你想當太空人或航太工程師嗎? 你希望未來在太空產業工作嗎?不要錯過 #交流的聲音 第二季第一集,美國前太空總署太空人Dan Tani將會分享他環遊世界的經歷以及討論人們如何因夢想而偉大。#Voices of Exchange #交流的聲音 是美國國務院所執行的podcast頻道,每兩周一集,分享美國國務院交流計畫學友的故事,這些學友來自各行各業,包括海洋學世家、外交官詩人、文史保存專家等等,他們的故事也跨越各大洲,從斯里蘭卡、法國、到土耳其等等,甚至橫跨外太空!
時間: 2021年9月30日晚上8點 (台灣時間)
節目網址: http://bit.ly/SubscribenowVoE
“Voices of Exchange” is a bi-weekly podcast from the U.S. Department of State, where our exchange program alumni talk about their experiences. Season 2, launching tonight, will travel to Sri Lanka, Switzerland, France, Turkey, and even the International Space Station. These podcasts feature some fascinating people, including the grandson of a famous oceanographer, a diplomat whose poetry draws on themes of the immigrant experience, and an architectural engineer/cultural preservationist. Tonight, former NASA astronaut Dan Tani talks about his experience traveling the world as a U.S. Speaker. So join us for this season’s first episode at 8 p.m. Taiwan time by visiting: http://bit.ly/SubscribenowVoE
#ExchangeAlumni #voicesofexchange #citizenoftheplanet #nasa #americandream
同時也有63部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅ERIKA,也在其Youtube影片中提到,calibaby born and raised❤️ chose to cover this song by the talented artists of @88rising because I miss my home state. it's a dream to see asian artis...
「state of taiwan」的推薦目錄:
- 關於state of taiwan 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於state of taiwan 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於state of taiwan 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於state of taiwan 在 ERIKA Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於state of taiwan 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於state of taiwan 在 林子安 AnViolin Youtube 的最佳貼文
state of taiwan 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文
[演講技巧] 用對的語言,說給對的人聽:看蕭美琴的 ALEC 演講
Presentality再次幫同學分享政治人物演講技巧。這次Andrew Yang 分析的對象是現任駐美代表蕭美琴 (Ambassador Bi-khim Hsiao)!
這幾天看到網路上很多人稱讚蕭美琴在美國給的一場演講,是在 American Legislative Exchange Council 大會給的。Youtube 上還有完整的影片。
Ok, let’s go. First, the speech video itself: https://youtu.be/5ozMcauCjbs
📌 連開頭都跟傳統台灣官員不一樣
她一開頭,就用一種很 personal 的方式回應主辦單位的介紹:
Thank you Karen for that kind introduction…
畢竟用人家的 first name,就感覺比較親切對不對?通常外交場合,都是用 last name 的。
📌 而且她跟台灣大部分官員用英文演講的時候有一個很不一樣的地方:
她講話的時候,是看著聽眾的 lol。
你可能會覺得搞啥啊,講話不是就要看著對方嗎?但其實很多台灣官員可能是語文能力關係,或是沒時間把稿子弄熟,演講的時候大部分的時間是盯著稿子的,所以跟聽眾的 connection 真的就會打折扣。
📌 另外一個小細節,就是她的節奏。
台灣很多官員不只是唸稿,還唸的斷斷續續,不停的卡住,蕭美琴就不一樣,講的算是非常流暢,尤其到後半段整個進入一個很好的 flow。
📌 講「對的字」,給對的聽眾
I’m so honored to be able to be here in person, to use this occasion to express my gratitude… to the so many outstanding freedom-loving legislators around the United States.
還有這裡,講到主辦單位 ALEC 頒獎給蔡總統,她說:
It is also recognition for the freedom-loving people of Taiwan, and our determination to keep Taiwan free.
對,就是 “Freedom-loving”。
我在美國住十幾年,從大學到研究所到華府工作,周圍的朋友大多都是左派的,我不記得他們之中有任何人,任何一次,說過 “freedom-loving” 或甚至強調 freedom。這代表蕭大使真的很會對「對的人」說「對的話」。
她也不忘用 “side-by-side” 的語法,來強調台灣跟美國的價值。很多台灣官員都只會制式的重複:We share with you the values of freedom and democracy, blah blah blah…
I often say that you are living in the land of the free.
We are living on the island of the free.
Good line,又迎來一些掌聲。
*Btw, 為什麼是 “land of the free” 而不是 land of free 或是 free land?因為自由的不是土地,而是「人」,所以美國人才會說 “we are a free people”。所以 “the free” 代表的其實是「自由的人」。
📌 掌控敘事 (Narrative)
We also believe that it is only in societies that respect the freedom of speech, where true innovation can propel technology that advances human progress, instead of technology that is abused and used for surveillance and controlling their people.
這就是敘事 (narrative) 的重點:不是只是提供一大堆 information 給大家 (this is what most people do),而是告訴大家要怎麼去「詮釋」這些資訊 (跟我們時常在說的 “framing” 有關)。
絕大部分台灣官員出去演講的時候,是完全沒有核心論述的,就只有提供一堆人家沒興趣也永遠不會記得的 information。
Can you spell B-O-R-I-N-G?
