Posted @withregram • @photogstory 林嘉欣 遲來的寶麗來三部曲 Scroll down for English
回想當初,她並沒料到自己會在翌年結婚生女,加上後來底片停產,所以也曾放下相機,之後得知菲林重新生產後,便重拾起寶麗來,最近《VOYAGES II》及《VOYAGES III》一齊面世,也令這件事情變得圓滿。「第一本相集是關於我一個人的旅行,第二本是婚後育有大女兒的階段,第三本則是一家四口的畫面,會比較多小朋友的照片。這也是我人生歷程的一個見證。」
VOYAGES by @karenalamkayan
地址:TASCHEN (中環荷李活道10號大館01-G02號舖)
"I like to shrink my universe into a square image," said actress Karena Lam, who owns eight Polaroid SX-70 cameras. Her encounter with Polaroid can be traced back to 20 years ago when her father presented her with the first SX-70. Since then, She has used it to record her travel and everyday life. So far, she has taken thousands of Polaroid images. In 2009, when Karena published the first Polaroid album "VOYAGES," she had the idea of a trilogy, but she didn't expect its sequel to be long overdue until recently.
Looking back, Karena did not expect that she would marry and have a daughter in the next year. In addition, the polaroid film was discontinued, so she stops taking photos for a while. When the film was re-produced later, she picked up Polaroid again. The recent release of Polaroid albums "VOYAGES II" and "VOYAGES III" also made her trilogy dream come true. "The first album is about my travels alone, the second is about the stage of having the eldest daughter after marriage, and the third is photos of the family of four, and it has more pictures of my daughters. These images are a witness of my life journey."
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sx70底片 在 Robert Chang Chien Facebook 的精選貼文
Why do I like film?
Personally, human and film are virtually the same since they have many flaws, yet only the flaws can keep and express emotions, and perfect things cannot.
People really feel love when they can appreciate that flaws of their beloved, which is the most beautiful part of human's emotion.
Director, photo, and writer/ Robert Chang Chien
Actress/ 黃栩薇 Hsu Wei Huang
Film/ Polaroid sx70 color
Special thks/ 實驗攝
sx70底片 在 捏嘴巴 Facebook 的精選貼文
#sx70 #poraloid #taiwan