Takeaways from Proverbs 19
(Day 12 of #ProverbsHesedWisdomChallenge to read a chapter from the Book of Proverbs each day which corresponds to the date as suggested by Pastor Joseph Prince in 7 Jan 2018’s Vision Sunday sermon -
http://www.miltongoh.net/miltons-blog/the-year-of-hesed-wisdom-vision-sunday-new-creation-church-theme-of-the-year-2018 ):
As Pastor Prince taught before, the devil likes pressure you and rush you to make bad decisions.
However, that is not God’s style. God leads by peace in your heart and doesn’t force you to do things against your will.
“Also it is not good for a person to be without knowledge, And he who hurries with his feet [acting impulsively and proceeding without caution or analyzing the consequences] sins (misses the mark).” (PROVERBS 19:2 AMP)
We see this often in movies: When something bad happens to the main character, he or she screams and shouts at God asking why that happened to him or her.
People are just so quick to blame God and they forget that the devil exists.
Anything bad is not caused by God. It’s caused by the sinfulness and foolishness of man who give in to the devil’s temptations.
“The foolishness of man undermines his way [ruining whatever he undertakes]; Then his heart is resentful and rages against the LORD [for, being a fool, he blames the LORD instead of himself].” (PROVERBS 19:3 AMP)
The people of the world are quick to curry favor with the rich and famous while harboring the ulterior motive to get favors and benefits from the friendship.
When a person has no visible benefit to them, they treat him or her like they are insignificant.
We should be treating others with love and respect like how God’s word teaches, and not by whether we can make use of a person.
“Wealth makes many friends, But a poor man is separated from his friend.
Many will seek the favor of a generous and noble man, And everyone is a friend to him who gives gifts. All the brothers of a poor man hate him; How much more do his friends abandon him! He pursues them with words, but they are gone.” (PROVERBS 19:4, 6-7 AMP)
Prioritize receiving God’s wisdom every day - all the blessings of God will pursue you.
Two great ways to keep understanding is to listen to Jesus-centered sermons and meditate on God’s word as you go about your day.
“He who gains wisdom and good sense loves (preserves) his own soul; He who keeps understanding will find good and prosper.” (PROVERBS 19:8 AMP)
Luxury is more suitable for people with wisdom, who God can entrust with more money without them being consumed and destroyed in the process.
If we want an increase in our finances, focus on growing in God’s wisdom first.
He who is faithful with little is also faithful with much.
“Luxury is not fitting for a fool; Much less for a slave to rule over princes.” (PROVERBS 19:10 AMP)
A big-hearted, forgiving person has a glory about him or her.
“Good sense and discretion make a man slow to anger, And it is his honor and glory to overlook a transgression or an offense [without seeking revenge and harboring resentment].” (PROVERBS 19:11 AMP)
It is a terrible thing to be under God’s curse and judgement. Under the Law, because no one can keep the Law, man is always doomed to be cursed.
However it is a wonderful blessing to be under God’s grace.
Believers can enjoy a peaceful, happy life when they live by grace.
Pastor Prince taught before that the devil goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, and one of his tactics is to imitate Jesus (the Lion of Judah) and make us think that God is angry with us.
“The king’s wrath terrifies like the roaring of a lion, But his favor is as [refreshing and nourishing as] dew on the grass.” (PROVERBS 19:12 AMP)
Material wealth is a lower blessing than a God-chosen spouse for you.
Always treasure your spouse.
“House and wealth are the inheritance from fathers, But a wise, understanding, and sensible wife is [a gift and blessing] from the LORD.” (PROVERBS 19:14 AMP)
We should bless people in need out of an overflow of the love and compassion that we have received from God, especially when we spend a lot of time in His word.
However God Himself promises to reward whoever blesses the poor.
“He who is gracious and lends a hand to the poor lends to the LORD, And the LORD will repay him for his good deed.” (PROVERBS 19:17 AMP)
When disciplining your child, especially when caning, don’t do it to vent your own anger.
It should be done out of love, just enough severity to correct the misbehavior so that he or she won’t suffer worse consequences in the future.
Let a person with a bad temper bear the full responsibility and consequences for his or her mistakes, so that he or she will truly learn.
