知識
比熱容(specific heat capacity)又稱比熱容量,簡稱比熱(specific heat),是單位質量物質的熱容量,即使單位質量物體改變單位溫度時的吸收或釋放的內能。
#3. Specific Heat - 比熱 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
比熱 · Specific Heat · 名詞解釋: 單位質量物質溫度升高一度所需之熱量。比熱可分為:定壓比熱(constant pressure specific heat, Cp)及定容比熱(constant volume specific ...
#4. 比热容_百度百科
比热容计算 ... 则有: 这是中学中用比热容来计算热量的基本公式。 在英文中,比热容被称为:Specific Heat Capacity(SHC)。 ... 可简写为:Energy=SHC×Mass×Temp Ch,. 与比热 ...
#5. 1.3. 熱容量和比熱容量(Heat Capacity and Specific Heat ...
▫ 因此代入公式的E 大過真正俾咗物體嘅能量,所以計出嚟嘅c 會比實際數值大。 1.3.3. 水具有高比熱容量的實際重要性(Practical Importance of the High Specific. Heat ...
#6. 定壓莫耳比熱〈Constant-pressure processes molar specific ...
定壓莫耳比熱〈Constant-pressure processes molar specific heat〉 臺中國立新港藝術高級中學物理科羅伊君老師/國立彰化師範大學吳仲卿教授責任編輯.
#7. specific heat capacity中文 - 2021 米其林指南餐廳推薦靠北餐廳
specific heat capacity中文 情報,比热容(英语:specific heat capacity,符号c),简称比热,亦称比热容量,是热力学中常用的一个物理量,表示物体吸热或散热能力, ...
#8. specific heat capacity of mass 中文- 質量比熱容… - 綫上翻譯
specific heat capacity of mass中文:質量比熱容…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋specific heat capacity of mass的中文翻譯,specific heat capacity of mass的發音, ...
#9. 比熱容量英文,specific heat capacity中文- 雙語詞彙 - 三度漢語網
中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域 定壓比熱容量 heat capacity at constant pressure 【化學工程名詞】 比熱容量 specific heat capacity 【材料科學名詞‑兩岸材料科學名詞】 比熱容量 specific heat capacity 【紡織科技】
#10. specific heat capacity 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
specific heat capacity 中文 意思是什麼 · specific: adj 1 特殊的;特有的;特定的,專門的。2 明確的,具體的。 · heat: n 1 熱;熱力;熱度;熱量。2 體溫;發燒。
#11. Specific Heat Capacity - PhET 貢獻
主題, Specific Heat Capacity. 說明. 科目, 物理. 程度, 高中. 類型, 展示. 時間, 60 分鐘. 解答, 否. 語言, 英語. 關鍵字, SHC.
#12. specific heat capacity-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: the specific heat capacity of the tissue in units of J/ kg and K;,在英语-中文情境中翻译"specific heat capacity"
#13. specific heat中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
The thermal inertia of a material is directly related to its thermal conductivity, density, and specific heat capacity. 來自.
#14. 30 2.20: 比热容
EN - English CN - 中文 DE - Deutsch ES - Español KR - 한국어 IT - Italiano ... Education. Specific Heat ... English中文DeutschРусский ...
#15. specific heat capacity在線翻譯 - 海词词典
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供specific heat capacity的在線翻譯,specific heat capacity是什麼意思,specific heat capacity的真人發音,權威用法和精選例句等。
#16. specific heat 中文 - Bujin
44 列比熱容(英語: specific heat capacity ,符號c ),簡稱比熱,亦稱比熱容量,是熱力學. 2.體溫;發燒。. 3. “heat; specific” 中文翻譯: 比熱.
#17. Specific Heat Capacity Measurements Using DSC and ...
Specific heat capacity measures the ability of a material to absorb thermal energy. Specific heat capacity is an important property in many fields; ...
#18. 比热容测量| 热容测量
Determination of Heat Capacity by Temperaturemodulated DSC at Temperatures above 700 °C ... Precise Measurements of the Specific Heat Capacity.
#19. specific heat capacity - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"specific heat capacity" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#20. 如何提高比熱測量準確性? - 勢動科技
比熱(Specific Heat),又稱為比熱容,比熱容量(Specific Heat Capacity),是熱力學研究中,用來表示物體吸熱或散熱的重要指標。比熱越大,代表物質 ...
#21. specific heat的意思- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
英漢詞典提供【specific heat】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等. ... a calculation formula for determining the specific heat capacity of solid with an improved ...
#22. [DSE Physics] Specific Heat Capacity 比熱容量 - YouTube
#23. specific heat capacity | 健康跟著走
比熱英文- 出處/學術領域,中文詞彙,英文詞彙.學術名詞通訊工程,比熱,specificheat.學術名詞畜牧學,比熱,specificheat.學術名詞地質學名...
