My skin is quite sensitive and often suffer from allergies. I recently went to @theclinichk to try their SOS Hydration Facial. The treatment is a luxurious facial that helps brighten, firm skin and assist daily hydration which uses natural ingredients and signature massage to strengthen the results.
My skin had also just recovered from allergies and was drier than usual, I also added the Bio Cellulose Masks; put on right away for the booster effect The masks are anti-aging, hydrating, soothing, and strengthening - good for standalone at-home beauty, or right after in-salon beauty treatments. This was a very enjoyable session for me ☺️
#theCLINIChk #YourEyesandSkinExpert #theCLINICcircle #醫薈 #眼肌美學 #SOSHydration #skincare #facialtreatment #beautyblog
theclinichk 在 Zynthesishk Facebook 的最佳解答
Thank you @theclinichk for taking care of my skin, love the col-lift facial, aka the new HIFU I recently did before my Paris trip. Painless and helped stimulate collagen growth makes my skin look tightened, and dewy✨😉 #theclinichk #Collift膠原緊膚線 #facialtreatment #醫薈#youreyesandskinexpert
theclinichk 在 素顏天使 PLAINFACE ANGEL Facebook 的最佳解答
#博客更新 | 【名模女星們的小顏秘密】銅鑼灣高級醫學美容中心 the CLINIC,HIFU 小臉一年仍然有效!(附 獨家讀者優惠)
睇全文 ▶️
我諗除非見到我真人,否則唔會睇得出我舊年肥咗成40磅.........連名模Cara G.、Angie Ng、女星吳沚默都光顧嘅高級醫學美容中心 theClinicHK,我就喺佢度做咗HIFU!做完一整年塊面仲係 keep 住細㗎!
🎉用我嘅推廣碼 Promo Code「PATRICIA10」仲有首次試做九折優惠!
#醫薈 #theclinichk #youreyesandskinexpert #thecliniccircle
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