💥 #StarFab特報 💥 第七期 軟硬整合+AI視覺辨識 開必拓數據 創造國際商機
#開必拓數據 是台灣極少數的軟硬整合AI新創,在電子、紡織、金屬箔、電動車產業皆有佈局,更是去年第三屆 #TAIRA 投資人特別獎得主。
此期我們很榮幸邀請到 #開必拓 孫逢佑 執行長 與我們一同聚焦AI趨勢與應用,並分享其創業心法與市場進入策略!
📌 如何讓AI做到「如人一般」的智慧應用?
📌 開必拓如何運用其軟硬整合優勢?
📌 全球首見的AI鋁箔品檢技術如何幫助企業創造商業價值?
💥#StarFabNewsletter💥 Issue 7
AI Visual Inspection with the Integration of Software and Hardware
to Develop Business Opportunity Worldwide
As the leader in artificial intelligence industry, Kapito.Inc focuses on serving clients in the electronics, textile, smart vehicle, and metallic foil. Also, Kapito won the special prize on the TAIRA Accelerator Program Demo Day in 2020.
In this week’s issue, we were honored to invite Riccardo Sun, CEO of Kapito.Inc, to share his entrepreneurial journey and market entry strategy. Kaptio hopes to cooperate with startups and big companies interested in AI field to explore the global market together in the future.
📌 How does big data enable AI to complete tasks at a human level?
📌 How does Kapito make the integration of hardware and software as its advantage\?
📌 How does Kaptio create commercial value by the world's first AI quality inspection software for electrode aluminum foil?
【StarFab Newsletter】Issue 7:http://user132676.psee.io/3na4cm
textile ai 在 Might Electronic 邁特電子 Facebook 的最讚貼文
📢 Mighty Tech🚩
🔑 Do you know what digital textile fiber is?✨
Researched and developed by the team led by Yoel Fink, the #DigitalFiber can store the digital data of 0 and 1😎
This #AI system can estimate the activities of the wearer through sweat data. With the addition of a dedicated #microcontroller in the future, digital fiber is undoubtedly an new tool in the field of #HealthMonitoring 🕹
📌Source 👉https://bit.ly/3xKzxuA
🔑 你知道什麼是數位織物纖維嗎✨
由Yoel Fink率領團隊研發,使 #數位纖維 能夠儲存0與1的數位式資料😎
這套 #人工智慧 系統甚至可以經由汗水數據,推估出穿著者從事的活動,未來加上專屬的 #微控制器 後,在 #健康監測 領域,數位纖維無疑是一個新興工具🕹
textile ai 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
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In plus, pentru a sărbători cum se cuvineziua de 1 iunie, Auchan are încă 3 ofertepentrupărinții care sunt în căutare de cadouri pentru cei mici și care s-au înscris sau se vorînscrie în programul de fidelitate MyCLUB Auchan, și anume:
• 20% BONUS PE CARD PENTRU IMBRACAMINTE COPII SI BEBE - promoție valabila în magazinele Auchan în perioada 28.05-01.06.2021
• 20% BONUS PE CARD PENTRU TOATA GAMA DE JUCARII LEGO - https://bit.ly/2Sv8HaI (perioada de valabilitate a ofertei este 26.05-01.06.2021)
• 20% BONUS PE CARD PENTRU TOATA GAMA DE JUCARII - https://bit.ly/3oMxVgN (perioada de valabilitate a ofertei este 01.06.2021)
La mulți ani, copii mari și mici! (P)