SIMHOPE Rebranded (2020)
SIMHOPE - 'Machines built with purpose' ⭐️
⭐️ Brand Positioning
⭐️ Brand Design
⭐️ Brand Internal Launch
[by Subkarma]
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A HUGE thanks to the SIMHOPE team for making this project successful! Great people - great company - BIG future!
#subkarma #integratedbranding #branding #taiwanbrands #design #branddna
taiwanbrands 在 Eileen Carls 艾玲 Facebook 的最佳解答
#nervous #fear #publicspeaking #面對恐懼 #上台講話 👩🏾🏫 「Eileen,你去文藻演講的照片呢,還沒分享?”」- 趙平宜老師問我的哈哈...(好像很開心偶爾有人管,平常在台灣沒家長,有點想念😝)所以補一下!❤️
另外 我昨天又很幸運地被邀請去台北科技大學參加一個活動/會議,當活動其中一個講師~而這場會議中我除了教授還認識了很多在台灣創立各種品牌的老闆們。活動本身的主題是討論關於當地品牌怎麼進入國外市場,所以來聽的觀眾跟上週去文藻大學的完全不一樣!(上次文藻的演講題目是毅力,鍛煉和創業)
雖然準備演講都很好時間,但大家想知道我個人當初答應的原因嗎?就是因為我討厭在大的人群面前公開演講!💩🙈 我都會非常緊張!😭 無論觀眾是學生,商人還是教授......我上台之前的心跳總是高達150以上吧 #想吐那種🤮😂 但這就是為什麼我要做這件事情......讓我好好面對心裡恐懼😅 那講完第一次的演講,後來再完成第二次的,結論⋯當然就是⋯ 這個「逼自己」的方式真的有效 🥰✊🏽
「每天做一件你害怕的事吧」~有沒有聽過這句?這樣做 你的舒適區將一定會越來越寬大!🙌🏽🔥🤗☀️ 加油吧!
另外!謝謝文藻的學生也曾經來參了加我們 @surfaceapparel 的淨灘活動!♻️🌍❤️ 能再次在不一樣的場所遇到很開心!雖然穿不一樣都認不出😂
#鬆了一口氣 #再來一次 #越做越不怕 #每個人害怕的事不一樣 #面對就是第一步 #故意推自己一把
„Why didn’t you post the photos of the Uni speech from last week, Eileen?” my professor aka mentor asked haha... I love how he keeps me on track. 👨🏫
Funny thing is I was lucky to do another speech yesterday in Taipei, at a different Uni and event for entrepreneurs who want to extend their markets. So it was a different topic (first speech was about perseverance and exercise, and the second about local brands in Taiwan.) I met loads of great people and hopefully opened myself some new doors 🚪
The main reason for me personally though to do both of these events, was because I HATE public speaking in front of a crowd 🙈 I get so nervous! No matter if the crowd is full of student or businessmen or professors... my heart always goes up to 150😂 and that’s exactly why I do it... do push me through my fears 😬😅 and the good thing is, it works. “Do one thing you’re afraid to do every day.” And there is no doubt that your comfort zone will expaaaaand 🔥🤗☀️ #relief #illdoitagain #gettingbetter #confrontyourfears
#surfacebikinis #surfaceapparel #local #taiwan #mit #surf #startupevent #tigeraccelerator #ourhub #taiwanbrands #台灣品牌 #國際品牌 #創業 #創新 #努力 #勇敢 #正面 #微笑 @ 文藻外語大學