【 拉闊音樂會風火雷電 】
是五年半前的事!時為2016年2月,超級天后Madonna來港開騷(《Madonna Rebel Heart Tour ─ Hong Kong》),事前完全搶不到飛,就在開場前的數小時,突然收到大學師兄的短訊,說送我一張入場券。OMG!怎會估到這種幸運的事會降臨在自己身上?結果有幸見證來自阿美利堅的超水準演唱會製作,還有幸親耳聽到偶像開金口唱超經典作品《Take A Bow》,由開場到散場,「沾沾」指數前所未見,難免會在社交平台「騷相」曬命。
忍不住想炫耀,因為夠晒有型,這一點正好建基於物以罕為貴,加上地理位置和會場面積,兩者結合,散發出紅館也無法營造得到的隆重感覺,畢竟「無雷公咁遠走入赤鱲角亞博館睇騷」這一點足已喚醒大腦意識 ── 喂,唔該,今晚睇騷唔好迤(Hea)住去,緊記盡情尖叫,別忘大力拍手!等足五年半,今夜(27/9)因為有幸親身入場觀看由商業電台主辦的《拉闊音樂會風火雷電:林家謙 ╳ 姜濤 ╳ 柳應廷 ╳ TYSON YOSHI》,終於有機會重拾這種興奮的趁墟感覺。
能夠雲集當今本地樂壇四位最炙手可熱、最人氣爆燈的名字同台獻唱,加上不設公開售票,一票難求的程度高達1000%,令這場騷成為2021年下半年最矚目兼最具話題的演唱會(看看fb和IG有多少朋友瘋狂洗板便知此話不假),亦令歌迷的期望更高 ── 到底四子會在台上唱些甚麼?會不會有破格或驚喜演出?先講後者,日日操肌的Tyson Yoshi在開騷不久已決定除衫再連唱幾首廣東歌(首推與林家謙合唱《特倫斯夢遊仙境》,爆!林家謙竟然選擇翻唱米津玄師的《感電》還要跟Dancers一起跳舞,癲!柳應廷(Jer)開騷前雖突然患氣管敏感,但演繹《砂之器》和《狂人日記》時仍能唱出水準,勁!姜濤連唱七首歌,唱住跳,跳完再唱慢歌,聽得到唱功有明顯進步,站在舞台中央散發有如王者降臨的台型,星味濃,有魅力,堅!
選曲也見心思,四子合唱《留下來的人》,扣連社會時局之餘,也似是間接為原唱C AllStar經理人阿拔早前爆出的「MIRROR係全職廣告從業員」事件破冰,此其一。「阿Jer」以歌曲言志,鼓勵港人,有夠感動,此其二。姜濤翻唱多首自己兄弟的派台歌,以及《全民造星》主題曲《前傳》,甚有總結過去三年由參賽至出道到今次為《拉闊音樂會》站台的意味,此其三。只是,或許跟籌備時間所限有關,歌曲編排上略為鬆散,有佳章無佳篇,似乎未能真正帶出「風火雷電」的主題,而姜濤跳唱完之後突然「索晒氣」唱悼念摯友的《Dear My Friend,》也夠奇怪。但整體而言,今次《拉闊音樂會》絕對聲色兼備,做到娛樂大家,現場氣氛實在一流,觀眾由入場開心到散場,五花八門的應援功勞很大。
走出博覽館站不久,已見到多款氣球裝飾、肖像易拉架在演唱會場外的橙黃色牆對出,一字排開展示人前,粉絲需要排隊輪候拍照,人頭湧湧,當中最值得講的,是林家謙粉絲為偶像特製的琴鍵氣球裝飾,心諗原來咁樣都有得砌出來,實在厲害。走入會場,就變成了燈牌、發光棒和橫幅的「天下」,尤其是一眾「姜糖」最常用的「姜」字燈牌,當姜濤獻唱時,過百忠粉立即在觀眾席上高舉燈牌,光芒甚至能夠反射到舞台上,有夠氣勢;另邊廂,亦瞥見一些橙色燈牌和發光棒,由於是橙色光,在一片白光之下更覺搶眼,有趣的是,只要細心留意就發現這批燈牌不只姜濤一人,連帶阿Jer、Tyson Yoshi和家謙也有份,細問之下才知道是物流公司「Lalamove」為今次「拉闊」而特別製作的粉絲應援物,四款(謙、姜、Jer、Tyson)總數約一千套,於開場前在會場外派發,唔使問阿貴,當然話咁快派晒,名副其實:送嘢拿拿聲。
【 足本歌單 】
Part 1:Opening
(3)《Stressed Out》(Tyson Yoshi)
Part 2:Tyson Yoshi
(7)《In My Dream》
(8)《Stressed Out》
(9)《I Don't Give A, Pt. 2》(Tyson Yoshi+姜濤)
(10)《特倫斯夢遊仙境》(Tyson Yoshi+林家謙)
Part 3:林家謙
(14)《Somewhere In Time》(《時光倒流七十年》)+《時光倒流一句話》
Part 4:風火雷電
(16)《留下來的人》(原唱:C AllStar)(柳應廷+林家謙+Tyson Yoshi+姜濤)
Part 5:柳應廷
(18)《等等》(原唱:Supper Moment)
(19)《Let Us Go Then You And I》(原唱:Serrini)
Part 6:Tyson Yoshi
(22)《Growing Up》
Part 7:姜濤
(24)《Master Class》
(25)《特登》(原唱:Anson Kong)
(29)《Dear My Friend,》
Part 8:風火雷電
(31)《蒙著嘴說愛你》(原唱:姜濤)(林家謙+Tyson Yoshi+姜濤+柳應廷)
(32)《未知道》 (原唱:陳健安)(林家謙+Tyson Yoshi+姜濤+柳應廷)
(33)《致明日的舞》(原唱:陳奕迅)(林家謙+Tyson Yoshi+姜濤+柳應廷)
#游大東 #游大東影視筆記 #拉闊音樂會風火雷電 #拉闊音樂會 #林家謙 #姜濤 #柳應廷 #tysonyoshi #商業電台 #亞洲國際博覽館 #蒙著嘴說愛你 姜濤 Keung To 姜濤 Fanpage 林家謙 Terence Lam 柳應廷 Jer Lau Jer Lau 柳應廷 Fans Club TysonYoshi
「supper moment」的推薦目錄:
supper moment 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最讚貼文
Receive Divine, Sinless Life Through the Lord’s Supper
“For the life of the flesh is in the blood; and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that makes atonement by reason of the life. Therefore I have said to the children of Israel, “No person among you may eat blood, nor may any stranger who lives as a foreigner among you eat blood.”” (Leviticus 17:11-12 WEB)
