#中央社外文新聞中心FocusTaiwan徵才 Focus Taiwan
🔵英文改稿顧問Copy Editor
A. Writer Position:
-- Native or near native English and Chinese proficiency
-- A bachelor’s degree or higher in journalism, foreign languages or a related field
-- Experience writing English news stories
-- Willing to work night shifts and on weekends
-- Able to work in a fast-paced newsroom and meet tight deadlines.
The job:
The writer will be assigned Chinese news stories by the shift leaders and are required to rewrite the stories in English.
He/she will also be asked to write captions, do voiceovers for videos, create graphics, and manage the FocusTaiwan website’s backend and social media accounts.
The writer will specifically be expected to:
-- Ensure that all news stories have proper structure, content, clarity, accuracy and balance
-- Research and fact-check the information in the Chinese news stories by sometimes making calls, conducting interviews, or sifting through official information on government websites
B.Copy Editor Position:
-- A bachelor’s degree or higher in journalism or a related field
-- A background in English news writing and editing, preferably with some experience editing the work of non-native English writers.
-- Native English speaker; Chinese language proficiency a plus
-- Able to function efficiently under time and deadline pressure
-- Willing to work late night shifts and on some weekends
-- Flexible with regard to work hours and days off
-- Able to work as a team with shift leaders and other copy editors to ensure quality content
The job:
The editor will be required to edit news stories in the English language department, checking the grammar, punctuation, and structure and making other changes where necessary.
He/she will also be asked to write and edit headlines for the news stories, edit captions, and occasionally check video scripts.
The copy editor will specifically be expected to:
-- Become familiar with the style rules of CNA, as well as with the rules and restrictions associated with headline writing.
-- Ensure that all news stories have proper grammar, punctuation, structure, content, clarity, accuracy and balance.
-- Answer questions by writers and shift leaders about style, grammar and other aspects of English news writing.
#國際影音串流平台徵才 6/28更新
請注意:來函應徵時,請在電郵主旨欄註明應徵類別,例如「應徵D1 社群媒體內容製作人」、「應徵E3 網路平台技術主管」或「應徵E5 數據工程師」
履歷請寄: personnel-video@mail.cna.com.tw
Taiwan Plus (Taiwan+) 國際影音串流平台,是台灣第一個以全球為目標族群的全英語新聞、節目平台。
我們以全球為範圍尋覓專業人才,希望打造一支世界級水準的團隊。如果您是專長領域的頂尖人才,同時堅信台灣所代表的多重價值,希望促成改變,您將是Taiwan Plus需要的夥伴。
🔵 B1 節目製作人
1. 節目預算規劃與成本管控。
2. 節目主題發想與設定、外部資源整合洽談。
3. 影音節目行銷及文字撰寫。
4. 透過數據分析及判讀,並與社群數據相關部門緊密合作
🔵 B2 編導人員
工作技能:Office文書軟體、After Effect、Final Cut、Premiere,會3D軟體尤佳。
1. 對台灣題材有興趣、可以獨立完成節目前製與後製工作。
2. 請提供3∼5分鐘自製的影音作品及連結。