#24. 比熱表Specific Heat Capacity Table @ 這是kulonsa的部落格
Specific Heat Capacity Table Substance Specific Heat Capacity at 25oC in J/goC at 25℃ in cal/g ℃ air 1.020 0.244 Alcohol(ethyl) 2.400 0.574 Aluminum 0.900 ...
#25. Specific heat capacity 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Specific heat capacity 释义: the heat required to raise unit mass of a substance by unit temperature interval under... | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#26. Specific Heat Capacity Definition | 蘋果健康咬一口
As a result,,4 天前- specific heat的意思、解釋及翻譯:the amount of energy from heat that is needed to raise the temperature of a particular substance by…。了解 ...
#27. Specific Heat Capacity Converter转换器单位的定义
A joule per kilogram per kelvin (J/kg·K) is a SI-derived unit of specific heat capacity. A material has a heat capacity of 1 J/kg·K if heat energy of one ...
#28. Tailoring specific heat and density in the design of thermal ...
We will demonstrate that the thermal capacity (thermal conductivity and heat capacity) can be tailored in specific forms, spatially uniform, ...
#29. "specific heat capacity"是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國)的問題
specific heat capacity 的意思the most warmth something should be. ... 馬來西亞語接近流利; 中文(繁體,臺灣). 英語(美國). 日語. 法語(法國).
#30. 熱能的量度單位
比熱(Specific Heat Capacity). 使質量為1仟克的物質,溫度升高1℃或1K所需的熱量,稱為該物體的比熱。 單位: 焦耳/仟克℃,J/kg℃. 比熱的計算公式:.
#31. Specific Heat Capacity of Molten salt based Alumina Nanofluid
論文名稱, Specific Heat Capacity of Molten-salt based Alumina Nanofluid. 期刊名稱, Nanoscale Research Letters.
#32. Determination of specific heat capacity - Linseis Messgeräte ...
The specific heat capacity is characteristic of each substance and can be used for the identification of materials. Learn more about the technology!
#33. 美国ACCDON公司旗下品牌 - SCI论文修改
推荐同事 机构合作 中文 繁體中文 English 한국어 日本語 Português Español ... 中英对照. 比热容. specific heat capacity ...
#34. Specific Heat Capacity Aluminium Experiment Set 庫存照片 ...
Specific Heat Capacity of Aluminium Experiment Set up with insulation. Aluminium block with an immersion heater and thermometer on a heatproof mat in a ...
#35. Chapter 2 Power, Heat Capacity and Specific Heat Capacity
Start studying Chapter 2 Power, Heat Capacity and Specific Heat Capacity. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.
#36. Specific heat capacity - The Free Dictionary
Define specific heat capacity. specific heat capacity synonyms, specific heat capacity pronunciation, specific heat capacity translation, English dictionary ...
#37. Specific heat capacity - wikidoc
Template:Material properties (thermodynamics) Specific heat capacity, also known simply as specific heat, is the measure of the heat energy ...
#38. Heat capacity (video) | Thermodynamics | Khan Academy
where is the entropy. The realization of a second specific, molar heat capacity, that at constant pressure, for a liquid or a solid, can be performed merely by ...
#40. AQA Energy Lesson 4: Specific Heat Capacity | Beyond - Twinkl
Our specific heat capacity investigation lesson is the perfect way to introduce your students to their required practical for this AQA unit.
#41. 热容(heat capacity)和比热(specific heat)的区别- tl80互动问答网
这是因为在相变过程中添加或去除的热量不会改变温度。 热容(heat capacity)和比热(specific heat)的区别. 热容与比热的关键区别在于,热容 ...
#42. 热容量_搜狗百科
摩尔比热容量(英语:molar specific heat capacity)又称摩尔热容量或摩尔比热,是1摩尔物质的热容,用Cm表示,单位是J·mol -1 ·K -1 。
#43. Specific heat capacity of molten salt-based alumina nanofluid
There is no consensus on the effect of nanoparticle (NP) addition on the specific heat capacity (SHC) of fluids.
#44. 10. 乙二醇可當作抗凍劑使用,比熱(specific heat capacit..
乙二醇可當作抗凍劑使用,比熱(specific heat capacity)為2.42 J/g·K,請計算3.65 公斤的乙二醇由132°C 冷卻至85°C 所釋放的熱量? (A) –1900 kJ (B) –420 kJ
#45. Specific Heat Capacity - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The specific heat capacity is defined as the quantity of heat (J) absorbed per unit mass (kg) of the material when its temperature increases 1 K (or 1 °C), ...
#46. Specific Heat Capacity Definition - ThoughtCo
Specific heat capacity is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a substance per unit of mass. The specific heat ...
specific heat capacity中文 在 [DSE Physics] Specific Heat Capacity 比熱容量 - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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