Sure.As simple as sorry.Sick of the treatment of stray animals especially dogs in our country.My heart breaks.This should never have happened! There are humane solutions to curb our stray issues Malaysia, and publicly killing our stray dogs is not one of it!!
Why are state govt agencies not working with the SPCA on this issue??It is called the (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ) for a reason! The SPCA has guidelines & humane methods in dealing with strays.Why are we not working hand in hand with them DVS, MPS??!
Do you know we have TNRM animals living amongst us? Pls google TNRM if you are not aware. TNRM animals are neutered & spayed street animals.They continue to live in our streets post spay & neuter ,causing no trouble/harm to a community.TNRM dogs/cats are mostly cared for by a caregiver & are easily identified by their collars & tags.These animals are closely monitored & need not be caught by our local council or euthanised! But alas! this is still happening
The reality is ,it is impossible to rescue all strays & give them a home or place them in a shelter.What we can do however, is prevent further breeding.But what of the animals who are already born & living in the streets? Do they not have a right to live? Do they deserve to die? Can we not live harmoniously with them?
It is horrible for animals born in the streets.Some walk miles ,few times daily for a grub of food.They take shelters in drains,beneath cars from pouring rain & scorching heat. Why can we not be kind to them?
We really need to start working hand in hand to humanely clear our country of strays & live with the remaining ones harmoniously Malaysia.It is the only right way forward.Humanely
Lets not make it anymore painful & difficult for them out there.Stray animals have a right to life too!