🔵 B3 節目企畫
1. 影音節目相關版權及IP洽談業務
2. 影音節目採購標案撰寫、執行與驗收
3. 重製影音節目發想、洽談與流程管控
4. 自製網路影音節目發想、規劃與執行
5. 密切與社群部門溝通,以利節目內容產生有效的國際傳播
工作經驗: 具2年以上傳播行銷、節目授權、專案開發等相關工作經驗。
🔵 D1 社群媒體內容製作人
1. 經營Facebook、YouTube、Instagram、Twitter等社群平台,以及
Line、What’s App等等通訊軟體。負責所有社群活動,包括內容排程、社群管理,以及最佳化貼文使用者互動經驗與搜尋。
2. 發想與製作能夠引起高度共鳴的社群圖文,同時密切與內容產製部門合作,達成內容傳遞最佳效益,將台灣題材透過創意社群轉譯給國際觀眾。
3. 管理全站及跨平台數位內容產品,包括主網站與手機應用程式(APP),主責新聞推播與電子報策略。
4. 監測互動與流量表現,並提出內容策略建議。
工作技能:具備影片、圖片製作思維與能力;社群平台數據分析、Google Analytics分析能力。
🔵 E3 網路平台技術主管 Platform Technology Manager
1. 帶領並管理技術團隊,以充分掌握技術並達成產品開發或專案交付目標。
2. 依據專案需求,主導或協助專案管理。包含直接或協助專案經理帶領與管理技術團隊,能有效解決專案技術相關問題,確保專案如期如質交付。
3. 依據公司發展需求,負責建立開發技術團隊。內容包含人員面試、考核、技術帶領與管理等。
4. 針對新技術導入與知識管理需求,建立技術評估、技術分享辦法,協助團隊提升技術能力。
5. 其他主管交辦事項。
工作技能:熟悉C#/.net or Python/Django任一開發技術,熟悉AWS、GCP等雲端平台。具影音串流經驗尤佳。
🔵 E4 DevOp工程師 DevOps Engineer
1. 負責內外部系統發佈、部署、調優、監控、日誌等系統和流程的維護和優化,確保系統的高可用性。
2. 負責雲端系統執行環境的建置與維護。
3. 負責突發問題處理並進行定位和處理。
4. 探索新的運維技術方向。
5. 其它主管交辦事項。
🔵 E5 數據工程師 Data Engineer
1. 執行資料處理、資料分析以及data lake、data mart的建立與維護。
2. 使用BI工具建立報表分析及數據探勘。
3. 因應業務需求,持續優化資料平台架構。
工作技能:熟悉Python 或 Java,熟悉 Power BI或其他BI軟體工具,熟悉SQL。具數據分析與統計經驗。熟悉GCP者佳。
🔵 E6 資訊安全暨系統維護主管 Information Security & System Maintenance Manager
1. 統籌公司內部資訊相關系統整合、部署、營運及維護 。
2. 確保資訊設備的可用性,因應公司營運發展所需改善現有資訊系統並預先規劃所需資源。
3. 機房規畫及運營。
4. 規劃辦公室網路環境。
5. 訂立資訊體制,改善資訊安全規範,落實資訊安全控管機制。
6. 定期對資訊風險進行評估以合乎公司安全策略及必要法規(包含ISO),確保系統運營的持續性與可回復。
7. 協助主管其他資訊專案推動。
🔵 E7 資訊安全主管 Information Security Lead
1. 帶領資安團隊、規劃與推動整體資安之目標與計畫。
2. 規劃/制定/執行整體資安治理流程管理。
3. 認證、稽核協調與管理。
4. 資安情資收集與資安事件應變處理。
5. 服務平台資安檢測、諮詢,與規範,持續強化系統資訊安全強度。
6. 辦公室資訊安全防禦建置與監控。
7. 研究與採購建置資安產品。
8. 對內對外資訊安全教育訓練規劃與推動。
工作技能:具有AWS、GCP 等雲端環境經驗。具備OSCP,CEH等資安相關證照者佳。具有導入 ISO 經驗者佳。
🔵 E8 資安工程師 Information Security Engineer
1. 協助資訊安全專案執行與維護工作。
2. 資訊安全解決方案(資安系統)專案規劃及建置、維護。
3. 週期性確認相關紀錄(Log),確認相關控制措施有效。
4. 研究資訊安全技術,如重大系統漏洞或惡意程式。
🔵 E9 網路暨維護主管/工程師 Network & System Maintenance Lead / Engineer
1. 負責公司與IDC 網路之規劃、建置、管理及維護。
2. 網路設備安裝、設定、管理及維護等。
3. 與分析網路資料傳輸與網路安全架構等特性,以設計、發展及維護網際網路系統之正常運作。
4. 網路解決方案研究與導入。
5. 網路系統進行監控與告警處理。
6. 一般告警處理流程、重大網路障礙排除。工作內容:
7. 機房監控、管理與一般障礙排除與處理。
8. 協助公司其他單位,提供相關的系統操作與技術支援。包含一般員工以及影音編輯人員的電腦故障排除,軟體安裝、設定、系統操作等。
9. 對突發狀況的緊急應變處理。
工作技能:熟悉linux、windows系統。了解OSI架構、HTTP、TCP/IP、DNS、SMTP、CDN。具備Load-balancer/ Firewall/ Switch操作
🔵 E10 產品管理師
1. 負責OTT影音平台相關的產品功能設計、UI/UX設計。
2. 內部使用單位訪談及需求分析,協助提供內容部門產品端的解決方案。
3. 撰寫商業需求文件及負責產品UAT,執行產品功能上線前驗收測試。
4. 持續優化平台功能與使用者體驗。
🔵 E11 軟體開發主管 Software Development Lead
1. 負責影音平台網站、後台與API等相關功能開發。
2. 負責優化與維護既有網站與後台功能。
工作經驗:具備5年以上C#.NET or Python開發經驗。具人員管理經驗。
1. 具備5年以上C#.NET or Python開發經驗。
2. 具人員管理經驗。
1. http://xn--pcu439a.net/.net core 或 Django、Flask framework。
2. 熟悉JavaScript/CSS/HTML5。
3. 熟悉mySQL、PostgreSQL與mongo DB。
4. 熟悉版控軟體,如Git。
5. 熟悉CI/DC流程。
6. 熟悉Vue.js或React者佳。
🔵 E12 軟體開發工程師 Software Development Engineer
1. 負責影音平台網站、後台與會員中心等相關功能開發。
