The Stone Roses 再次解散
「不要為結束而難過,為它曾經發生而高興!」在 2017 年,The Stone Roses 主唱 Ian Brown 對著台下觀眾說著,被認為是宣告 The Stone Roses 再次解散。這個說法昨天被樂團吉他手 Squire 證實。
來自曼徹斯特的獨立傳奇 The Stone Roses,成軍於 1983 年,在 1996 年宣告解散,樂團發行的兩張作品『The Stone Roses』 、『Second Coming』引領了「Madchester」運動,同時也改寫了英國搖滾樂的歷史。The Stone Roses 在 2011 年重組,2016 年樂團發行了兩張單曲,同時在可容納 60000 人的曼徹斯特體育場舉辦四場演出,正當一切感覺重回正軌之際,主唱 Ian Brown 卻在演出中丟下一句耐人尋味的話,一切又恢復寂靜。本週重回影像創作的 John Squire 在個展接受訪問時,被問到「The Stone Roses 是否解散?」時大方承認了這個傳聞。不過由於雙方簽訂合約的原因,沒有辦法透露太多細節,只表示自己對樂團重回舞台能夠得到如此大的支持而感到驚訝。
stone roses second coming 在 八十八顆芭樂籽 88balaz Facebook 的最佳貼文
Not many bands would make the bold claim of being the worst band in the universe, but 八十八顆芭樂籽 88balaz have made a motto out of this throughout their 20-plus-year career. This also carries over to their ethos of making uncanny music with an earnest attitude; a no-frills approach while embracing the old school tenants of rock ’n’ roll.
Formed in 1996, the band’s Mandarin name (pronounced as "ba shi ba ke ba le zi" in Chinese) simply translates to 88 guava seeds. Lead singer Balaz Lee initially wanted to take a poke at a popular Mandarin tongue twister 44 Stone Lions (pronounced as "si shi si zhi shi shi zi"). The tongue twister not only gave the band a memorable name, but 44 Stone Lions also went on to become one of the band’s album names. Musically, 88balaz were inspired by the likes of Guns N' Roses and Nirvana, which made the band’s sound a thick blend of blues rock, noise rock, and garage rock. In addition, Balaz Lee has a deep and rough voice that he often screams with, which fits perfectly with the band’s sound.
Taiwan experienced a wave of rock music at the turn of the millennium. This was when 88balaz found its footing in the emerging indie music scene. Often touted as Taiwan’s take on Woodstock and Coachella, the Spring Scream and Ho-Hai Yan music festivals were important to the band’s career: They played for 17 years consecutively at the former and being awarded top prize at the latter in 2001.
After rising to fame at Ho-Hai-Yan, many record labels expressed interest in signing the band. Though these offers seemed lucrative, they also meant the band would most likely be given pressure to pursue a more mainstream and commercial sound. Believing that the band should maintain complete creative control, Balaz Lee turned down the offers and the band has continued true to their indie roots. Though the band released their first full-length album Tsao Bao's Ambition back in the year 2000, it would take another eight years for the band’s second release 44 Stone Lions in 2008. As with most up-and-coming indie bands, 88balaz was also a victim of members coming and going. It wasn’t until 2012 that the band finally came to a more stable line-up, as bassist Kuan Ling, drummer DongYu Lee, and guitarist Bluez Lee became permanent fixtures in the band. 2010 and 2012 both saw releases from the band, with two albums closely associated in name: Worse Than an Animal and Handsome Than an Animal. The first being a critique of the indie scene based on years of observation by Balaz Lee, while the second tackled the difficult and oftentimes emotional creative process of writing music. The single “Handsome Than an Animal” has also become a staple of the band’s live sets.
Balaz Lee has always brought a touch of dark humor to his lyrics, while also being outlandishly wild in imagination and on occasion intentionally ambiguous. Songs such as "Viscera Party" and "JIMI & MARY" demonstrate this perfectly, drawing praise from both fans and critics alike. To commemorate the band’s 20th anniversary, they released the album Punk Floyd in 2016. The 10 songs on the album each represent a chapter that adds to the fictional titular young punker's cynicism. The album not only marked the band’s maturity in its age but also demonstrated how the band was also growing more mature creatively. For example, "Sun Chaser" a single from the album that was made into a music video, paid homage to the late poet Leonard Cohen, building the song upon one of his famous line of verse: "There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in". The song and video went on to become widely discussed within the local indie scene.
88balaz has an extensive performance schedule, as the band usually plays more than one hundred shows yearly. They have played more than a thousand shows to this date, quite a rare feat for Taiwanese indie bands to achieve. Often thought to be a band better seen live, they have continued to craft and build a strong stage presence throughout their career. This is also evident by the fact that they won two consecutive Golden Indie Music Awards for Best Live Performance. The band also has a knack for alcohol and all things B-grade, derived from the term “B-movies.” Their passion for alcohol has led them on a special unplugged tour around Taiwan, playing at any brewery that was willing to have them perform. Extending the B-grade concept, they have also been promoting their own “B festival”, carving out a market for festival goers with extremely cheap tickets and lots of fun.
Aside from continued touring in Taiwan, the band has also embarked on numerous over-seas tours, with the most recent being the B Walkman tour that spanned from Asia to Europe. Even after so many years, the band has stayed true to their indie roots, while never straying too far from the DIY spirit that helped them build a bond with fans.
stone roses second coming 在 宇宙電波 UNIPA Facebook 的最佳貼文
相信大部分的人都會聯想到 The Stone Roses,去年他們也用過類似的手法,大搞神秘為 Etihad Stadium 的四天宣傳。
而這次相信即將要公開的是 The Stone Roses 睽違已久的新作。
距離他們上一張作品 1994 年發行的【Second Coming】同一年出生的現在也差不多大學畢業了,也沒有很久,就是 22 年而已。
不過最近因為鼓手 Reni 的肋骨骨折,治療後需要一個月的時間休養,因此取消了在日本武道館的兩場演出。最近摔斷骨頭的樂團還真多,大家以後如果想送樂團成員禮物不妨可以考慮送個X骨力之類的產品。