When our community is afraid to go out because they are afraid of being attacked, this is a problem. The general public needs to be more aware of what is happening. Stop AAPI Hate has recorded over 2700 cases since the beginning of Covid. Noting that less than half get reported. What I am seeing is two things going on. Ones that are true xenophobic hate crimes happening towards Asians while the other is Asians (mainly women and elderly) being targeted for robberies because they are seen as easy targets. Both are terrible and both need more attention as this has become a serious problem in the Asian American community. If you or anyone you know has been attacked in anyway verbally or physically please make sure you report these to the authorities as well as www.stopaapihate.org so that we can be accounted for. #standup #theycantburnusall #stopthehate
stopthehate 在 Marc Sadique Facebook 的最佳貼文
Okay dah boleh dah rasanya slow slow tag kawan kwan korg yg suka kecam org tu😂😂, hew hew 🤭🤭and tag jugak korang punya besties bff member bf gf or anyone in the world down below!!👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 let's share the positivity within your heart! Spread the kindness! Also feel free to repost or use the video in any ways that you like♥️
If you truly want to help people to become better, approach them properly, meet them face to face, use kind words, lemah lembut mcm nabi kita ajar, mana ada baginda ajar utk kecam kecam org. Baginda yang slalu kena kecam adalah. So korg nak ikut perangai arab jahiliah ke cane. Haha okay no I'm not ustaz. Kalau nak betulkan perkara yang salah, cara tu kena betul. Kalau niat nak ubah kan org kena bnyk doa utk dia bukan kecam okay guys. Be kind to everyone may God bless us all and out efforts. Amin. TAG ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS!!!
#stopcyberbullying #motivationalvideo #positivevibes #stopbullying #stopthehate❤️ #stopbashing #loveveryone #sharethevideo #importantmessage #spreadpositivity #sharethelove #sharethekindness #motivaton #dailyreminder #justbeyourself #alwaysbeconfident #inspirational #motivational #lifeischoosingdoors #howtobeconfident #believeinyourself #motivationalvibes #inspirationalvideos #motivator #marcsadiquetalks #marcSadique @thegoodquote @positivevibesquotes @kindnessbeginswithmeeee @positive_action @faktadaily @malaysiaigers @hiburan.malaysia @igersmalaysia @mediahiburanofficial #tipsberguna @tips_rahasia_ @kini.viral #autoterhibur @autoterhibur @ceritalahwithkarim @ohviral_official
stopthehate 在 Cissy Wang 汪詩詩 Facebook 的最佳解答
#prayformanchester 🙏🏼😔 #lossforwords #sad #rip #stopthehate #peace #needlove