I’m an ambassador now, I work in Washington, DC, but I used to be like you, I came from a legislature in Taiwan, I understand that all politics are local. And when we go back to our constituents, we wanna deliver on economic progress, we wanna deliver on the common values that we share.
但她這麼說,可是有目的:把聽眾的注意力帶到 “economic progress for constituents” 之後,她馬上用大家可以理解的數字,提醒聽眾台灣對美國「地方經濟」的重要性:
We’re in the State of Utah now, [Taiwan’s] size is only 15% the size of Utah, but we are the 8th largest consumer of US agricultural products in the world.
Which means, per capita wise, each Taiwanese citizen is the second largest consumer — per capita wise — the second largest consumer of American agricultural products.
📌 需要完整分析的同學請留言「用對的語言,說給對的人聽!」。
還有, 快快訂閱Presentality,即時收到這些精闢分析!!!
圖片出處: https://bit.ly/3u6mHpL
state of taiwan 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最讚貼文
#斯洛伐克 政府跨部會決議 #提高 贈台疫苗達16萬劑
外交部代表台灣政府及2,300萬人民向 #斯洛伐克 表達由衷感謝~
斯國經濟部次長 Karol Galek 強調台灣先前提供他們70萬片口罩
_ _
Ďakujem to #Slovakia for increasing the country's generous donation of vaccines to #Taiwan to 160,000 doses, set to be shipped here on September 25. 2nd State Secretary of the Slovakian Ministry of Economy Karol Galek said he was happy to give back to Taiwan after we previously donated 700,000 masks to the country.
Taiwan is heartened to see relations with our democratic partners in Eastern European countries go from strength to strength in these difficult times. The 23 million Taiwanese people will not forget this act of solidarity!
state of taiwan 在 ERIKA Youtube 的最佳解答
calibaby born and raised❤️ chose to cover this song by the talented artists of @88rising because I miss my home state. it's a dream to see asian artists reaching international success. I moved to Taiwan in 2010 in pursuit of a music career because you really didn't see any asians on tv back then. but now, more and more asians are starring in films on netflix and companies like 88rising are making global superstars. it's so great seeing asians finally getting representation in pop culture. @Rich Brian @Warren Hue @niki , keep flexing!
just moved recently, so this is the last cover I'll be shooting in this house. I wanted to commemorate the memories made here by getting some shots on the roof. will miss this neighborhood.
mixed + mastered by:
follow erika:
✨instagram: https://www.instagram.com/erikaliu0314/channel/
✨facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Erika.Liuaili
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state of taiwan 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的最佳解答
阿滴志祺在你家!人氣 YouTuber 線上開班
減少摸索期的不安,直接享受經營樂趣 🥊
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#美國週期蟬 #週期蟬
00:00 前導
01:39《YouTuber 的 36 堂課》廣告段落
02:29 一般的蟬生活習性是什麼?
03:36 週期特別長的週期蟬
04:44 週期蟬為何在地底下那麼久?
05:51 為什麼一次出現十億隻?
06:30 美國居民的困擾
07:26 週期蟬不是害蟲?
08:42 美國人吃蟬歷史悠久?
09:57 我們的觀點
10:43 提問
10:59 結尾
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→Paleoclimatic Influences in the Evolution of Periodical Cicadas (Insecta: Homoptera: Cicadidae: Magicicada spp.), The American Midland Naturalist, Vol. 120, No. 1 (Jul., 1988), pp. 183-193 (11 pages):https://bit.ly/2UWvnSr
→Liebhold, A. M., Bohne, M. J., and R. L. Lilja. 2013. Active Periodical Cicada Broods of the United States. USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station, Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry.
→Sota, Teiji, et al. "Independent divergence of 13-and 17-y life cycles among three periodical cicada lineages." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110.17 (2013): 6919-6924.
→Berlocher, Stewart H. "Regularities and irregularities in periodical cicada evolution." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110.17 (2013): 6620-6621.
→Broods, Cicada -University of Connecticut: https://cicadas.uconn.edu/broods/
→Cicada swarms in Washington, DC, appear to show up on the weather radar. Not everyone agrees:https://cnn.it/3wR25Sm
→【維基百科】Periodical cicadas:https://bit.ly/3rpqPAa
→【維基百科】Brood X:https://bit.ly/3hNivaa
→地下躲了17年 它們不忍了! 數兆神祕生物入侵美國1/3領土 科學家建議「食用」:https://bit.ly/2W16sO3
→【公視】蟄伏 17 年 美東十億隻「週期蟬」將破土求偶 :https://bit.ly/3ziZ6Ub
→【地球圖輯隊】仲夏不寧靜 「 17 年蟬」大舉回歸美國 :https://bit.ly/3hQdduD
→【天下獨立評論】美東 17 年蟬來襲!你不知道的華府「蟬」文化 :https://bit.ly/36JXabn
→【EET TAIWAN】北美「蟬爆日」週期為什麼是質數? :https://bit.ly/3zao348
→【香港 01】「 週 期 蟬」襲美國 民眾找食譜把蟬入菜 FDA:對海 鮮過敏者別吃 :https://bit.ly/3hOJ5iV
→【自由時報】蟄伏 17 年!週期蟬入侵白宮記者包機 延誤歐洲行:https://bit.ly/3irZKIj
→【自由時報】台灣蟬與熊蟬的傳奇一生 :https://bit.ly/3rmilts
→【 Boundary stones】 Cicadas: Time Traveling Trouble Makers:https://bit.ly/3hOubcv
→【維基百科】Predator satiation:https://bit.ly/3zhUvSy
【 延伸閱讀 】
→【環境資訊中心】美國部分周期蟬感染「迷幻真菌」 出現瘋狂交配行為:https://bit.ly/3hWoSrT

state of taiwan 在 林子安 AnViolin Youtube 的最佳貼文
■ 更多林子安:
For business, please send private message to my Instagram or Facebook fan page.
