昨天剛好是KT醫師的值班日,所以趁著今天下午可以提早下班,KT醫師卻不想休息的仍把握時間繼續北上進修醫學美容課程。除了認識更多廠商以及新品牌針劑外,在現場也跟醫師前輩們互相交流,交換施打方式,技巧以及經驗。雖然今天的行程真的有點趕,但是能夠保持學習的心和動力, 能夠有機會和能力繼續學習,想想也是種幸福,自然就不累了❤
"法瑪瑞瑟琪"可立美康圖爾玻尿酸(俗稱:可立美玻尿酸CLEVIEL),"PharmaResearch Products" CLEVIEL CONTOUR Dermal Implant,衛部醫器輸字第030698號。
🌸Cleviel 高濃度透明質酸
CLEVIEL 是由韓國研發的新一代透明質酸。由韓國化妝品牌第一的護膚化妝品集團AMOREPACIFIC 成立了由400名專家和研究人員組成的專業團隊,研發超過5年時間的最新透明質酸產品。
高濃度的透明質酸,濃度為50 mg/ml,而市面上一般的透明質酸大概只有20~25mg/ml,濃度高出一倍。而高濃度的透明質酸令產品的持久力增加同時可讓產品在人體分解的速度減慢,亦具有較高的黏彈性。
CLEVIEL 使用少於1%的低化學連結,能透明質酸分子更加穩定,注射後不會因為吸收水份而引致水腫,並同時有效減低療程之後的面部泛紅、浮腫等副作用。
CLEVIEL 是採用存在於皮膚的天然物質所造成,能夠由人體自然吸收,對人體並不會造成任何傷害。
CLEVIEL 是韓國首個及現時唯一一款填充劑產品獲得由南韓大韓民國保健福祉部頒發的 New Excellent Technology (NET) 證書,技術效應絕對有保證。
4L 交叉連結科技
Low BDDE - 減低BDDE(常用的透明質酸化學連結劑)所帶來的安全問題
Low Temperature - 以低溫處理,有效減低在製作過程中因熱力而流失的透明質酸
Low Swelling - 減低接受注射後浮腫情況,更能保持療程後的成效
Long Duration - 高密度透明質酸可令效果維持更久
1. 過去6個月中曾在其它地方進行臉部整形手術或雷射手術請事先告知。
2. 目前懷孕或正計畫懷孕及哺乳中請事先告知。
3. 對麻醉藥膏及藥劑過敏者請事先告知。
1. 術後初期在注射部位可能會有輕微緊繃或異物感,甚至有腫脹的情形,會依個人體質,平均在1-2週後會自然消退。
2. 術後請醫護理人員指示在治療部位冰敷或濕敷,以減輕腫脹及瘀青。
3. 術後一星期內亦應避免化濃妝、曝曬、三温暖及進行其他按壓或美容療程。
4. 紅腫消退前,此時皮膚較脆弱,術後避免過度曝曬,並做好防曬措施,建議防曬乳SPF30以上,戴帽及撐傘,並避免用太熱的水溫洗臉。
5. 注射法令紋者,避免臉部劇烈表情動作。
6. 治療效果因人而異,術後回診時可依個人情況及需求做二次治療。
7. 注射山根或隆鼻者,前七天儘量不要戴眼鏡。
8. 依照醫師建議口服藥品或擦外用藥膏。
9. 術後請勿重壓或者按摩施打部位。
10. 而當晚麻醉藥藥力消散後,針口位置會有酸痛感,但2-3日後就會慢慢消失。
swelling化學 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 出現突如其來的痕癢
- 皮膚泛紅、發熱,有紅斑
- 出現隆起的丘疹及風團
- 嚴重更有可能出現水疱、滲液
- 不熬夜,以免耗傷陰血
- 別用過熱的水洗澡
- 盡少接觸清潔劑如洗潔精等,盡可能戴手套
- 發作期時不應磨砂,以免刺激皮膚
- 塗無添加的天然保濕潤膚液
- 戒吃動風發物如蟹、蝦、貝類、菇類、茄子、雞蛋、鵝肉、竹筍等
- 如有皮疹泛紅、發熱痕癢可以試試皮膚痕痕茶療:
- 材料:地膚子10克、白癬皮10克
- 做法:材料放入保溫瓶內,先以熱水沖洗一次,再注入熱水焗15分鐘至出味。
- 功效:清熱化濕,適合皮膚泛紅或痕癢。
Sudden itch all over the body
Do you have some friends who seem to always have itchy skin? In addition to the effects of weather, stress, daily life and eating habits, exposure to sources of stimulus can also lead to sudden body itching! This type of contact dermatitis can cause skin irritation or eczema outbreaks, and it may be particularly itchy after sweating, temperature rises slightly or before going to sleep. In addition to a sudden appearance of a large red swelling area, hot and red and itchy rash, it may also be accompanied by body heat, nausea, headache, edema. The most common causes are ‘dampness’ and ‘heat’.
