未來吵架王,美科學家訓練 AI 與人類辯論
作者 Alan Chen | 發布日期 2021 年 07 月 05 日 18:00 |
雖然科幻電影常看見古靈精怪的 AI 機器人,與人類主角一來一往抬槓,但現實 AI 距離電影仍然相距甚遠。美國南加州大學近期發表研究,展示團隊訓練 AI 與人類進行主題辯論的成果。
南加大(USC)「創意科技中心」(Creative Technology Institute,CTI)研究團隊,在本月「北美計算語言學協會」(North America Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistic)年度會議展示 AI 系統「CaSiNo」(Camp Site Negotiations)的辯論訓練成果。
實驗採取情境式對話劇本為 AI 訓練教材,團隊以露營活動為對話訓練主題,並透過實際露營活動,將過程所有出現的對話情境,包括狀況討論、資源分配、意見反駁、修正、妥協和合作等內容,匯集成大量數據資料供 AI 學習。
對話資料彙整後,團隊歸納出九種辯論策略,讓 AI 經深度學習,自由搭配運用不同策略組合,但團隊同時也指出,露營場景設定下,合作策略的成效遠大於自私策略,因此 AI 學習後,與人類對象討論露營資源分配時,也會傾向合作。
「我們的研究與其他團隊不同之處在於,先前 AI 對話研究多是固定內容、選單式方式進行。」團隊主任 Kushal Chawla 博士指出,CaSiNo 優勢在於,透過大量對話學習,往後 AI 將可真正使用通順的語言與人類對話,甚至爭論。
Chawla 博士也表示,團隊接下來的研究,將著重非合作場景的對話訓練,例如說服對方接受自己意見的劇本。團隊需要繼續研究,如何讓 AI 學習在資源分配無法使雙方互利的情境下,說服對方接受較少資源的各種對話策略。
隨著 AI 學習越來越多分析和辯論能力,不久後人們也許要開始煩惱,該如何跟 AI 機器人進行辯論比賽,或是當人們老是吵輸 AI,對心理會否造成長期影響。
附圖:▲ 主導研究團隊的 Kushal Chawla 博士。(Source:USC)
the negotiation電影 在 看電影學英文 Facebook 的最佳解答
way before = 在...很久之前
電影 The War With Grandpa, 2020 #阿公當家 精彩例句:
Okay, that sounds worse than it is. It is true a cookie was given. But it was way before this negotiation was even scheduled.
好, 那聽起來更糟了。被送餅干是事實。但它卻是在這場談判安排很久之前發生的。
the negotiation電影 在 無待堂 Facebook 的精選貼文
(Please scroll down for English)
9月18日 下午6時40分 (辦公完結時間為下午6時)
❗️Disclaimer: The opinion expressed in the statement issued by The Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration (OFNAA) does not reflect the views of the director and the production team.
The Tug of War with the OFNAA over “Taking back the Legislature" + "Inside the Red Brick Wall".
Although “Taking back the Legislature" and "Inside the Red Brick Wall" have not shied away from controversy, yet the production crew have always strived to objectively capture every social movement against all odds, and the films have received a wide swath of responses since their release.
Nevertheless, the OFNAA has gone out of their way to coerce the directors into making statements against their wills. When failed to oblige, they could face having their works barred from screening by the OFNAA with whatever administrative reasons they might come up with.
Therefore, Ying E Chi hereby express our strong discontent to the following actions of the OFNAA:
1. Force the films to be edited under the pretext of protecting everyone, but in fact, only to protect their own interest
2. Request an announcement to be made at the beginning of the film, yet refused to be declared as the one who demanded the announcement
3. Overturn the previous certificate issued by the OFNAA with unspecified reason
4. Fail to issue the certificate on time as promised, whilst shifting the responsibility to the applicant
The statement required by the OFNAA is as follows:
“Taking back the Legislature”:
“This film records the serious incident of the storming of the Legislative Council Complex on 1 July 2019. Some of those depictions or acts may constitute criminal offences under prevailing laws.”
“Inside the Red Brick Wall:
“This film records the serious incidents at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and nearby areas in November 2019. Some of those depictions or acts may constitute criminal offences under prevailing laws. Some of the contents of or commentaries in the film may be unverified or misleading.”
Here is how the negotiation between Ying E Chi and the OFNAA unfolds:
Ying E Chi filed an application for a Certificate of Approval for the old version of “Taking back the Legislature" + "Inside the Red Brick Wall".
7/8/2020 (A month after the National Security Law was enacted)
The first time Ying E Chi were notified by the OFNAA that a warning issued by them must be added at the beginning of the film. Ying E Chi then categorically declared that since the content of the warning does not reflect the will of the director, the films will not be edited as a result. The OFNAA responded by saying the administrative procedure might be delayed if their instructions have not been followed.
3/9/2020 (About 2 months after the National Security Law was enacted)
Ying E Chi handed in the application again with a new version of the films including the warning statement as requested, indicating that the warning is issued by the OFNAA.
Ying E Chi were informed by the OFNAA to remove the statement at the beginning of the film as it does not belong to the film. Ying E Chi responded by calling out the absurdity of such request, as the OFNAA ought not to ask the films to be edited before they even review the whole film. Yet again the OFNAA demanded the changes to be made since it might cause a delay in the reviewing process.
As a result, Ying E Chi submitted a new version at the first instance at the request of the OFNAA.
Ying E Chi phoned in to enquire about the application procedure, since the application was made on the 3 Sep, so the Certificate of Approval should be issued on 17 Sep. However, the OFNAA replied that the Certificate of Approval would in fact not be granted this week for they claimed to have received the updated version on 11 Sep, so they could only have begun the reviewing process officially on the 14th, and thus the earliest time the certificate could be issued would be 21 Sep. (Note: Despite the official application date listed on the application form was 3 Sep, the OFNAA still tried to avoid the responsibility caused by their sluggish bureaucratic process.
18/9/2020 6.40pm (Office Hour ends at 6pm)
The OFNAA informed Ying E Chi that a statement PROVIDED by them must be included at the start of the film, and the new version must be handed in on 21 Sep, otherwise the Certificate of Approval would not be issued on the day of the screening. Ying E Chi again requested to indicate the OFNAA as the one who issued the statement, and that the certificate should be granted on screening day. The OFNAA, however, rejected to be identified as the one who issued such a statement, and insisted that all amendments can only be made subject to their approvals and requirements. At the time, Ying E Chi were informed that the Certificate of Approval obtained for the old version of “ Taking back the Legislature" + "Inside the Red Brick Wall" could no longer be used, as there cannot be two certificates for both old version and the updated version. (Ying E Chi, are deeply confounded by this sudden decision, but the OFNAA has failed to offer any clarifications.)
Not only have Ying E Chi just received the certificate on the day of the screening from OFNAA, but at the same time we have been notified that "Inside the Red Brick Wall” has been classified as a Category III Film, and therefore need to make the refund arrangements.
We are profoundly sorry about the inconvenience caused.
It is not the wish of Ying E Chi and Hong Kong Documentary Filmmakers to set the wrong example for the industry, yet we would hate to have the truth to be buried by the Hong Kong Government or to let those in power rewrite the history. Ying E Chi have compromised for this instance in order to facilitate this screening, we, nevertheless, will keep on protesting, so please spread the words and make our story known. Thank you for continuing to support Hong Kong films, and from now on please do not be misled by any bizarre statements in movies and misunderstand the directors.
*Note: Under the Film Censorship Ordinance (Cap 392), a film intended for exhibition in Hong Kong at any public place has to be submitted to the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration for prior approval. Failing to comply with such requirement may constitute a criminal offence.