Even under the New Covenant, according to the letter that the apostles wrote to the ex-Gentile believers, we are instructed by the Holy Spirit to abstain from eating blood.
“For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay no greater burden on you than these necessary things: that you abstain from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from things strangled, and from sexual immorality, from which if you keep yourselves, it will be well with you. Farewell.”” (Acts 15:28-29 WEB)
God does not want us to feed on life that has been stained by sin.
There is only one person’s blood that we are told to drink:
“Jesus therefore said to them, “Most certainly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you don’t have life in yourselves. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives in me, and I in him. As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father; so he who feeds on me, he will also live because of me. This is the bread which came down out of heaven—not as our fathers ate the manna, and died. He who eats this bread will live forever.”” (John 6:53-58 WEB)
Many of Jesus’ ‘disciples’ left Him after hearing the words in the passage above. The Law said that the children of Israel were forbidden from eating blood. No wonder they found it difficult to believe that drinking Jesus’ blood was actually a godly thing to do.
The blood of Jesus is full of His divine, sinless life. Every time you partake of the Lord’s Supper in remembrance of His death at the cross, you receive a fresh infusion of His life.
The more you receive His blood this way, the more your soul and body will live.
This is not just heavenly food like manna—it is the very life of God.
Don’t rush through the Lord’s Supper. It is not like popping a pill, a mathematical formula, or a magical incantation.
The Lord’s Supper is a token of Jesus’ love for you. He has designed it such that every time you partake of it in a worthy manner, you receive His life. Enjoy the moment.
How much do you want to live and be full of life? Receive the blood of Jesus every day through the Lord’s Supper, and watch as health and healing springs forth mightily in your soul and body!
The Holy Spirit taught me about God’s youth renewal promises, and they are compiled in an ebook called “Younger and Younger”. Join me on a 31-day journey to a younger, healthier, fitter, and more beautiful you. People in the Bible like Sarah, Caleb, Moses, and Naaman experienced physical youth renewal in their bodies.
Readers of the ebook are writing in to share how people around them are noticing the transformation in their looks, and how they are able to do things that they could only do in their teenage days. The ebook is full of rhema words that contain the power to work miracles. The bonus audio included will help to saturate your heart with God’s youth renewal promises. One lady likes it so much that she listens to it a few times each day!