Contact dermatitis has many allergens, which can be from animal, phytochemical, or chemical, and even anything common in daily life, causing sudden skin sensitivity or eczema. In general, most people heal within 1 to 2 weeks as long as you are no longer exposed to allergens.
If you have the following symptoms, you may be suffering from acute contact dermatitis!
- Sudden itch
- Skin redness and heat, erythema
- Bulging pimples and wheal
- When severe, you may have blisters and puss
Attention to contact dermatitis during the attack:
- Do not stay up late, so as not to consume yin and blood
- Do not bathe with overheated water
- Minimize contact with detergents such as dishwashing liquid, wear gloves as much as possible
- Do not scrub during the attack to avoid irritating the skin
- Apply natural moisturizing lotion without additive
- Stop eating stimulating foods that activates wind such as crabs, shrimps, shellfish, mushrooms, eggplant, eggs, goose, bamboo shoots.
If there is rash and redness, heat and itching, try itchy skin tea remedy:
- Ingredients: 10g belvedere fruit, 10g dense-fruit dittany root bark
- Preparation: place all ingredients into thermos, rinse with hot water once. Then add in hot water again and steep for 15 minutes.
- Effects: clears heat and dispels dampness, suitable for those with skin redness or itchiness
#男 #女 #我疲憊 #我煩躁 #濕熱 #濕疹
swelling化學 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 濕手前先戴上全棉手套,再戴膠手套隔絕清潔劑的刺激
- 洗手水溫不應過熱,應在20°C至25°C之間
- 選用無刺激性、含油的中性保濕洗手液
- 洗手後立即塗不含刺激物的補濕護手霜
- 避免使用酒精搓手液,以免令皮膚乾上加乾
- 配合體質,適量服用滋陰潤燥、清熱袪濕的食物
- 一家人一起分擔家務吧
Treatment for 'Housewives Hands'
“I am always exposed to water and detergent due to housework. The housewives hands problem is getting worse. How can I get my pretty hands back?”
CheckCheckCin: Many people are always exposed water and detergent with chemicals. Their hands are red, swollen and have blisters. They cannot help to scratch their hands and eventually their hands also bleed. This happens to a lot of housewives who do housework. It also happen to those who are in contact with water and cleaning solutions such as hair stylists, chefs, and cleaners. From Chinese medicine perspective, the exposure to water leads to damp pathogen attack on the hands. As there is less fat on the skin of hands, they become dry which causes itch, redness and swelling, and early aging type of eczema and allergy like symptoms. To relieve this condition, you need to take care of yourself both internally and externally. Aside from reducing contact with the stimulant and moisturizing your hands, you should clear heat and dispel dampness, nourish yin and relieve dryness based on your body type.
Daily care of housewives hands:
- Wear cotton gloves first and then wear rubber gloves to isolate the stimulation from cleaning solutions.
- Hand washing water temperature should not be too hot and should be between 20°C and 25°C.
- Use non-irritating, neutral moisturizing hand wash that has oils
- Apply moisturizing and non-irritating hand cream immediately after washing hands.
- Avoid using alcohol hand sanitizers as those will worsen dryness.
- Appropriately consume food that can nourish yin, moisten dryness, clear heat and dispel dampness according to your body type.
- Ask family members to help with housework.
Tea remedy to clear heat and relieve itchy skin
Effect: Clears heat, dispels dampness and relieves itchy skin. Relieves redness and itchiness problem due to housewives hands.
Ingredients: 10g Chinese dittany bark, 6g fangfeng, 12g smilax
Method: Rinse all ingredients thoroughly, combine with 800ml of water in a pot and cook for 30 minutes.
#男 #女 #我煩躁 #濕熱
swelling化學 在 Lecture 82 - Swelling of polymers - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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