🇭🇰 香港 Hong Kong
尖沙咀│一盅兩件。素食點心 (eng below)
嘩嘩嘩!超久沒有去港式「飲茶」了!其實小時候不太愛「飲茶」,素食後就光明正大地不用去,本來是挺開心的 🤣 後來太久沒去,居然還有點懷念,畢竟這是我們香港的本土文化啊 😎
最近這家【緻素坊 Veggie Kingdom】超級紅,很多素友都非常推薦!說到我的最愛一定是「叉燒包」!這個叉燒包跟傳統的有些許不一樣,包子外層有點像「菠蘿油」的酥皮 ,悄悄告訴你,我以前最討厭吃叉燒包 😅 現在居然那麼喜歡,連我自己也不敢相信 😆
還有一向喜愛的「燒賣」,素食版的燒賣感覺更真材實料,我可以一個人吃3籠 ✌️ 還有「腸粉」也是必點,超推薦「靈芝菇素腸」😋
第一次去的時候超興奮,與其他3位美女點了超多點心,感覺把整個點心紙的食物都點了一遍 😂 第二次去是跟家人,大家都意外地覺得好吃 😇
PS 記得記得要訂位喔 😉
Tsim Sha Tsui│Vegan Dim Sum
It's been a long time since I went to Hong Kong-style "Dim Sum House"! In fact, I didn’t really like "Dim Sum House" when I was young. I was happy that I don't have to go after my switch. But sometimes will miss it because it is our local culture in Hong Kong 😎
Recently this [Veggie Kingdom] is super popular, and many vegans highly recommend it! Speaking of my favorite, it must be "BBQ Pork Buns - Cha Siu Bao"! This Cha Siu Bao is a little different from the traditional one. The outer layer of the bun is a bit like "pineapple bun". Let me tell you secretly, I used to hate the Cha Siu Bao the most. Now I actually like it so much, I can't believe it myself 😆
There is also the "Pork Dumplings - Siu Mai" that has always been my favorite. It feels like the vegan version of Siu Mai has more real ingredients. I can have 3 cages by myself. ✌️ There is also "Rice Noodle Rolls" which is also a must try. I highly recommend the "Ganoderma Lucidum Mushroom" flavor 😋
I was so excited when I went there for the first time. I ordered a lot of dim sum with 3 other beauties. We felt like we ordered the whole dim sum paper food. The second time I went with my family, everyone unexpectedly found it delicious 😇
PS Remember to make a reservation 😉
📍 尖沙咀廣東道100號彩星集團中心7樓
7/F, VIP Commercial Centre, 116-120 Canton Road TST, HK
⏳ Mon-Sun: 11:00 - 15:30;18:00 - 22:00
#veganexpression #veganhk #dimsum #vegandimsun ##dımsumhouse #hongkongstyle #veganfood #charsiubao ##siumaï #veganlife #foodiehk
同時也有1783部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8,110的網紅Hokkori ouchi-gohan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Ground pork with Tomatoes./Soboro/Soy sauce./Tomato with Minced Pork.【英語吹き替え版/Dubbed in English.】 ✅日本語版はこちら(Original ver.↓) https://youtu.be/eZipGW...