“Discipline and teach your son while there is hope, And do not [indulge your anger or resentment by imposing inappropriate punishment nor] desire his destruction. A man of great anger will bear the penalty [for his quick temper and lack of self-control]; For if you rescue him [and do not let him learn from the consequences of his action], you will only have to rescue him over and over again.” (PROVERBS 19:18-19 AMP)
A teachable person can receive God’s wisdom.
Be willing to admit and learn from mistakes.
“Listen to counsel, receive instruction, and accept correction, That you may be wise in the time to come.” (PROVERBS 19:20 AMP)
Trust the Lord, you don’t have worry about your future. God has it all prepared and planned out for you.
“Many plans are in a man’s mind, But it is the LORD’S purpose for him that will stand (be carried out).” (PROVERBS 19:21 AMP)
Praise and worship is so powerful. It can usher in life, peace and fend off evil.
“The fear of the LORD leads to life, So that one may sleep satisfied, untouched by evil.” (PROVERBS 19:23 AMP)
What are your takeaways from Proverbs 19? Do share them with me as well! 🙂
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*These takeaways are from Milton Goh’s own Bible study. This page is not affiliated with Pastor Joseph Prince or Joseph Prince Ministries in any way.
Stating this to be clear so that no one misquotes me and says that Pastor Joseph Prince taught these things.
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the terrible two get worse 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Why “Don’t Worry About Money, Just Travel” Is the Worst Advice of All Time】
(Sources: Rob@flickr, girllostinthecity.com)
(Time.com, Jul. 1, 2015) —by Chelsea Fagan
I have an internet acquaintance that I’ve been following on social media for a little over two years now, an all-around nice, smart girl who blogs and does odd jobs and has recently decided to go back get a Master’s. In Europe. For a degree that, by all reasonable accounts, is probably not going to lead to a great job. And she knows this, I think, because she talks about it as “an opportunity to learn and expand her mind,” more than any sort of preparation for a future career. Which is fine, but the truth of the matter is that she is able to enjoy such freedom — to be a wanderer of sorts who enjoys travel, study for the sake of study, and long conversations over good dinners — because she comes from a good bit of wealth and, if not subsidized entirely, never has to worry about her safety net. She won that particular bit of genetic lottery, and it’s useless to begrudge her the freedom that fate bestowed on her.
But it is useful — important, even — to begrudge her the attitude that comes with it, one that is all too prevalent amongst young people who do not have to worry about the foundations of their future financial security: This idea that you must travel, as some sort of moral imperative, without worrying about something as trivial as “money.” The girl in question posts superficially inspiring quotes on her lush photos, about dropping everything and running away, or quitting that job you hate to start a new life somewhere new, or soaking up the beauty of the world while you are young and untethered enough to do so. It’s aspirational porn, which serves the dual purpose of tantalizing the viewer with a life they cannot have, while making them feel like some sort of failure for not being able to have it.
It’s a way for the upper classes to pat themselves on the back for being able to do something that, quite literally, anyone with money can buy. Traveling for the sake of travel is not an achievement, nor is it guaranteed to make anyone a more cultured, nuanced person. (Some of the most dreadful, entitled tourists are the same people who can afford to visit three new countries each year.) But someone who has had the extreme privilege (yes, privilege) of getting out there and traveling extensively while young is not any better, wiser, or more worthy than the person who has stayed home to work multiple jobs to get the hope of one day landing a job that the traveler will assume is a given. It is entirely a game of money and access, and acting as though “worrying about money” on the part of the person with less is some sort of trivial hangup only adds profound insult to injury.
I was able to travel, and even though I paid for my life abroad with my own work, it was still a result of a healthy amount of privilege. I was from a middle-class family who I did not need to support or help financially, I knew that I could always slink back to their couch if things didn’t work out, and I had managed to accrue a bit of savings while living at home for the few months before I left. There are millions of people who have none of these things, and even if they wanted to pay for travel on their own, would simply not be able to because of the responsibility or poverty they lived with. For even my modest ability to see the world, I am eternally grateful.