Get “Younger and Younger” here: https://bit.ly/younger-and-younger
supper moment 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【電台歌單】 2021.09.19 (511集) DJ賴銘偉@《搖滾宮主未時到謬力music》
像月亮的人 (激膚樂團+黃玠)
秋風夜雨 (伍佰)
大口大口吃肉 (彤彤_陳泇彤 + Cody_方志勇)
月亮不會亮 (怕胖團樂團)
我要吃肉肉 (何曼婷)
秋意濃 (高愷蔚)
月亮代表我的心裡有問題 (三角COOL團體)
秋天的落葉跳了一支搖擺舞 (許哲珮)
血肉 (持修_廖持修)
秋鄉 (魏如昀)
行過愛河邊 (賴銘偉)
私奔到月球 2008 (MP魔幻力量樂團)
秋天的海 (蘇慧倫)
沙朗牛肉 (蕭賀碩+冷笑話樂團)
月亮代表我受了傷的心 (Supper Moment樂團)
正秋冬 (陳紅鯉)
蚋仔肉 (糯米糰樂團)
圓圓的月亮 (法愛_許建翔)
秋蟬 (莫文蔚)
萬年香火 (賴銘偉)
活一天拚一天 (陳偉)
supper moment 在 TinHangGuitar Youtube 的最讚貼文
John Mayer latest single "Last Train Home".
Guitar Tab here:
Facebook: Chow Tin Hang
Instagram: tinhangc
Contact me: TinHangGuitar@gmail.com
#LastTrainHome #JohnMayer #TinHang

supper moment 在 JC製作 Youtube 的最讚貼文
文字來自瓊姐娛樂台:Supper Moment 今年成軍 15 週年,準備開演唱會紀念。近幾年佢地聲勢大不如前,一直受網民批評,佢地就決定拍片反擊,更激動爆粗,回應網民各樣指控。
佢地早前上 TVB 開心大綜藝,同修哥合唱《舊歡如夢》等老餅歌,被網民形容為「淪落到做馬騮戲」「慘不忍睹」。佢地喺片段入面食住飯回應:「真係好嬲,可惡呀!點解要話修哥!要話我地!」Sunny 同阿雞就串爆回應:「食飯啦,有飯好食喇!啲飯仲暖,定人情冷暖呀?」鼓手阿達就話:「呢啲唔係電視啲飯(指拍劇道具飯)」阿雞就回應:「邊個電視台?咩電視台我都上!」
有網民指佢地近年默不作聲,佢地喺片入面就解釋呢兩年嚟都做緊音樂,唔明點解俾人話潛水,亦指樂隊好蠢:「唔識喺 social media 經營自己形象。」成員 CK 就話:「明就明。」佢話花咗好多時間做嘅新碟,最後俾網民「話 X 你新碟唔 X 貼社會議題」,主音 Sunny 亦和應,話佢地都有自由想做自己鍾意嘅音樂,而阿達更指樂評同社評應該分開,而 CK 就覺得網民期望佢地唱「嗰啲嘢」、「你無唱佢想聽嘅嘢,佢就可以隨意 X X 你。」
Supper 嘅成名作《無盡》入面嘅熱血歌詞經常被人引用,不過佢地近年就被網民指對唔住《無盡》呢首歌,被標籤為「搖滾叛徒」,佢地就狀似輕鬆地回應:「搖滾精神係咩?係反叛?係一定要反一啲制度?咁鬧我地『搖滾叛徒』都係另一種稱讚!」Sunny 就自說自笑,話:「連搖滾都背叛埋,咁真係無人夠我地搖滾!哈哈哈!」
曾有網民指控佢地 2019 年北上搵人仔,佢地四個就反擊,話好耐以前演唱會一樣有內地巡演,唔係今時今日事:「當年大家又冇唔高興?」佢地亦解釋 2019 年有去加拿大、日本、西班牙、美國等地,CK 就話:「啲人而家話我地剩係搵人仔呀!我都想搵港紙呀,加紙、美金、日圓都想搵!」Sunny 就覺得大家可能忘記咗做音樂要錢:「無錢點錄音?」
佢地更講到有人鬧埋佢地已故經理人 Gary,四子好大反應,話做人要有同理心,唔好鬧埋佢:「我地對唔對得住 Gary,好多事我地自己知,唔需要話俾人聽。」

supper moment 在 Supper Moment - Facebook 的推薦與評價
Supper Moment 。 119995 個讚· 39 人正在談論這個。 HKTVMALL 網店➤ www.hktvmall.com/p/H8691001_S_RM2020-003 新碟《Everything Is You》已於各大音樂平台上架➤. ... <看更多>