「time in hong kong」的推薦目錄:
time in hong kong 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【 拉闊音樂會風火雷電 】
是五年半前的事!時為2016年2月,超級天后Madonna來港開騷(《Madonna Rebel Heart Tour ─ Hong Kong》),事前完全搶不到飛,就在開場前的數小時,突然收到大學師兄的短訊,說送我一張入場券。OMG!怎會估到這種幸運的事會降臨在自己身上?結果有幸見證來自阿美利堅的超水準演唱會製作,還有幸親耳聽到偶像開金口唱超經典作品《Take A Bow》,由開場到散場,「沾沾」指數前所未見,難免會在社交平台「騷相」曬命。
忍不住想炫耀,因為夠晒有型,這一點正好建基於物以罕為貴,加上地理位置和會場面積,兩者結合,散發出紅館也無法營造得到的隆重感覺,畢竟「無雷公咁遠走入赤鱲角亞博館睇騷」這一點足已喚醒大腦意識 ── 喂,唔該,今晚睇騷唔好迤(Hea)住去,緊記盡情尖叫,別忘大力拍手!等足五年半,今夜(27/9)因為有幸親身入場觀看由商業電台主辦的《拉闊音樂會風火雷電:林家謙 ╳ 姜濤 ╳ 柳應廷 ╳ TYSON YOSHI》,終於有機會重拾這種興奮的趁墟感覺。
能夠雲集當今本地樂壇四位最炙手可熱、最人氣爆燈的名字同台獻唱,加上不設公開售票,一票難求的程度高達1000%,令這場騷成為2021年下半年最矚目兼最具話題的演唱會(看看fb和IG有多少朋友瘋狂洗板便知此話不假),亦令歌迷的期望更高 ── 到底四子會在台上唱些甚麼?會不會有破格或驚喜演出?先講後者,日日操肌的Tyson Yoshi在開騷不久已決定除衫再連唱幾首廣東歌(首推與林家謙合唱《特倫斯夢遊仙境》,爆!林家謙竟然選擇翻唱米津玄師的《感電》還要跟Dancers一起跳舞,癲!柳應廷(Jer)開騷前雖突然患氣管敏感,但演繹《砂之器》和《狂人日記》時仍能唱出水準,勁!姜濤連唱七首歌,唱住跳,跳完再唱慢歌,聽得到唱功有明顯進步,站在舞台中央散發有如王者降臨的台型,星味濃,有魅力,堅!
選曲也見心思,四子合唱《留下來的人》,扣連社會時局之餘,也似是間接為原唱C AllStar經理人阿拔早前爆出的「MIRROR係全職廣告從業員」事件破冰,此其一。「阿Jer」以歌曲言志,鼓勵港人,有夠感動,此其二。姜濤翻唱多首自己兄弟的派台歌,以及《全民造星》主題曲《前傳》,甚有總結過去三年由參賽至出道到今次為《拉闊音樂會》站台的意味,此其三。只是,或許跟籌備時間所限有關,歌曲編排上略為鬆散,有佳章無佳篇,似乎未能真正帶出「風火雷電」的主題,而姜濤跳唱完之後突然「索晒氣」唱悼念摯友的《Dear My Friend,》也夠奇怪。但整體而言,今次《拉闊音樂會》絕對聲色兼備,做到娛樂大家,現場氣氛實在一流,觀眾由入場開心到散場,五花八門的應援功勞很大。
走出博覽館站不久,已見到多款氣球裝飾、肖像易拉架在演唱會場外的橙黃色牆對出,一字排開展示人前,粉絲需要排隊輪候拍照,人頭湧湧,當中最值得講的,是林家謙粉絲為偶像特製的琴鍵氣球裝飾,心諗原來咁樣都有得砌出來,實在厲害。走入會場,就變成了燈牌、發光棒和橫幅的「天下」,尤其是一眾「姜糖」最常用的「姜」字燈牌,當姜濤獻唱時,過百忠粉立即在觀眾席上高舉燈牌,光芒甚至能夠反射到舞台上,有夠氣勢;另邊廂,亦瞥見一些橙色燈牌和發光棒,由於是橙色光,在一片白光之下更覺搶眼,有趣的是,只要細心留意就發現這批燈牌不只姜濤一人,連帶阿Jer、Tyson Yoshi和家謙也有份,細問之下才知道是物流公司「Lalamove」為今次「拉闊」而特別製作的粉絲應援物,四款(謙、姜、Jer、Tyson)總數約一千套,於開場前在會場外派發,唔使問阿貴,當然話咁快派晒,名副其實:送嘢拿拿聲。
【 足本歌單 】
Part 1:Opening
(3)《Stressed Out》(Tyson Yoshi)
Part 2:Tyson Yoshi
(7)《In My Dream》
(8)《Stressed Out》
(9)《I Don't Give A, Pt. 2》(Tyson Yoshi+姜濤)
(10)《特倫斯夢遊仙境》(Tyson Yoshi+林家謙)
Part 3:林家謙
(14)《Somewhere In Time》(《時光倒流七十年》)+《時光倒流一句話》
Part 4:風火雷電
(16)《留下來的人》(原唱:C AllStar)(柳應廷+林家謙+Tyson Yoshi+姜濤)
Part 5:柳應廷
(18)《等等》(原唱:Supper Moment)
(19)《Let Us Go Then You And I》(原唱:Serrini)
Part 6:Tyson Yoshi
(22)《Growing Up》
Part 7:姜濤
(24)《Master Class》
(25)《特登》(原唱:Anson Kong)
(29)《Dear My Friend,》
Part 8:風火雷電
(31)《蒙著嘴說愛你》(原唱:姜濤)(林家謙+Tyson Yoshi+姜濤+柳應廷)
(32)《未知道》 (原唱:陳健安)(林家謙+Tyson Yoshi+姜濤+柳應廷)
(33)《致明日的舞》(原唱:陳奕迅)(林家謙+Tyson Yoshi+姜濤+柳應廷)
#游大東 #游大東影視筆記 #拉闊音樂會風火雷電 #拉闊音樂會 #林家謙 #姜濤 #柳應廷 #tysonyoshi #商業電台 #亞洲國際博覽館 #蒙著嘴說愛你 姜濤 Keung To 姜濤 Fanpage 林家謙 Terence Lam 柳應廷 Jer Lau Jer Lau 柳應廷 Fans Club TysonYoshi
time in hong kong 在 Mr.Giraffe キリン先生 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【Mr.Giraffe Delivery 2021 TTF限定】
