More glutes, legs and abs day from now onwards. Giving my shoulder and arms some rest.
Warm up:
Jumping jack 1 min
Burpees 15x
High knee 1 min
Burpees 15 x
Planking 3mins
1. Sumo squat with KB (12kg)
2. Squat-jump with KB (8kg)
3. Bulgarian lunge with KB (8kg)
4. Hip hinge with KB (8kg)
5. Ball pike
6. Leg raise with stability ball
7. Oblique sit up
8. Bridging on stability ball with KB (12kg)
9. Donkey kicks with loop band
10. Medicine ball (5kg) Russian twist
. #oalfitnessjourney #oalworkout #femalefitness #flexmobstudios #fitness #getfit #womenempowerment