■ 更多【Cover by AnViolin】:https://bit.ly/2vWVtF5
🎶樂譜連結 Sheet Music🎶
Ed Sheeran《Bad Habits》小提琴版本
| Violin cover by Lin Tzu An of《Bad Habits》by Ed Sheeran
Ed Sheeran最新回歸單曲Bad Habits,上週五才剛發,在英國iTunes直接鎖死冠軍~
Bad Habits不只在音樂性展現與過去帶有鄉村風格情歌截然不同調性,反而是帶著電音感的輕快與能量,高亢旋律好像是在模擬飲酒時的瘋癲,電子鼓點也營造出亢奮的氛圍,就像是深夜裡的酒後派對般,而且在Bad Habits的MV中,我們紅髮艾德更是紅髮變成金髮,還變成了吸血鬼!
Bad Habits雖然是在探討酗酒、徹夜狂歡等壞習慣是如何地難以戒掉並且打亂生活的步調,即便明知這樣對自己和身邊的人都沒有好處,卻還是一再地在片刻歡愉的面前妥協投降。
但覺得也蠻像深陷暈船狀態人們的狀態XDDD 腦袋明知對方如何巧言令色(?)甜言蜜語,腦袋都叫你要下船,但是每當對方出現在面前,卻總無法拒絕~
可以靜下心來想想自己未來,最重要的是只能對我的音樂上癮啦 😆
Ed Sheeran’s latest Single, Bad Habits, has been sweeping iTunes in the UK since its release lats week wowwwww
Bad Habits is not only musically different from the previous style of Ed, the energy with EDM style is also the new highlight of this new Single.
Although Bad Habits is saying something like how difficult it is to quit the problems like alcoholic and all-night partying, even if those who are addicted are quite aware of the fact that its not good for themselves and for people around them, they still indulge in the moment of happiness from the addiction. Personally, I think it's quite like the situation of catching feelings with the wrong one LOL We bear in mind that we should say no, but we cannot help and ridiculously just cannot go away from the wrong one.
But it's okay =] Just being aware of the problem is good enough.
Getting better step by step, even a baby step is fine! The addiction state may be the signal telling you to protect yourself n being happy but the addition is not the only way that can make you happy, so try another way :)
During the epidemic of Covid, please dont be addicted to drugs or anything else. It's my honor if you can be addicted my music tho 😆
Should you have any request regarding cover songs, just comment below and let me know.
Also please share the video and subscribe to my channel https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ.
Don't forget to click the 🔔 bell to be notified when my videos come out!
Visit me at Taipei Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Plaza to enjoy more my live cover songs. Check it out details on my Instagram stories!
In light of the escalated measures on COVID-19 from the Taiwan government, my busking schedules are all canceled until July 12.
For more updated information , check it out on my Instagram stories!
Stay home, stay safe and stay healthy.
編曲Arrange:林子安 Lin Tzu An
混音mix:林子安 Lin Tzu An
小提琴 Violin: 林子安 Lin Tzu An
攝影師剪接師 Photographer & Film editor: Santon.W
文字編輯 Social media editor/manager: Lily Wu
🎻Sponsor AnViolin🎻
(Via Paypal)Sponsorship:https://www.paypal.me/Anviolin
【Cover by AnViolin】每週上傳新的小提琴cover影片,
喜歡的話請訂閱我的頻道 https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ
還想看子安cover什麼歌?留言跟我說 !

state of taiwan 在 Taiwan Province - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Taiwan Province (Chinese: 臺灣省; pinyin: Táiwān Shěng; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Tâi-oân-séng; PFS: Thòi-vàn-sén or Thòi-vân-sén) is a nominal ... ... <看更多>
state of taiwan 在 Taiwan - United States Department of State 的相關結果
The 1979 U.S.-P.R.C. Joint Communique switched diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing. In the Joint Communique, the U.S. recognized the Government of the ... ... <看更多>
state of taiwan 在 Taiwan.gov 的相關結果
Welcome to the Official Portal Website of the Republic of China, Taiwan. Discover all the government's online information and services here. ... <看更多>