我們在這裡聚會 http://www.revivalyouth.net/
Since its official establishment in 1998, Joshua Band has ministered to hundreds of thousands of people as they received God's anointing through worshiping His presence.
“Transforming nations through pop gospel music infused with Kingdom Culture themes” has been the unchanging core vision of the band.
Since the founding of the band, it has released 18 praise and worship albums, averaging more than 10,000 copies sold per album. Each year, concert tours are held across Taiwan; and in recent years, the band has been invited overseas to serve in major cities (Los Angeles, Texas, Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia, among others).
In 2012, Joshua Band collaborated internationally with Gateway Worship in Texas, USA, releasing albums “The Lord Reigns” and “God Be Praised,” marking a milestone in cross-cultural unity in praise and worship.
Worship Sound for the Next Generation
Asia for JESUS!