這次設計與以往的脫力感覺截然不同,特別加入速遞員的概念,結合街頭丶工作丶城市等元素。重新探索城市人的生活態度。設計師說道「疫情之下,大家也體驗了脫力的感覺,所以這次讓Mr.Giraffe 穿上背包丶帶上耳機丶踏上滑板,希望重新打造一隻充滿活力的Mr.Giraffe」。
另外這次Mr.Giraffe Delivery的包裝亦會以速遞箱的概念,箱子內除了有arttoy本體,還有三款不同的單品,隨機附送一款,增加驚喜感覺。「速遞包」將於9月25號Mr.Giraffe社交媒體公開發售,有興趣的讀者可以密切留意!
1) 分享ig的帖子,截圖上載
2) 填妥google表格
3) 一星期後陸續寄出
-HK1000 / TW$3565 / CN$835
* 每人限購1隻
* 所有產品一星期後陸續由香港寄出順豐到付
* 不會有確定電郵,只要成功付款就可以
* 產品都是限量,購買數量滿額後,網頁會隨之停止
【Mr.Giraffe Delivery 2021TTF限定】
It has a completely different feel from the previous Off Force Series, this time the design has been specially added to the concept of courier. By combining elements such as the main street and the main city, we hope to rediscover the life attitude of urban people. The designer said, "The epidemic has made us experience the feeling of combat power, so we let Mr. Giraffe put on a backpack, put on headphones and step on a skateboard to recreate a vibrant Mr. Giraffe."
In addition, the packaging of this product will also adopt the concept of express box. In the box, you will receive the Art Toy body and three different items. We will also randomly include another one-hope to add surprises to you. Mr.Giraffe’s social media will also release the "Express Package" on September 25th. If you are interested, you can pay close attention!
How to buy:
1) Share ig's post, upload the picture
2) Fill out the google form
3) We will send it out after one week
Product Information:
-HK1000 / TW$3565 / CN$835
-Randomly included 1 single item (3 items in total)
* Limit 1 per person
* All products will be shipped from Hong Kong one week later (SF Delivery)
* There will be no confirmation email, just successful payment.
* All products are limited edition, the website will be stopped when the quantity is full
——link in bro———
time in hong kong 在 Hokkori ouchi-gohan Youtube 的最佳解答
Ground pork with Tomatoes./Soboro/Soy sauce./Tomato with Minced Pork.【英語吹き替え版/Dubbed in English.】
✅日本語版はこちら(Original ver.↓)
Hello, this is Misuzu.
Today, I will introduce a refreshing tomato menu to overcome summer.
Stir-fry ground pork and tomato and boil them with soy sauce.
☆Here is my recipe blog.
【Related videos.】
Ground Pork in Tomato Sauce
Hong Kong Recipe : Stewed Tomato with Minced Pork
Ground Pork with Tomato Sauce Recipe
★TikTok @misumisu0722
★Instagram @misumisu0722
★Twitter @misumisu0722
𖧷Nutritional value calculation is quoted from Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan 2021.
