試下啦!聖三一 Gese Grade 1 模擬考試~
Click here to play the video: https://youtu.be/uHF3EOgUJDY
聖三一口語模擬考試 - Trinity GESE Grade 1 MOCK EXAM
2015年7月份GESE考試現正接受報名﹐。截止日期為5月15日﹐考試日期以先到先得形式安排﹐如欲報名﹐請填好表格後儘快交回 PolyEd。
如果已經報咗,快啲同 EDWIN 哥哥做過online模擬考試!
Trinity's GESE exams provide an accurate and reliable assessment of a student's ability to communicate face-to-face in English. They focus on building motivation and confidence in using English and the 12 grades enable students to chart their progress from beginner to proficiency.