2. 負責優化與維護既有網站與後台功能。
工作經驗:具備3年以上C#.NET or Python開發經驗。
1. http://xn--pcu439a.net/.net core 或 Django、Flask framework。
2. 熟悉JavaScript/CSS/HTML5。
3. 熟悉mySQL、PostgreSQL與mongo DB。
4. 熟悉Vue.js或React者佳。
同時也有35部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3,270的網紅Yunny Hou,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hello! I'm finally back with another tutorial!💗 Sorry that I've been too busy that I haven't posted in a while. I've been trying to gather good footag...
「stories app for instagram」的推薦目錄:
- 關於stories app for instagram 在 中央社新聞粉絲團 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於stories app for instagram 在 Crappy Blogger Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於stories app for instagram 在 Cynthiaomi Tattoo Hk Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於stories app for instagram 在 Yunny Hou Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於stories app for instagram 在 Doctor KONAN / 木南 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於stories app for instagram 在 So-ju Twins Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於stories app for instagram 在 8 Best Scheduling Apps on Instagram Stories & Facebook ... 的評價
- 關於stories app for instagram 在 Sharing to Stories - Instagram Platform - Facebook for ... 的評價
- 關於stories app for instagram 在 'Stories' was Instagram's smartest move yet - Vox 的評價
stories app for instagram 在 Crappy Blogger Facebook 的精選貼文
1. Shorby
Shorby bills itself as an Instagram link supercharger. The paid platform provides Smart Pages that can be branded and customized with videos, GIFs, and links to webpages or social channels.
2. Milkshake
Milkshake was founded by Cyan and Collis Ta’eed, co-founders of one of Envato, to help small businesses and solo entrepreneurs (particularly women) benefit from the bio link, even if they don’t have a website. The free app lets users customize a lightweight mobile landing page with tappable cards (kind of like Stories). Everything from blog posts to YouTube videos to virtual storefronts can be set up on the platform.
3. Omnilink
Created by official Instagram partner Iconosquare, Omnilink launched in May this year. Like Milkshake, it brings your links together and builds a website in the process. But when it comes to desktop presentation, Omnilink offers a little more optimization. Omnilink analytics can be tracked from a dashboard that can be connected with multiple accounts.
4. Sked Link
Sked Link claims to be 4x faster than link-in-bio competitors when it comes to loading pages. Templates feature buttons and shoppable galleries and can be colour-adjusted or completely re-coded. Sked Link also automatically adds UTM parameters and lets you add your Facebook Pixel for better tracking and remarketing.