And what’s more, I understand (perhaps even better after having traveled a good amount) that nothing about your ability or inability to travel means anything about you as a person. Some people are simply saddled with more responsibilities and commitments, and less disposable income, whether from birth or not. And someone needing to stay at a job they may not love because they have a family to take care of, or college to pay for, or basic financial independence to achieve, does not mean that they don’t have the same desire to learn and grow as someone who travels. They simply do not have the same options, and are learning and growing in their own way, in the context of the life they have. They are learning what it means to work hard, to delay gratification, and to better yourself in slow, small ways. This may not be a backpacking trip around Eastern Europe, but it would be hard to argue that it builds any less character.
Encouraging that person to “not worry about money,” or to “drop everything and follow their dreams,” demonstrates only a profound misunderstanding about what “worrying” actually means. What the condescending traveler means by “not worrying” is “not making it a priority, or giving it too much weight in your life,” because on some level they imagine you are choosing an extra dollar over an all-important Experience. But the “worrying” that is actually going on is the knowledge that you have no choice but to make money your priority, because if you don’t earn it — or decide to spend thousands of it on a trip to Southeast Asia to find yourself — you could easily be out on the streets. Implying that this is in any way a one-or-the-other choice for millions of Americans is as naive as it is degrading.
Everyone needs to forge their own path to financial independence and freedom. And perhaps you are lucky enough that your path involves a lot of wandering around, taking your time, and trying a bunch of new things — because you know that security will be waiting for you at the end of the rainbow. That’s fine, and there is no need to feel guilt or shame over your privilege, if only because it’s unproductive and helps no one. But to encourage people to follow your very rare path, because you feel it is the only way to spiritual enlightenment or meaning, makes you an asshole. It makes you the person who posts vapid “inspirational” quotes that only apply to a tiny percent of the population who already has all the basics covered. And God forbid anyone who needs the money actually does follow that terrible advice, they won’t be like you, traipsing around South America and trying degrees for fun. They will, after their travels are over, be much worse off than when they started. And no souvenir keychain is going to make that reality sting any less.
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the terrible two get worse 在 Honeyz Facebook 的最佳貼文
AVOID! Here's a list of the 8 Worst Foods for Your Skin and How They're Aging You!
Fried foods aren’t just an issue for fat intake, but they can cause oil buildup in the body. Fried foods are also believed to possibly trap bacteria in the body and on the skin, causing us to break out more.
When we eat a lot of this kind of food, our body experiences an increase of glucose and insulin levels which results in higher incidences of acne.
Switch to whole grain options, instead, because they’re high in antioxidants and are anti-inflammatory.
It is the most aging food that we consume. Sugar damages collagen and elastin - the two things that keep our skin plump and young. Too much of it will make our skin lackluster, and speed up our body’s production of wrinkles.
Unfortunately, studies have also shown that sugar feeds cancer as well. So in general, we all ought to cut back. When it comes to your skin, too much of it in your body weakens your ability to fight bacteria. Long story short, more bacteria = more toxins = worse skin.
Choose natural sugars (like those found in fruit), instead of that candy bar!
Alcohol severely dehydrates us. It affects the skin as the body metabolizes what little water it gets before it has the chance to reach our skin. Alcohol can also cause vasodilatation, which aggravates rosacea, and make our skin look dull.
Similar to alcohol, caffeine also severely dehydrates us. Not only does that dry out the skin, but caffeine increases our production of cortisol. More cortisol than necessary accelerates the aging process, hence thinning your skin.
In general, processed foods are bad for our health as well as the skin. The further grains get from their original state, the less they retain their natural goodness. Processed foods are often loaded with sodium and sugar, also, which we know we don’t need more of!
Artificial colors and sweeteners are essentially science experiments that we’re putting into our body! They have no nutritional value, and can irritate our body, especially if we’re sensitive or have allergies.
These artificial products often create inflammation and histamine reactions, and what’s worse, our body tends to store these chemicals in our tissues. It wasn’t made in nature, so our body has no chance of recognizing it.
(8) SALT
Salt, especially iodized (processed with iodine) is terrible for our skin. It causes the tissues to swell, making us look puffy and even a little unhealthy. It can aggravate acne, so it's important to reduce salt intake. Most of the salt we consume doesn't come from a shaker, so check the labels before buying packaged foods and snacks.
credits: www.stylelist.com/view/the-worst-foods-for-your-skin/…