BGM:Music-Note.jp(have a good time)
#tomato #GroundPork #MincedPork
time in hong kong 在 J Lou Youtube 的精選貼文
Dan's new channel ➭ https://bit.ly/3gOlKNZ
This is episode 1 of trying 'exotic' fruits that are actually not exotic. Not all fruits are local, some are fruits we've never tried, or embarrassingly don't know of. Forgive us. 不敢相信蛋咁樣侮辱荔枝?
My Instagram ➭ @jlouofficial
Join the ricefam! Subscribe & turn on the bell! ➭ http://bit.ly/2CyRmAv
?SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/2CyRmAv
?Instagram: http://instagram.com/jlouofficial
?Facebook: http://facebook.com/JLouOfficial/
►White Boyfriend Tries CHINESE MEDICINE!! 外籍男友飲涼茶叫救命!
►How My Parents Flirt In Their Second Language ? (Q&A!) | 爸爸媽媽用手語溝通30年?!: https://youtu.be/I_NVaZCYi20
►Boyfriend Butchers The Cantonese Language ? (Part 2) | 外籍男友講廣東話有冇人明?
Check out:
►Dan's IG: https://instagram.com/danbarwell
►Sum Sum's IG: https://instagram.com/sumsumthepup
Love you guys, thanks for being here! Let's get #ricefam to 400K subscribers!!
time in hong kong 在 ClumsyCynthia 黃可樂 Youtube 的最佳解答
Get Surfshark VPN at https://surfshark.deals/clumsy
輸入我的promo code CLUMSY 就可以有 83% off + 3 extra months for free :)
我去上咖啡課的地方:My Little Coffee (紅磡店) https://www.instagram.com/mylittlecoffee_hh/
▼ You can also find me here!
» Instagram: https://bit.ly/2QRx52C
» Drawing Instagram: https://bit.ly/2xrpUY2
» Facebook: https://bit.ly/3bv7tQQ
» Second channel: https://bit.ly/2QPFNyj
» My Podcast: "Oh fudge!" https://linktr.ee/clumsycynthia
✂ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
▼ 你可能會想知道... | You Might Be Curious…
» 咖啡機:Delonghi EC685.BK (自SOGO購入)
» 果汁機:Vitantonio (自HKTVMall購入)
» 睡衣:Uniqlo or Juuneedu http://juuneedu.com/ / 韓國代購 gn_korea or puc_korea
» 婚姻平權banner:from 禁獵女巫 on Pinkoi - https://bit.ly/353Ns3W
▼ What I use 拍攝相關
» 相機: Canon M50 or GoPro Hero 8
» 剪輯軟體: Final Cut Pro X
» 付費音樂網站: Artlist - http://bit.ly/2ky4ked (this is an affiliated link, 大家可以多獲得2個月的訂閱!)
» LOGO設計:writehanded2.0 - https://bit.ly/2wLIObQ
» Music used:
the-world-inside by rodellos-machine )Artlist)
anyway by kyle-cox (Artlist)
joy-ride by aves (Artlist)
set-in-stone by anthony-lazaro (Artlist)
Music by clay house - if you never try, you'll never know - https://thmatc.co/?l=498D0CD7
memory-street by bob-hart (Artlist)
B JYUN - BREEZE - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XvzloNY2mk
Reneé Dominique - It's Been A Long Long Time (cover) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bs6BLyTO4d8
Music by Jennifer Chung - Until Your Heart Breaks - https://thmatc.co/?l=0FB681BA
Music by Oscar Louis - Noodle - https://thmatc.co/?l=A3ED02DD
Music by Kelsey Kuan - Sunny Days - https://thmatc.co/?l=3CD73A42
Music by VALNTN - Mona Lisa (Acoustic Version) - https://thmatc.co/?l=29AFB47B
Music by Chinsaku - Blossom - https://thmatc.co/?l=6835D14
Music by Carter Vail - Melatonin - https://thmatc.co/?l=E58F3AB2
Music by HiGi - Lonely & Lazy - https://thmatc.co/?l=EFFBCA06
▼ Disclaimer:
**This video is sponsored by Surfshark VPN
✂ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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