5. Linktree
Companies like Food Heaven, Golde, and Goode and stars like Selena Gomez and Alicia Keys use Linktree to refer traffic to their destinations of choice. The platform offers customization, third-party integration, and analytics tools—so you can keep tabs on where people click. Linktree also enabled an action feature that subscribers can turn on to promote anti-racism.
Send this to someone who you think will be useful for them! ✨🌿
DM now to book your Instagram Coaching Class with me. Dates are available after 25th for the month of May!
stories app for instagram 在 Cynthiaomi Tattoo Hk Facebook 的最佳貼文
Thanks for all to fill my schedule with those stunning ideas and meaningful stories, I feel so exciting
and hope to see you soon ❤️.
Custom design or flash booking are available in February & March 2021.
DM me or
what's app : +852 63141755 .
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stories app for instagram 在 Yunny Hou Youtube 的最佳貼文
Hello! I'm finally back with another tutorial!💗 Sorry that I've been too busy that I haven't posted in a while. I've been trying to gather good footage and testing out with this new app Prequel to see the best color pastel recipe for videos & instagram reels to share with you guys! The app is free and has so so many amazing filters and effects, I'm so in love with this app! This tutorial video is a bit fast because I edited it for Reels, so i did put the adjustment numbers on the side, so feel free to pause the video when watching
終於有剪輯好了新的教學影片了!🙏最近真的很忙到沒有很多時間剪輯發片,希望你們會喜歡這個教學。我最近一直測試新下載的Prequel App,然後最終測試出最好看的調色Recipe分享給大家收藏起來!最近很喜歡這種彩色很夏天的韓系粉彩風格的色調,希望你們也會喜歡!影片的速度是比較快的,所以需要的話可以暫停影片然後follow旁邊我有寫的數字跟著調色❤️
What App I Use:
- Prequel App
Download: https://www.prequel.app
What Fonts I Use:
- Next Southerland Serif
Download: https://www.dafont.com/next-southerland-serif.font
- Galano Grotesque
Download: https://www.dafontfree.io/galano-grotesque-font/
Connect with Me!
♡ Instagram | @x.yunny.x
♡ Instagram | @my.eatz
♡ Email | yunnyhou@gmail.com
Music by Lukey - Honeydream - https://thmatc.co/?l=178253EC
What I use:
♡ Camera | Canon G7X Mark ii
♡ Doodles | SketchBook iPad App
♡ Editing | Final Cut Pro x Adobe Premiere Pro

stories app for instagram 在 Doctor KONAN / 木南 Youtube 的最佳貼文
海外で先行配信中のスマートフォン向け3DアクションRPG、「僕のヒーローアカデミア 最強のヒーロ」。
Tell the world: "YOU are here!"
An authentic adaptation of the original story of My Hero Academia,3D Action Mobile RPG, Thrilling and smooth combat experience
Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo,Ochaco Uraraka , Tenya Iida,Shoto Todoroki, Momo Yaoyorozu,Denki Kaminari,Eijiro Kirishima , Tsuyu Asui, Minoru Mineta, Fumikage Tokoyami,Mashirao Ojiro, All Might, Endeavor, Shota Aizawa, Tomura Shigaraki, and Stain coming soon...
Recruit heroes and protect the world with their powerful “Quirks”. Have fun with the exciting game features such as PvP Battles, Auto Play, Alliance, Achievement System and Dorm System while enjoying the authentic anime and anime stories.
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[Arena and PvP Battles]
Form a team of 3 heroes and make unique combinations of "Quirks". Experience smooth battles and thrilling combat. Pick your most powerful heroes and forge an exclusive hero squad.
[Recruit Heroes for Your Agency]
Immerse yourself in a vivid world as a Hero Agent and recruit Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Ochaco Uraraka, Tenya Iida,Shoto Todoroki, Denki Kaminari , and even All Might! Maintain the social security under the guidance of the elite faculty of U.A. High! Take out the League of Villains! Plus Ultra!
[Authentic Anime Story in 3D]
Recall the stories of the original anime in a remastered, interactive 3D version and enjoy the classic scenes in an immersive experience.
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stories app for instagram 在 So-ju Twins Youtube 的最佳解答
Sue's IG: https://www.instagram.com/cheongsueann
Jo's IG: https://www.instagram.com/joannwithadash
Hey guys,
It seems like it took us forever to edit this vlog. But we hope we are not too late~ First, we would like to thank you guys for all the bday wishes. You guys made our day even more special and warmer ?? We hope that we can continue to celebrate more bdays with you guys ???
We realised we only have 5000-word limitation here so we couldn't answer everyone. Sorry guys~ We'll probably answer them in our other vlogs.
Lots of love,
Jo & Sue
? What kind of app you use to edit your insta stories?
Sue: Inshot app. Cinema 02 filter + grains OR I use SNOW app
Jo: VSCO. M5 filter, M5 +2.8, Exposure +0.4, Contrast +0.5, Sharpen +4.1, White Balance : Temperature -0.9, Tint +1.2, Vignette +8.0, Grain +4.0
? How to you manage alone time?
We both have our own routine & we respect each other space. We actually spend most of our time alone~ Just in the vlog it seems like we are together 24/7
? If all expenses paid and no pain at all, what kind of plastic surgery would you girls do?
Love this question! We do get sponsorship offer for plastic surgery and we have kinda high tolerance for pain but we still rejected the offer =) We don’t think we would change a thing~ It’s not that we are happy with everything that we’re born with just that we think we rather learn to love what we are given. That being said, we are not against plastic surgery either.
? With your current income, do you guys be able to make a living on your own?
We survived. LOL~ It’s not a lot but we love what we do and we’ll continue to work hard.
? What happens if you are over 35 and have not married yet?
Good question~ We don’t think it should be an issue. Married or not, it won't change a thing =)
? Is there any tips or book recommended to start reading?
We all have different book preferences. When people say they are not a reader we always think that they have not found the right book. It’s not you, it’s the book LOL So keep searching and keep reading. Don’t feel bad to leave a book if you don’t like it~
? What if one day you two fall in love with the same guy?
It’s not going to happen~ We both have different taste in guys
? If you were to focus on one thing you can improve on, what would it be?
Sue: I would like to improve my sleeping habit. I need to sleep early.
Jo: For work, I want to improve my Photoshop skill. For personal, I want to overcome my fear of crowds.
? What is something which gives you happiness recently?
Jo: Baking cakes & learning crochet
Sue: Exercising & Baking breads
? Places / Country you guys want to travel when C19 ends or safe to travel again?
Jo: Korea
Sue: Taiwan~ Since we’re learning Mandarin, I think Taiwan is the great to practice my Mandarin. Plus, I like Taiwan.
? What’s your preference in guys?
Jo: I like hardworking guys. And also someone who knows how to enjoy life alone and with people too.
Sue: I like animated guys… I’ll leave it as that. LOL
? What made you start your own business? How to solve it when no customer buy?
We started our first business as a side thing. We just love clothings and we thought selling clothing would be fun. When we closed our clothing business down, opening another business seems like a familiar thing to do~
& how to get more customers? You can pay for ads. Get influencers to promote your business. Get family and friends to spread the news.
? Do you guys inspire each other? Who inspire who the most?
We both have different style so we get inspirations from outside sources ( like on Pinterest, YouTube or Instagram)
? How tall are you guys? Both of you look so tall.
We get that a lot. But we are tiny~ 157cm =)
?What’s the cutest thing someone did for you?
Jo: The cutest thing is when a perfect stranger gave me an extra rose because he saw my then bf only gave me one stalk of rose. lol
Sue: When my mum bought us balloons on our birthday
? Advice to those who are entering into their 20s?
Jo: If you just entering your 20s, Welcome to adulthood~
My advice … Live & Be happy. Do what you love. Learn about yourself as much as you can. Learn new things. Try new things. and use SPF HAHA!
Sue: This is an exciting time. Like what Jo said, "Learn about yourself as much as you can". It's the time you get to choose what you want to do, what you want to be and be sure to choose wisely who you surround yourself with. .
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Music by VALNTN - Mona Lisa - https://thmatc.co/?l=A9A8AAFB
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Music by eSNa - Playboy - https://thmatc.co/?l=82495F87

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